You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Our first class this morning was a transformation class." Hermione turned to Hugo after taking a sip of milk-foamed cereal."I heard from my senior sister before that Professor McGonagall is a very serious professor, and I hope her courses will not be too difficult to learn."

"At least the first grade courses should not be too difficult." Hugo thought for a while and said, "because even those students from wizarding families never learned any magic before entering school. All of our learning starts from scratch. So it will not be too difficult at the beginning."

"What you said makes sense." Hermione nodded and ate breakfast quietly.After eating, they followed at least 13 first-year Ravenclaw students and brought their books to an empty classroom near the transformation classroom.

Next is the time for the Kitty self-study. Everyone turned out the textbooks of the subjects they were going to study today. The whole classroom was quiet, except for the occasional coughing. smell.

I have to say that, compared with the group of Gryffindors who can’t sit still, Ravenclaw, who likes to stay quietly and read books, can be said to be the opposite of them. No wonder Hermione appears in the original So incompatible with the others in the college.So Hermione is also a very good choice for Ravenclaw.

After a while after the last class of the deformation class, the first-year students who were studying in this classroom gradually packed their things and walked to the deformation class classroom next door.But because Hermione hadn't finished reading a knowledge point, when Hugo and the others entered the classroom, there were only four or five minutes left before class.

"I'm sorry for the delay." As she walked into the classroom, Hermione apologized to Veneto and Hugo. By this time, most of the classmates in the classroom had already arrived, but some of them were joking and some were reading. No one paid attention to the tabby cat sitting motionless on the podium.

After seeing the cat, Hugo walked to the edge of the podium and bowed to the cat, then took Hermione to an empty seat, and Veneto walked to another empty seat. Sit down.

"What were you doing just now?" After sitting down, Hermione asked Hugo curiously."Why do you bow to that cat? Could it be that the cat—"

Having said that, Hermione, who was very smart, also discovered that something might be wrong.So she closed her mouth and thought silently, and soon she turned her head to look at Hugo and asked."When I read the textbook of Transfiguration before, I found it said that wizards have a transformation called Animagus that can turn them into animals. Could it be that cat—"

"You're right." Hugo nodded, then explained."If I'm not mistaken, this cat should be Professor McGonagall. When I was reading yesterday, I saw that the book said that there were only seven legal Animagus registered in the entire 20th century, and our Professor McGonagall is One of them. If you pay attention, you can see that the pattern on the tabby cat’s face is the same as the glasses she wears."

After learning that the cat was Professor McGonagall, Hermione shook her head a little annoyed, then opened the textbook and looked at the textbook that she was going to learn for a while.She thinks that Professor McGonagall’s becoming the podium of the cat station is actually a test for the students, and she has not passed the test just now.So she made up her mind to never drop the chain again after the class started for a while.

The students in the transformation class with Ravenclaw students are Hufflepuff students, and most of the little badgers are good babies, unlike some colleges that like to make trouble.Therefore, during the period before the class bell rang, although there were some noisy sounds in the classroom, the overall order was still relatively orderly.Dodoxs novel

The class bell just rang, and the tabby cat on the podium jumped off the table, and while jumping off it turned into a tall, serious woman.

"Mr. Granger, I am glad to see you recognize me. For your excellent observation skills and careful preparation before class, I want to give Ravenclaw five points." Professor McGonagall looked towards Hugo nodded in the direction and said.As a serious professor, Professor McGonagall admires students who work hard like Hugo.

But after praising Hugo, Professor McGonagall returned to her previous seriousness. She turned and walked onto the podium. Then she lowered her head and said to all the students in the classroom: "Transfiguration is your course at Hogwarts. The most complicated and dangerous spell in the world." She said, "Anyone who wants to be naughty in my class, I will ask him out and never allow him to come in again. I warned you."

Then she turned her desk into a pig, and then changed it back.The students were all attracted and wanted to start learning right away, but they soon understood that it would take a long time to turn furniture into animals.After they jotted down a lot of complicated and difficult notes, she gave each of them a match and began to let them try to become a needle.

Professor McGonagall is indeed a wizard who has made great achievements in transfiguration. Let’s not say that she can complete Animagus’s top-notch magic in transfiguration. Just turning the table into a pig is already very important. incredible.You know, pigs are the most insulating animal to magic, and turning things into pigs is definitely the most difficult kind of animal transformation.

After sighing about Professor McGonagall's magic level, Hugo began to try to turn the match in front of him into a needle.With the addition of the admiral's network soul link, he completed this transformation before the pure-blood student of his sister Ravenclaw.

"Very good, Mr. Granger." Professor McGonagall picked up the needle and looked at it. The needle was accurately transformed into a pointed needle and a hole in the needle tail. For a beginner, it can be regarded as Well done."As the first student to complete the transformation, I will give Ravenclaw another three points."

When the get out of class was over, only five people in the entire classroom had completed this transformation.And two of them included Hermione and Veneto.Professor McGonagall was naturally not very satisfied with the progress of most people, so he arranged a paper that was not very long and asked everyone to hand it in during the next class.

"How did you do it?" After class, Hugo's roommate Michael Kona came over and asked curiously."Why can I only turn a wooden match into an iron match, but not a needle."

"That's because you did not maintain a balance between material deformation and shape deformation in your will." After listening to what his roommate asked, Aolence pointed out his problem at once. This problem was in the summer vacation before Hugo. I encountered it when experimenting with various magics, so it was easy to solve.

As Professor McGonagall said in the class just now, magic is definitely not smoothly released by waving a wand and chanting spells. It contains a series of profound principles.

The problem that Kona encountered was also the most common one, and it was easy to solve, as long as he maintained his will when casting the spell.Kona quickly showed a clear expression after Hugo pointed out the problem.

"I understand, thank you." He said after closing the notebook, "Let's go to dinner, I hope the good dishes are still waiting for us at this time."

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