Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 71-The Su Family's Harvest

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On this day, Harry and Ron went back blankly.They originally thought that asking Hugo, the smart person in their eyes, would solve the problems they are facing, but they didn't expect that Hugo's answer to them made them feel more dizzy.

After all, without the brains of the trio in the original text of Hermione, Harry and the others can only rely on intuition to act.But sometimes intuition does not allow them to find the right direction, such as this is the case now.

On the one hand, out of their distrust of Snape and the suspicious behaviors Snape had done recently, they firmly believed that the black hand behind the scenes was Snape, and believed that he was now planning a conspiracy to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

On the other hand, Hugo's answer made them both realize.No matter how unreliable Snape was, after all, he spent about ten years under Dumbledore's nose.According to Harry and the others, it is impossible for a bad guy to have been at Hogwarts for such a long time without being discovered by Professor Dumbledore.This contradictory conclusion naturally makes them fall into a kind of entanglement.

But no matter how Harry and the others struggled, how worried about the safety of the Philosopher's Stone.None of these things will affect the passage of time.When summer came, most of the people in the school started to get busy for the final exam.For example, Hermione has developed a review plan to prepare for the exam in ten weeks.And Hugo and Veneto naturally accompanied her to complete this review plan.

There are definitely not a few people like Hermione who do this. During this time, when they go to the library every day, they can see that the library is crowded with students who are starting to review.

Even the professors are in the state of taking the exam at the end of the semester. They have arranged a lot of homework to make the Easter holiday far less fun than Christmas.Fortunately, whether it is Hugo, Hermione, or Veneto, they are all very interested in learning this matter, so although this time is hard, it also makes people enjoy it.

Of course, the life of preparing for exams, no matter how hard it is, is still a bit boring for Hugo, especially when compared with the Soviet ship women like the Soviet Union.After witnessing the disappearance of their motherland, the next actions of these ship ladies in Russia can be regarded as big moves.

For example, in just one or two months, they have made a great reputation in Chernaberg Alley, the dark magic street of Moscow, and they have also recruited more than twenty wizards.Just two days ago, they also stated that they had achieved a complete victory in the battle with one of the two major forces of the Dark Wizard that originally controlled Chernaberg Lane. Not only did they become a new store in half of the Dark Wizard Alley. The masters also gained a lot of wealth.

"Now they have in their hands a large farm in the north of the Ural Mountains for cultivating magical creatures, 170 square kilometers. The surrounding area is a nature reserve ten times the size of it. And these are the few they got. The manor is in the middle of the area! What's even more exaggerated is that some of these manors actually have xxxxx-level magic creature breeding licenses issued by the Russian Ministry of Magic."

That night, after Hugo received the list of trophies sent to him after the Soviet Union and their victory, at the end of the lunch on Saturday the next day, he found Veneto and Firefly to discuss the matter together.

Although Hugo and the ship's wife can transmit various information through the admiral's network, as a new mobile governor, in some cases he prefers to talk face-to-face with the ship's wife, such as today.So now he and the two ship ladies in Hogwarts appeared in the responsive room to discuss the current situation.Fat Cat Novels

"What's so surprising about this?" Veneto said with a shrug."Wizards have large territories in those inaccessible places, and the power that can occupy half a street in Moscow's largest dark wizard shopping street is absolutely rich. So it is normal to be able to seize loot of this level."

"And to be honest, the wild land on the edge of the Ural Mountains with such a large piece of land is nothing to the wizards at all." Firefly also interjected at this time."I learned from a few girls from the Gryffindor pure-blood family that their manor in the UK is more than ten square kilometers, and this can only be regarded as the upper-middle level of wizards."

"Well, I made a fuss." Looking at the two navy girls with calm faces, Hugo spread out his hands with a helpless look.It seems that the wealth of the pure-blood family must not be used as a benchmark for the Weasley family, otherwise the financial resources of the wizards will be greatly underestimated.

Think about it, the existing pure-blood families basically have a history of hundreds or even thousands of years.Even if the Muggles can maintain the inheritance for so long, they will accumulate a huge amount of wealth, let alone wizards who are much stronger than the Muggles.

Therefore, although the wealth they seized in the Soviet Union was already a lot in Hugo's view, the really powerful wizarding forces would not go to the dark wizard colony to stay.Even if this wealth was accumulated by the Black Wizards organization for more than half a century, it was actually similar to the inheritance of a medium-sized pure-blood family.

Moreover, this kind of similarity refers to the similarity in the total wealth. If it comes to specific circumstances, it is obviously sufficient in quantity but insufficient in quality.The most obvious thing is that most of the knowledge inheritance that the Soviets found in the last seized wealth was of mass market goods, and the number of boutiques was not only small but also fragmented.

Based on this part of the content and the list of books now uploaded to the Admiral's Network, Veneto felt that if he sorted out all the books in the Hogwarts library and the responsive room, it would definitely be better than this.

Of course, neither the seized collection of books nor the Hogwarts collection is of much significance to Hugo today.Although he received a strengthening before, this strengthening only accelerated his growth rate instead of giving him the body and magic of an adult.

The level of Hugo's magic power is now equivalent to that of relatively good third and fourth graders.There is still this distance from the lower limit of being able to access this knowledge.So he can at most experience the magic-practising ship-girls through the admiral's network link. It must be delayed in time to learn this content.

However, the ship ladies can use this opportunity to learn some knowledge that is difficult to learn in public. Magics similar to Avada Sole will improve themselves, lest many enemies are close like in this battle. Hand-to-hand combat, even a large tube of a few hundred millimeters, fired close to the face.

After finishing the discussion on these matters, Hugo and the others left the responsive room.According to the plan, they planned to go to the library to study.But because the sunshine today is so good, the sky is clear and clear, and blue as the color of forget-me-not, giving the air a breath of summer coming.So after hesitating for a while, Hugo decided to ask Hermione to go outside to bask in the sun.

Hermione should be taking a lunch break at this time, so Hugo and Veneto decided to split up.Veneto would return to the Ravenclaw Tower to call Hermione down, and then go out for a tour with Hugo who was waiting in the hall.

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