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Hugo and Hermione had a great time with Hood that day, because the two maids not only provided a lot of delicious snacks for everyone, but also allowed them to gain a lot of new knowledge after joining them in the conversation, such as a series Tips on organizing housework at home.

"I think Sister Hood must be a nobleman." When she returned home, Hermione approached Hugo with excitement and whispered."The two maids who appeared today are so elegant in their gestures. They seem to be top maids cultivated by that kind of hereditary noble family."

"I think so too." Hugo nodded and said, "And to be honest, their cooking skills are really amazing. For example, the freshly baked Turkish style that we had before having afternoon tea. The snacks, whether it is balava or Turkish delight, are simply wonderful."

Early the next morning, Hugo and Hermione each took a suitcase and followed their parents in the taxi that they called yesterday to Heathrow Airport. After completing a series of preparations, they followed the flight tickets. The information boarded an international passenger plane to the United States.

The Grangers bought a direct flight from London to New York for everyone, but even so, this journey took a full eight hours.Therefore, after getting off the plane and handling a series of things and walking out of New York's Kennedy International Airport, they actually resisted their sleepiness and got into the taxi to the hotel.

Long-distance travel is not so comfortable for both Muggles and wizards. Compared with the Muggle journey that takes a lot of time, wizards spend less time on this kind of travel. many.But neither the degree of unpleasantness nor the amount of money spent is much different from Muggles.

After all, there are not many wizards who can use the Phantom Walk to cross such a long distance, and there are few rich and powerful wizards who have various magic vehicles that can travel long distances.People who can enjoy the service of Phoenix with Teleport are even rarer.Therefore, for ordinary wizards who want to travel, there are only transnational Floo networks or some legal door keys to choose from.But these two things have their own shortcomings.

Among them, the international flyway network fee is relatively cheap, but the sites are not only few but also very fixed.To make matters worse, a trip like this across the Atlantic may take about half an hour in the flyway network.Therefore, for many people, it is difficult for their bodies to bear such violent swings as if they are drilling in a washing machine.

In comparison, the door key is much faster.And you can specify where you want to go next.But the shortcomings of this kind of travel are equally obvious, that is, it is too expensive.For example, a trip like this across the Atlantic may cost an ordinary Ministry of Magic employee about two months' salary.

Therefore, many wizards would rather spend a little more time using Muggles’ way of travel when doing such long journeys, especially after the advent of the industrial age.Although it is a bit slower to do so, at least it will be more comfortable during travel and the price/performance ratio is also high.

For example, Newt Scamander came to the United States from Britain on the most popular transatlantic cruise at the time.And the reason why he made such a choice is obviously related to the previous two reasons.

Fortunately, the hotel that Mr. Granger booked was in downtown New York, so the car arrived at the hotel smoothly after only 20 or 30 minutes of driving.But when they dragged their luggage to the family suite they had booked with a tired look, they found a young man in an absolutely out-of-season trench coat standing in the suite.

"Who are you?" Looking at the young man who appeared inexplicably in the room, the only adult male present, Mr. Ranjie put down his hand and wrapped it in front of the others, and then asked slightly nervously."Also, why are you in our room now."

"Sir, please don't get excited, I have no malice." The young man raised his hands to the interception house and signaled that he was not threatening, and then said."My name is Mike Johnson. I am an American wizard. I belong to the Magic Wand Management Office of the Magic Congress. Because there are two unregistered wands entering the country, so come and have a look."

"Father, I think he should be looking for us." Hugo said to his father, then looked at the young man in front of him and asked, "Can you tell us carefully what we should do? I think you should find that we come from A family who doesn’t know how to magic, and it’s only been a year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry before. So I don’t know much about the wizarding world.

"Of course, this is a special law in our magical world in the United States. It is normal for you as little wizards in the United Kingdom to not understand." Mike also relaxed at this time. He found that the two little wizards in front of him should really be right The situation here is just not clear, not the kind of dangerous person who sneaked in before he came.

"According to the laws of the Magic Congress of the United States, all members of our American magic society, whether natives or tourists, need to carry a wand permit, because this way we can track all magic activities and identify the perpetrators through the magic wand. "

"In other words, even adult wizards in the United States need to add traces to their wands just like our minor wizards in the United Kingdom." After listening to the staff of the Magic Congress of the United States, Hugo reacted instantly. I said, "By the way, you know we are British, so if we leave the United States after the trip, will this kind of magic wand monitoring still exist for us?"

"Please rest assured, the registered magic used by your tourists is different from the registered magic used by our residents." The staff member of the US Magic Congress said, "This kind of registered magic will automatically disappear after you finish your trip and leave the country. , Will never continue to follow you."

"It seems that the laws of wizards are also very humane." Mr. Granger said after listening to the wizard briefly introduced the US policy on wands, and then he asked."By the way, you just said you are going to the Magic Congress of the United States to register my children's wands, so how do they get there?"

"I think it will be enough to ask for a taxi to take us there." Mike said with a shrug."After all, it’s obviously not a good idea for them to be such a small wizard who has never been in Apparition before. In addition, the Magic Congress is in New York. So I think I can use your Maji’s Transportation."

"Maji?" Mrs. Granger asked curiously.

"It means the same with your British Muggles, and it refers to ordinary people who don't know magic." Mike said with a shrug."Okay, let's go! This kind of registration work is better as soon as possible."

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