Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1088: Flowing clouds throw people away, and someone jumps into thunder

Chapter 1088 Liuyun throws people away, someone jumps like thunder

This is a vast area of ​​water, with mist permeating the surface of the water, which lasts for a long time.

Yuno imagined that this might be a lake or the beginning of a certain ocean.

Not far away, you can see the sandy coast.

When the gentle waves break on the beach, there will be a strange and deep sound. This sound will last for a long time and only appear in a closed and vast space.

The gentle sea breeze mixed with foam in the waves hit Yuno's face. She was shocked by the scenery in front of her, and she forgot to go ashore, just looking up at everything around her.

Three huge cliffs stand abruptly on the beach not far away. They are steep and magnificent. Even on the sea, there are many such majestic cliffs covered with green vines. They have different shapes, some standing on the sea cliffs. The surging waterfall is like a pillar of the sky, piercing the colorful clouds and mist on the horizon, and like seawater flowing from the horizon, gathering here.

The coastline of this ocean stretches irregularly into the distance. Because there are no people, it is very desolate and frightening.

The scene behind the cliffs on the beach cannot be seen due to dense clouds.

The mist and water vapor rose up, mysterious, and from time to time you could see some rare fowls and exotic birds that Yu Na had never seen flying in the sky.

Countless strange lights will shine here very bright, like the real sky.

Ji Yuno looked far away along the surface of the sea, only to realize that countless strange rays of light were different from the colorful sunlight, from the blazing sun, and from the pale moonlight.

Those rays of light are more like the endless aurora of countless ways, and they are vast enough to illuminate the world.

Its penetrating power is very strong, and its bright and clear light spills over every corner of this area.

Perhaps this brilliant light is the "sky" of this world.

After looking up and looking closely, Ji Yuno was even more unbelievable to discover that she was standing on the independent cliffs that rose from the sea around her. Over time, countless huge, crystal clear diamond crystals that can reflect the bright light have been formed. , These crystals can reflect the gorgeous aurora on the "sky", misty clouds and aurora enveloped, as if being in an unknown and isolated fairyland.

This is probably what they are looking for, the geocentric world where the human emperor’s tomb is located...

A world without people, only in the legendary world.

After washing her face with sea water and calming down for a while, Yuno did not see other people around, took a deep breath, and quickly swam to the shore.

And Yuno could truly feel that after arriving in the world deep in the heart of the frozen lake, her soul seemed to be shaken!

In the far southwest, something seemed to be calling her soul and shocking her.

That feeling made her heart beat faster, palpitations for a time, and a sense of oppression and intimacy from the soul, making her a little tight in the chest, short of breath, and extremely excited.

When swimming ashore, Yuno was a bit exhausted because the polar suit on her body was too heavy. Her limbs were sore and dizzy. After lying on the golden beach for a while, she took off her polar suit and her warm clothing. , Windbreaker, in the end only a drenched short sleeve was left. After pouring out the water in the snow globe shoes and putting them on, he put on black waterproof and quick-drying sweatpants. Yuno squatted down and opened it. A waterproof backpack to carry with you.

Her backpack is the least and lightest of all.

Because Gong Siyu couldn't bear to carry heavy objects.

Everything in the backpack has been waterproofed and wrapped in three layers in a sealed bag.

There are flares, flares, bright flashlights, satellite phones, sabers and daggers and all the necessary equipment for survival in the wild.

Ji Yuno took out the satellite phone, there was electricity, but there was no signal at all. She threw the phone directly, and took out the flare and flare gun.

After filling in the flare, two were fired towards the sky.

Without hesitation, simply and neatly.

Then the most obediently waited in place and didn't run around, just waiting for Miyajiyu to see the red light of the flare, and come to her.


When Gong Siyu swam ashore, he saw that Bai Wuyou and other members of the Heavenly Dao League had already come ashore. Feng Jinxuan was sitting on a white rock with Alu, anxiously looking for A Luo's figure with his binoculars.

Liuyun was lying on the ground and panting.

Gong Youen was the last to go ashore.

Ji Ruchen and Angelica are marveling at the surrounding scenery.

They are surrounded by moss-covered cliffs and dense vegetation, but they are all rhizomes and exotic flowers they have never seen before.

What’s more shocking is that above their heads, a dome that can be called "sky" is inlaid with crystal clear and brilliant giant diamond mines, that is, diamond mines, which are convex on the surface of the cliff. Out, it reflects the colorful and magnificent light.

There are also countless suspended mountains full of green plants floating in the air.

Every mountain cliff suspended in the air converges and flows down a silver-white waterfall, and the mist formed by the waterfall forms a faint rainbow in the air.

No one has seen such a sight.

never had.

"Here! This is it!"

The long-lost sense of familiarity, Bai Wuyou looked up at the sky, his silver-gray pupils were full of excitement.

"The inner earth mountain range, the isolated earth inner world, the end of the horizon..."

Miyajiyu was unwilling to appreciate the stunning scenery here.

Walking all the way, taking off all the way, after taking off the heavy polar suit, took out the clean black long sleeves and trousers from the backpack, put on them, and turned to Liu Yun who was lying on the ground and gasping for breath, with a gloomy face, asked sternly : "Dear!"

Seeing that Ji Yuno didn't appear with Ryuun.

Miyajiyu had a bad feeling in his heart.

After a pause, Liu Yun stood up, brushed off the sea water on his face, stood up laboriously, stepped back a few steps consciously, and then said blankly, "I didn't catch it, I lost it..."

The tone was indifferent, but Liuyun was both disdainful and panicked in his heart. After all, Gong Siyu entrusted people to him to take care of him, but he was responsible for losing him, and he was also losing face.

When he heard "lost", Gong Siyu had a black face and his phoenix eyes were full of cruel expression. If it weren't for Wuyou and Ji Ruchen's eyes and quickly grabbed him, Gong Siyu would definitely rush forward and punch Liuyun on the ground. .

Flowing clouds with crimson pupils immediately grabbed a dead branch on the ground and pointed at Gongsiyu, "I'll find it! You can't beat me now!"

"A Luo is gone, Si Yu." Feng Jinxuan's face was solemn, and A Luo broke free from him just now, insisting on jumping into the whirlpool, but in the blink of an eye, people disappeared, but he was anxious.

"Don't worry, Master Feng, look for it together!"

Worry-free, calm and wise, calm and peaceful.

At this moment, Angelica seemed to have discovered something, pointing to the other end of the cliff on the left, and shouting loudly--

Disi: My wife is coming back, you are waiting!

Lingshang: My true sister is coming back! You are waiting!

Donghuang Wuji: Ha! No one can stop me from pursuing the supreme spiritual power!

Disi and Lingshang glanced at each other: You are dead, wait!

(End of this chapter)

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