You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Backup plan--" After hearing Veneto's words, Hugo showed a look of shock on his face, and then asked through the Admiral's network at a very fast speed."I always thought your backup plan was just a joke."

"We never joke about plans for battle," Veneto said."Why are you surprised by this plan? It's just climbing to an unmanned tower on the Quidditch Stadium and shooting Professor Quirrell's head with a rifle. Use a belt for a distance of two to three hundred meters It is not difficult for me to hit a fixed target with a rifle with a scope."

"Of course I know this is not too difficult for you, and the Carcano rifle can blow the head of the American leader and naturally hit Quirrell's head." Hugo said helplessly, "but the core It is because of the direct sniping and killing on the field that the movement is too great, and a bullet will definitely not kill the noseless guy who is attached to him."

In fact, Hugo was a little moved when he first heard about this backup plan.After all, shooting Voldemort's head with a rifle will definitely earn a lot of fate points.But after thinking about this exposure, it is possible to completely expose myself to the eyes of others and completely affect my future destiny points. I gave up this idea.

"I see, now the backup plan is cancelled." After hearing what Hugo said, Veneto nodded, and then looked at him to make sure.This is particularly good about the ship mother, that is, once receiving a formal order, she will definitely execute it directly.There will never be a move like that of the Showa staff.

"So you are here!" Just after Hugo and Veneto used the admiral's network to communicate quickly, a huge figure moved from the side, even blocking the sun.Upon seeing this, Hugo raised his head and saw a big fluffy face facing him.

"Hagrid, did you come to watch the game?" Hermione asked enthusiastically. She had just seen Hagrid coming from Gryffindor. It is likely that she came to say hello after seeing their acquaintances. .

"I just watched it in my cabin," Hagrid said, tapping the big telescope around his neck, "but it's not the same atmosphere as watching a game in a crowd. The snitch is still missing, is it?"

"There is indeed no Golden Snitch found." Hugo said after taking a glance at the situation on the field. "Look, the Seekers of both teams are flying at the top of the court and slowly turning around, knowing that they have nothing at all now. I didn't find it."

The next game proceeded step by step, and the scores of both sides rose staggered.Nearly 20 minutes after the start of the game, Harry swooped down from the air, as if seeing his goal.

At the same time, Slytherin Seeker Terence Higgins swooped down and flew side by side with Harry.The other players on the court seemed stunned at this time.One by one hovered in the air, watching.

"Asshole, how dare they!" Hagrid suddenly roared, and at the same time, the Gryffindor audience shouted "foul".Because at this time Marcus Flint deliberately ran into Harry to prevent him from catching the Golden Snitch, and almost knocked Harry off with such a big action.

Fortunately, although Harry participated in the competition for the first time, his talent and previous hard practice made him quite good at flying, so he held the broom tightly and was not thrown off.But in this way, the Golden Snitch who was still in front of me just now disappeared without a trace.

Madam Hooch blamed Flint angrily, and then ordered the Gryffindor team to take a free kick at the goal post.After seeing this scene, Hugo immediately notified Firefly through the admiral network that he was ready to act.Read the book

"I'm going to the next bathroom. You guys are here to help me up for a while." The firefly who was waving a banner standing among a group of Gryffindor freshmen chanting slogans immediately addressed the two roommates next to him after receiving the notice. After confessing, he then handed the banner in their hands to them and hurriedly walked along the aisle in front of the seat in the direction of the exit.

But this is just a blinding method. After entering the space inside the stand and discovering that there are no people around, the fireflies quickly jumped onto the shelves around the aisle, and then moved quickly with their hands and feet to the high platform where the faculty and staff were located, like a spirit ape. Past.

"How is the situation now?" After arriving a dozen meters below the high platform, Firefly immediately asked Hugo through the admiral network.Because she couldn't see the outside situation at all here, according to the plan, her actions at this time will all rely on Hugo's command.

"Harry's broomstick has begun to get out of control." Hugo's voice came from the admiral's network. "But now everyone hasn't noticed Harry's anomaly. I think if you want to get Destiny Points, you may need to do this again. Bigger."

Let Harry hang in the sky for a while not because Hugo suddenly became decisive, but because this crisis seemed dangerous, but it was impossible to cause serious harm to Harry in any case. If so, Hugo Naturally, I won't let go of this good opportunity to brush fate points.

After all, now Voldemort can’t directly use magic to attack Harry because of the magic of Harry and his mother back then, and after being possessed by Quirrell, he became a lot slower because of the incompatibility of his brain, so this time he came up with interference. Lee's broom made him fall off a bad idea.

Let’s not talk about how easy it is to expose your identity by cursing so directly. Just considering that most of the professors in the school are sitting on the viewing platform, you know that even if Harry falls directly from the sky, these professors can easily save Harry Come down to make Voldemort's attack useless.

But in any case, Voldemort still used this trick that was inferior to Hugo's eyes, allowing Harry to experience the feeling of being between life and death.He felt that his broomstick was like a mad cow and wanted to throw himself from the sky.

Fortunately, as the latest broom launched by Hikari, Hikari 2000 comes with strong black magic resistance.In addition, Snape, who had been staring at Harry from the beginning of the game, immediately chanted a protective spell.This kept Harry from falling from the sky immediately.

But because his broom twitched and twisted wildly all the way up.It quickly surpassed everyone on the field.So at this time, the people in the stands also began to notice that something was wrong, and pointed their fingers at Harry and exclaimed.

At this time, other people on the field also made their own preparations accordingly.For example, the Weasley twins wanted to take Harry to their broomstick, but whenever they approached him, the flying broomstick jumped higher.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Marcus Flynn grabbed the ghost fly ball and rushed towards the back-defense Gryffindor at halftime.

"It's now-do it!" Hugo, who stood up with the others, immediately issued orders to the Firefly through the Admiral Network when he found that almost everyone on the field was focusing on Harry.

"Understood!" Firefly replied cleanly.

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