You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Are you — are you ready?" After confirming the current situation, Veneto turned his head and said, but before the voice fell, a slightly helpless expression appeared on his face, because she found the two men present. She was trembling constantly.

"Relax, we are ready." Harry and Ron said, worthy of being representatives of Gryffindor students who are known for their bravery. Harry and the others quickly recovered from the shock of seeing those giant chess pieces without facial features. He came over, and adjusted his state to prepare for the next test.

"I think we have to act as chess pieces." Ron said after taking a look, and then began to arrange for his two companions. Although Veneto is not low in chess, but considering the total adventure Because he couldn't show up on his own, so he gave Ron the chance to show his face at this time.

Ron really is good at playing magic chess, but when the game is over, he still faces a moment of self-sacrifice as in the original text.Just after he persuaded Harry that they took a step forward, the White Queen immediately rushed over and raised the stone arm high at him.

"I hope it can be lighter--" After seeing the white queen leaping towards him, Ron closed his eyes in fear and waited for the final blow, but the pain and damage caused by the ferocious blow did not come.

After waiting for a few seconds, he slowly opened his eyes, only to see that the chess piece remained motionless as it was before, and it looked like an ordinary statue.

"Well, Mr. Weasley, I think you can put your hands down." Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly rang in them.Ron turned his head slowly, only to see Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick standing on the edge of the chessboard with their wands.

"Mak-Professor McGonagall." Ron said with a little trembling. Among the many professors in the school he feared most, Snape and Professor McGonagall were equal.Especially now that I have violated school rules and been arrested, I am very worried about being punished.

"Okay, get off the board." Professor McGonagall didn't furious, but calmly said, "I have known the causes and consequences of this incident from the two Granger brothers and sisters. I admit it. I did have some negligence, but you are too reckless to do so."

"You, you won't fire us--" Harry asked, looking at Professor McGonagall at this time. After seeing the two professors, he immediately relieved his mind. This means that whoever wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone will become It's impossible.But soon he thought of something and asked in a trembling tone like Ron."We know we shouldn't—"

"Mr. Porter, although I don't agree with your behavior, this time it’s a cause for something so I won’t punish you for it." Professor McGonagall said, "The next job belongs to our professors. You'd better be with you now My companions returned to the exit of the maze, I think Granger and the others are waiting for you there."

After speaking, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick walked towards the next door together, while Harry and the others walked back to the hall full of keys, and went along. Walking along the corridor to the place where the pile of devil nets was just now.33 Tingshu

When Harry arrived here, he looked foolishly hoping to see something similar to a staircase that would allow him to go upstairs, but after a closer look he only saw the bare walls.Just when he didn't know what to do next.The wall covered by the rattan of the devil's net suddenly revealed light, and then the devil's net on the wall retreated amidst a rustle, revealing a small room hidden on the side of the wall.

"Harry, come in quickly." After a second or two, Hugo held the luminous wand and shouted at Harry and the others, "We need to wait here for a while now, and wait for the two professors to finish the things inside. Join us and take us to the castle."

"Hugo!" Harry opened his eyes in surprise after seeing Hugo, and then walked into the room he was in with the other two companions under Hugo's instructions.

As soon as he entered the room, he was surprised to find that the room was actually twenty to thirty meters in size, and it was a small living room with a bathroom in all directions., In the center of the living room is a round table surrounded by a lot of software.And Hermione was sitting on a cushion by the round table and pouring tea for everyone.

"I remember you guys should be on guard, why are you here now?" Ron looked around the room in shock with his eyes wide open at this time, then looked at Hermione and asked, "And the professor McGonagall and What's the matter with Professor Flitwick? I remember we went to Professor McGonagall during the day, but she obviously didn't trust what we said at that time. Why is she here again now—"

"Don't worry, don't worry." Hugo knocked on a brick on the wall at this time to restore the exit just now to a wall with only a face-sized one-way transparent observation port, and then walked back to keep throwing. Harry and Ron who had their problems said."There is time right now, so I think I can tell you what happened just now, and after you listen to it, you will know the answers to all the questions you are asking now."

After speaking, Hugo motioned everyone to sit around the round table.When everyone was ready and picked up the tea cup to drink, he began to talk about what he had just met with his sister Hermione,

After the two separated, Hugo and Hermione began to observe everything in the corridor through the crack in the door.Hogwarts at night is so quiet, even Hugo can hear his own breathing.After lying stiffly by the door for a few minutes, he suddenly got up and walked to the other door and reached out and patted Hermione on the shoulder.

"What's the matter, Hugo?" Hermione lowered her voice while observing the situation outside."I think we should stare at the corridor seriously now to make sure that the thief is not following Harry and them."

"At least based on the current situation, I think it is unlikely that someone will follow them." Hugo also whispered."If you follow, the opponent must be closer to Harry and the others. You must know that many traps in the wizarding world can be recovered. If the distance is too far, it may cause the thieves to use Harry and their plan to destroy the traps to fail completely."

"Huh—" Hermione seemed to relax a lot when Hugo said that, and then asked with a frown."Then what shall we do next? Wait here for Harry to come out?"

"Uh-no, of course not." Hugo shook his head and said, "It suddenly occurred to me that we now have a good excuse to ask the professors for help."

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