Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 8 Plan

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"The feeling of being able to come to the same world as the commander is really great." After a brief exchange of the recent situation between the two sides, Hood said in a standard aristocratic English."In the past 11 years, life in the port area except for expeditions and exercises was really boring."

"Where are those deep seas?" Hugo asked. If he remembers correctly, there was always a big event every few months when playing games before that the ship ladies would go and hit those deep seas. In theory, it shouldn't. As for making these naval girls bored."I thought they would come to harass you."

"Since you came into this world, all self-conscious deep oceans have disappeared. Since we woke up more than ten years ago, what we often do is to beat those that are as rigid and rigid as a machine, but keep coming from various places. Nothing more than the ordinary deep sea that emerges." Veneto, who looks petite, said.

"The most important thing is that the world is not very real. No matter what we do there, it feels like sleepwalking. If you hadn't been able to feel your presence, Commander, you are much closer to everyone than before, I think the sisters would have been crazy. ."

"I'm sorry, I only learned about your existence in the last few days." Hugo said apologetically to the two ship maidens in front of him, "If I knew it, I missed me--"

"You don't need to apologize, my commander." Before he could finish his words, Veneto and Hood stepped forward and took one of his hands. Then Hood explained further."For us, being able to feel the breath of Commander you so close is enough to make us happy. And we also know that you did your best to find us at this time."

"But it still made you suffer." Hugo sighed softly, and then suddenly thought of something very important, "By the way, do you have documents and money on you."

Because of Hugo's age now, he can't bring these two ship ladies back to his home now.So he looked at the two ship maidens opposite, one big and one small, with concern about their current identities. At the same time, he reached into his pocket and touched the seven or eight hundred pounds that he had saved in five or six years. .

"We have all the documents, and they are all legal documents. But the problem is that the money on the body seems to be unusable." Hood said, took out his passport and a stack of banknotes. The passport showed that Hood was a 19 Year old British woman.But the stack of banknotes in her hand is an old edition from the 1940s, which is obviously out of use.

"How about you, Veneto?" After reading the things in his hands, Hugo found that Veneto was empty, so he asked very concerned."If not, I think I can—"

"Of course I have." After feeling the concern in Hugo's heart, Veneto tangled for a few seconds and took out his passport with an unhappy expression. After opening the passport and looking at Hugo, he immediately understood why. The reason Veneto refused to take out this passport just now.

Because it is shown in this passport that Veneto was born on April 28, 1980, which is smaller than the current Hugo.As a battleship mother, she naturally does not want to be regarded as a primary school student.But unfortunately, the birthday that the will of the world arranged for her in this world obviously did not follow her wish.

"Okay, don't be angry." Looking at Veneto with a sulky expression, Hugo seriously returned Veneto's passport and a pile of old Italian liras that were also no longer needed. , And at the same time gave her only over 700 pounds in her hands."You take the money to find a place to live, and I will figure out a way to see where to put you." Beautiful Book Bar

"No need to trouble, my commander." Veneto felt very happy in Hugo's move of handing over the money to herself, because she knew that this meant that her commander wouldn't take it because of her appearance. Think of yourself as a child, but as an adult who can take on your own responsibilities.

But I was so happy, Veneto still declined the money Hugo handed over, and at the same time said: "Don't forget that Sister Hood and I are not ordinary humans. For us, there are many ways to make money."

"Uh-your method of making money, can you tell me more specifically about it?" Thinking of the head of the Veneto Sicily sister in the game setting, Hugo suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"As long as we have this thing, we can find money from many places." As Veneto took out a Beretta m1938 submachine gun from his ship's space.On the other side, Hood exaggeratedly took out a Chicago typewriter.

"Two, listen to me." Looking at the guns in the hands of the two girls, Hugo felt that his cold sweat was about to come off. He quickly put his hands on his chest to strengthen his tone and said: "I think you should Knowing that the world has changed, it is a very peaceful age. At least the use of weapons of this level in the British capital is very excessive."

"I don't think so." Hood shook his head after he took the gun back to his ship's installation space in the next instant, then looked down at Hugo's eyes seriously and said."After all, I know London better than you. The peaceful and orderly world you are talking about only exists in a part of London, but not on the other side of the city."

"--Well, what you said is right." After a few seconds of silence, Hugo had to admit that what Hood said was true.At least in East London, especially some places where illegal immigrants live, almost precipitate the darkest side of the city.Even Hugo's parents warned him not to go to those dangerous places in East London, especially at night.

"If you decide, then you can do it according to your inner thoughts." Hugo knew that if he gave an order, these ship maidens would do exactly what they ordered.But as an admiral who regarded the ship women as independent lives, he was not willing to order them against the ship women's wishes in daily life.

"Thank you for your trust in us, my dear admiral." Hood said after giving Hugo a very elegant dress."But please rest assured, we can see the quality of human beings, and we guarantee that we will not harm the innocent. After all, we are ship mothers, not those deep sea ship mothers who are full of malice towards all lives."

Unlike the settings in the previous game, there is no restriction on the ship maiden that is not allowed to kill ordinary humans.Think about it, after all, all the prototypes of Jianniang are warships, and their purpose is to kill.So it certainly cannot be that kind of pure pacifist, and it is reasonable to have a belligerent side.

Fortunately, as ship women, they are also the incarnation of various kindness and bright will from a certain perspective.So Hugo doesn't have to worry that they will come up with some big news out of control.

"Then I wish you all the best." Hugo raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "It is already 12:00 in the evening, and I must go home. Otherwise, my parents will round the room. If I find out that I’m not at home, I’m absolutely dead."

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