Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 84 Midnight

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Ginger and fish cakes are so smart. I sometimes suspect that they are not cats but some magical creatures that look like cats." Hermione looked at a fish that silently ran past her. Pie whispered with emotion.Because just now, it was Ginger who spotted the wandering Pepi ghost in advance and told them to avoid another way.

In fact, Hermione discovered the difference between this cat and other cats in the first month of raising ginger, because this cat basically does not need anyone to worry about it and can eat at a fixed time and place. Go to the toilet at a fixed time and place.It is even quite human to appear next to you and sell cute when you need it.

Later, Hermione even found out that she could give some orders to her cats to complete some simple tasks, just like some well-trained hounds.At first, she felt a little strange, but when she learned from a few pure-blooded wizard classmates that there are many cat-like creatures in the magical world that can produce offspring similar to ordinary cats, she let go Worry about your pet.

She even learned to let ginger help herself in daily life. For example, she would take ginger to watch for herself when she occasionally went out and read a book at night, or asked the cat to help herself pay attention to the outside situation when using the bathroom to take a bath.Naturally, Hermione would not forget to bring her cat on this night tour.

"You're right." Hugo said after listening to his sister's emotions."They are some very smart little cuties. With their help, even if we don't have an invisibility cloak like Harry, we can safely move around in the castle after the curfew without being discovered."

In this way, the three people smoothly came to the intersection of the corridor that had been agreed before and then carefully checked the pillar on the left side of the corridor entrance.After the inspection, they found that there were no bare patterns on the pillar, which meant that Harry hadn't come yet.

In order to avoid being discovered, they used a pen to draw a symbol on the pillar at the entrance of the corridor as previously discussed, and then hid in an empty classroom not far away and observed the entrance of the corridor through the crack in the door.

"I seem to hear a little music." Hermione said suddenly after the two of them hid, and she was reminded.Hugo also faintly heard the sound of the harp in the quiet corridor.Obviously Voldemort came earlier than they did tonight, and now he has entered the door and used music to put the three-headed dog to sleep.

"It's indeed music, I think it might be—" Hugo said at this time, but Veneto stopped him halfway through his words."Shhh-be quiet, I seem to hear footsteps approaching here."

The ship ladies are much stronger than humans in perception, so Hugo and the others immediately stared nervously in the direction that Veneto was guiding.Sure enough, they heard the sound of footsteps coming from the empty corridor just a few tens of seconds later, and then there was Harry's voice that was clearly audible after being amplified by the empty corridor in the middle of the night, although it was very low.

"--Snape has passed Lu Wei smoothly. You want to retreat now and I won't blame you." At this moment, the sound of footsteps stopped in front of the pillar at the entrance of the corridor, and then the Invisibility Cloak was removed from him by Harry Remove."It's not just you, Ron. Even Hermione and the others are the same, it's not your responsibility—"

"Are you only allowed to be a hero here?" Veneto said half of his body out of the empty classroom and beckoned."When we come here at this time, it means we have made a choice. Don't say those silly things."

"Thank you, thank you so much. I am very happy to see you here." After Harry and Ron entered the empty classroom, Harry swept across Hugo and their faces while showing a smile.During the previous exchanges between the two sides, Harry fully understood Hugo and their strengths, so at this time, he naturally relaxed a lot after seeing them.29GG Novel

Several people glanced at each other when they were about to pass through the door. Hermione stopped everyone, and then briefly stated the worry that Hugo had said before and the plan to watch out with Hugo.

"Sure enough, your Ravenclaw students have more detailed considerations than ours." After listening to Hermione's words, Harry nodded deeply."It is certainly not too simple to break the defenses set by the professors of the school, so it is very possible for the thief to follow us. But will you two face Snape too dangerous?"

"At least we promise to send out the alarm in time." Hugo smiled and said, "There are so many professors and classmates in the castle, so as long as we give the alarm, the thief will definitely run away."

After a few brief words, everyone immediately divided into two groups. Harry, Ron, and Veneto entered the room in invisibility, while Hugo and Hermione continued to stay in that room. Li is responsible for looking after everyone's back, and is ready to notify the professors whenever the situation is not right.

After bidding farewell to each other, Veneto and Harry opened the door together.With the creaking of the door opening, a low bark sounded in their ears.Although the big dog couldn't see them, all its three noses twitched and sniffed frantically towards them.

"It seems that someone has been here before we came." Veneto said, because she saw a harp at the foot of the three-headed dog, but the harp that was still playing has now stopped to let the room be in. In silence.So she immediately took out a harmonica from her arms and played it.

As the first note was blown, Big Dog's eyes began to droop down.Just playing a short piece of music, the big dog slowly stopped barking, and then fell asleep on the ground with a weak knee.

Seeing this scene, Veneto walked forward with Harry and the others while playing the harmonica.When they came to the feet of the three-headed dog, they could even feel the hot and smelly breath of the big dog.

"It looks like a deep shaft." Ron said after opening the trap door upwards."It looks like it's several stories high, and there are no ladders around. How do we get down now?"

"Let me try first." Harry walked out at this moment, then slowly slid down the hole, and finally climbed the edge of the hole with only ten fingers.He looked up at Ron and said, "If something happens to me, don't follow. Go straight to the cupboard where the owl lives and send Hedwig to deliver the letter to Dumbledore, okay?"

"Wait, this is really—" Ron let go of his hand before he could say anything. A few seconds later there was a soft collision from below, and then Harry's voice came up."No problem! It's a soft landing, you can jump!"

After hearing Harry say this, Ron jumped down for the second time, then Veneto thrust the harmonica into his arms and jumped down for the last time. When she jumped down, the dog woke up again and opened his mouth. I got to the entrance of this cellar and barked, but it was a pity that everyone had successfully passed the first level at this time.

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