Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1664: Are dragon eggs sold? I give money, kiss!

Chapter 1664 Is the dragon egg sold? I give money, kiss!

The dragon egg "puffed" and sank into the dragon pond. The egg mixture was mixed with the dragon mother's blood, and the light red lines spread out on the water surface of the dragon pond, like the enchanting light red petals, and the honest and down-to-earth Chi You was silly and stupid. Standing there, when the dragon egg fell into the water, I heard the Dragon King and the old dragon yelling at him.

"Pick it up! Pick it up!"


Ayou squatted down awkwardly and fished the dragon egg in the dragon pond. After groping for a long time, he firmly grasped the dragon egg with one hand, lifted it up, and split open towards Lingyu, Gongsiyu, and Dragon King. Mouth, showing a row of sharp teeth, clearly smiling, but it makes people panic.

The human-faced beast-shaped Demon Emperor Chi You with long horns and head stood proudly in the dragon pond. Behind him was the exhausted dragon mother. He held up the dragon egg as if dragging a large gem in his palm with a proud face.

The white dragon egg glowing with pearly luster, it looks like it will shine, it is very dazzling, and it is extremely beautiful. The dragon egg also has beautiful silver-pink patterns on it, and it exudes a strange fragrance. Everyone I was dumbfounded, because I had never seen a dragon egg of this color.

"Dragon King! The pearly white silver powder dragon egg, my dragon family has never had such a rare egg! This must be a pretty little guy!"

Old Canglong was stunned, and looked at Dragon King Qingcang with joy.

"Heh! No matter how beautiful it is, it is a bastard! It is a **** to make my wife so hard!"

The Dragon King stood with his hand in his hand, sulking. Although his tone was not good, the affection in his eyes could not be covered.

When Ling Yu was curious about whether this was a little female dragon or a little male dragon, Chi You waded ashore, carefully handed the dragon egg into the hands of the Dragon King, and then changed back to a normal human figure and returned to the side of Silent Death.

The Dragon King Qingcang held the treasured dragon egg in his arms as if treasured, but at this moment, an unbelievable scene appeared!


There was a crisp applause.

Everyone, all the dragons can see clearly, a small white paw suddenly deep in the pearly white powder shell, slapped the dragon king's cheek and slapped it.

When everyone was stunned, when the Dragon King raised his eyebrows, a milky voice rang out, a vaguely cute and arrogant child voice, "Smelly Dad! You are the bastard."

The dragon king was surprised. The slap of the little dragon in the egg didn't hurt at all, but he was shocked.

Everyone thought that the Dragon King was furious. Maybe it was possible to throw the egg. But suddenly, the Dragon King was overjoyed, "Daughter? My King has a daughter? A daughter? My King and Pearl have given birth to so many sons. I just want a daughter! The wish comes true! Not only a woman, but a fat egg?"

Then, the little dragon in the egg stretched out its claws and scratched Halong King's right cheek severely.

"I'm not fat! I have good nutrition! Mom feeds me well!"

The Dragon King didn’t care if he was still the daughter of the Dragon Egg. He hugged the Dragon Egg and kissed him, jumped into the Dragon Pond and walked to the Dragon Mother. In exchange, he received countless slaps and curses from the dragon. .

"True cow, the cub of the dragon clan can speak as soon as it is born?"

It took a long time for the spirit to recover, and looked suspiciously at Gong Siyu.

"I don't know, but the dragons are abnormal, no wonder they are better than us, after all they can attack as soon as they are born..."

The pearly white and silvery dragon egg was afraid of being hugged by his father and king. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were staring, and they flew up with a "swish", notice that it flew by itself, and then fell heavily into Lingyu's arms.

The dragon egg is really big, with a dumbfounded face, he caught the egg by surprise, holding it, what's the situation?

In the next second, a small mouth appeared on the surface of the fragrant white eggshell. The one who was pouting high, wanted to be sly, but couldn’t kiss him, and said angrily: "Auntie, kiss. Well, kiss..."

Lingyu was stunned for a while, smiled, lowered his head, and crossed his face, and felt the baby in the eggshell kiss her.

Suddenly, the heart is crisp, it melts, and the sweet and lovely egg.

Immediately, the big dragon egg kissed Lingyu for a few more mouthfuls, and the milk voice said with a grin: "Auntie saved my mother and me. Mom is too tired. Let me and auntie say thank you." After a pause, Long said. A cute little voice came from the egg, "and the big guy who helped me be born." It was Chi You.

"The only female dragon of the true dragon clan is rare enough, huh!"

The weak voice of the demon suddenly echoed in the dragon pond.

He let the Lingshiyin circle in his arms with a smile but a smile, lazily, and showing a smirk, evil and charming.

"It's your sister too, are you unhappy? Huh what."

Ling Shiyin sat on a rock in Longchi, holding the demon from behind, letting the demon play with his long hair feebly.

"What am I happy about, kids are the most annoying, and they are not our kids..."

Ling Shi secretly got angry and poured a little water on the face of the devil, "What are you talking about!" He couldn't give birth. He didn't say whether he was a man or a ghost. In the underworld, ghosts and gods are infertile because ghosts, This is dead.

"I am a patient... be gentle..."

Choked by the water in the Longchi, the demon coughed heavily and grabbed Ling Shiyin's hand and pressed it into his heart.

"You don't need to accompany me from tomorrow. You can follow Yinxiu's battle dragons to learn the fighting experience of the dragon clan. I can always protect you, but you must be well and don't be lazy when I am away."

"Um...I listen to you..."

Ling Shiyin's soft, charming and sultry tone sounds so good that he would agree to whatever the demon said.

Although he didn't open his mouth to admit it, the demon loves Ling Shiyin so much.

"Girl, give the little princess to the old dragon. The little princess has just given birth. When the eggshell gradually hardens, it will take a few months for the incubation process to be completely considered to be born. She will enter the dormant incubation period. Mother Dragon stays together all the time."

"Oh, good." Ling hastily and cautiously handed the dragon egg to the old blue dragon.

At this time, Gong Siyu didn't know whether it was deliberate or deliberate. He bumped into Lingling's arm and looked at her with a wicked smile, "Why don't you ask me to buy dragon eggs for you today? "

Lingkui had a black face in an instant, and stared at Gong Siyu with that kind of flashy eyes, "What do you mean? Are you laughing at me?"

"No, you have to raise a beast when you see a fierce beast, ask the Western Pluto to buy it when you see a **** dog, and you want to buy something you like, I know you too well, according to this rule, baby you..."

Before Gong Siyu finished speaking, Ling asked slyly toward the Dragon King——

"Hey! Dragon King! Do you have any little dragons in Dragon Valley who need to recognize their mothers? Do you think I can do it? Or can you buy dragon eggs? You make a price and tell me how to incubate eggs by the way. You think about it. chant?"

Gong Siyu:...

(End of this chapter)

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