Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 255 Bagte

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Although because of the power level, Hugo can only wait for these two dragons to be in place. But every week of a dragon scales also makes them feel satisfied.

Because after getting a ring, Hugo found that there is a strong unacceptable magic in the ring, and can be called out to be used as a variety of purposes.

According to an indomitable, these materials are said to be items, but it is better to say that some power is an elephant, which is a very rare and precious item.

"This thing you can take the study first." After you know the specific situation of this bracelet, Hugo faded from the wrist. "I usually have Venus, I can't use this for the time being."

After processing the bracelet, the next is the problem for this spatial processing. Fortunately, there are many things in the ship who are good at underground bungers, so it is not a matter of trouble.

According to the plays' plans, they will repair a hidden bunker here and then re-repair the tunnel.

"If there is no problem, you can get this project in a week." The two sides said that he said, "Right, when we come, let them try to bring you a word, say your next time. When Göman is, you must go to their store. "

"Be sure, next time." Hugo nodded. "Right, how do you feel after the snow is here? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"No, she is very good here with everyone." Refreshing said, "and after she came, the new Japanese cuisine in the hotel was welcomed by everyone."

When returning to the castle, Ravenk's Quei Team has also complement new players. According to Davis's statement, these team members are at least in terms of will.

"Saying, when you spend a spending, you can make a move in accordance with the command, and they do have a good training value." At dinner, the whole process helped the selected Venus.

"Unfortunately, Davis is still a reconciliation, as long as the opponent does not use fouls, I can only be used as a substitute in the game."

This is also very simple, last year Sletrin hit the Ra Wenke, the Venus, the Venus, was played. As a result, I took a 10-minute walk down to 6 of the 10 players in Sletlin.

Naturally, Sritrin, which is uniform in that game, is finally defeated by 30:270. From the few teams and Ravencra, various fouls will be less than that, and if you are afraid, you will not carefully let the Venus play.

Rawko itself is not like granifen, so as long as they agree as long as they don't take the initiative to play dirty, Venus will always be substitute, will not play.

Of course, this is not a bad thing. Because of other players who have trained three times in cold precipitation weather than one week, Venus only needs to train their own training in two days.

"This is the consistent decision of everyone." Venus began to worry that this training method would make other teammates unhappy, but after the question, Davis gave an unexpected answer.

"Your existence can indeed improve your level, but everyone feels that you participate in training in a week," Davis is somewhat helplessly looking at Venio. "Otherwise, everyone will suffer from the upstream walking phobia."

One afternoon, the Venus, who has completed his training task, left the court after the players released the eyes of the eyes. She carefully cleans up the clean fruit, and what people see people around the public lounge

. "When I went to Hogmad, I came to the side of the crowd in Venus, and the rains were squeezed from the crowd, and then poked at the bulletin board," At the end of October. Halloween. "

"Listen is very good." Wei Nioti nodded, "We just can go to the counterattack, and then buy a free big meal, then buy some interesting things."

After discussing the Arrangement of Hoge Madmad, Hugo and Veno are ready to go to the library and have a budget that has been in Hermion that has been there. But when they walked halfway, I saw the Pipi ghosts flew over the corridor.

"Haha, two small books, little stupid -" Looking at the rage and Venus, the Pipi sings the toes twisted. Hugo does not want to care about him, but the Pipi is not planning them.

"Look at the Pipi ghost to give you a gift." I found that rugo didn't care, I felt that I was angry with the skinny Pipi, and then took a box in the hand and lost it in front of them. Rice place. Then fly away.

"Is this what meant?" Hugo looked at the box that was not far away. But at this time, the box suddenly swayed and kept in the ground.

"Let me see what this is?" I know that there will be no dangerous items in the school, and then release a latching in the box.

The box is flipped up, and then the body of Hugo has taken it out of the box, and in a strange posture, a blood is flowing down from the face to the ground.

"Bogt!" Hugo immediately understood something in this box, and then took out the wand. As a result, as a burst, the body of Hugo turned into virtue.

However, it is different from the Venood around, this Veno's eyes are very tits, while wearing a black robes with purple pattern.

"Deep Sea Veno -" Seeing the first eye of this thing, Hugo realized what this is, and therefore understood the fear of the heart. "I am also afraid of death."

After aware of this, Bogac is naturally useless. So Hugo pointed to Bigne with a wand: "Funny funny" noise, like waving the whip.

The deep sea dimension is slippery, and the texture on the body has become a color sheet of paper, and keep it down. She can only try to pick up the line with her hand.

Seeing this scene, the hook of the horn mouth is tall. When you are ready to use the laughter to give this Bogt finally, a buzz suddenly came from behind.

"Professor Lu Ping, what is the matter?" After turning the head, Hugo saw Lu Ping, who walked in a shabby robes, ran over from the other end of the corridor.

"You don't kill this Bogete." Lu Ping breathed, "the last time Glahfen is in class, the Bogie is destroyed, so I need a new Bo. Gete is doing teaching aid. "

"Just I listened to Fairchi, I took the cabinet with Borg Tibet, so I took it up all the way. The result didn't expect you to solve the problem so soon."

"Then, this Bogch is given to you," Professor. "Hugo listened to Lu Ping, immediately letting a body gave Lu Ping, then pulled Venus.

When they were waiting for them to go to the stairs, they were ready to go to the floor, and saw that Boger became a silver white sphere hanging in the air, and was suppressed back to the repair box by Lu Ping. in.

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