Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 680: The last yin and yang official came to the surface, storm is coming

Chapter 680, the last yin and yang official emerged, and the storm is about to come

Ji Yuno stood alone in the middle of the hall, not knowing where he should stand. He always felt that no matter which side he was, he stood on the underworld with high authority ghosts and gods.

She looked at the top of the hall with her extremely beautiful eyes, listening to Lord Jiujiang, the director of the Underworld Department.

Several keywords were read.



Ghost pupil?

What is it again?

Let her deal with that traitor? Is she alone? Are they crazy?

When Jiujiang's words fell, the terrible old man Yuanji, the chief judge of the Judiciary, also spoke.

"His Royal Highness! The newly appointed Yin Yang official is still a newcomer, and I am afraid that he is not the opponent of Donghuang Wuji. My trial department has thoroughly investigated. The Xiliang who participated in the selection of the Yin Yang official candidate is his subordinate. The new Yin Yang official is slightly better than Naxi Liang. Even better, but Donghuang Wuji has already reached the top of the heavens. His power has slowly penetrated into the underworld for decades, causing many ghosts and demons to flee from the hell. Our company can't guard against it. Retake the ghost eye. Take a long-term view and don't rush!"

Yuno's big beautiful eyes blinked and blinked, listening carefully.

She remembered a name.

Donghuang Wuji.

It should be the name of the traitor.


Suddenly, Yuno Mi's eyes shrank, and she remembered something.

On the day of the yin and yang official decisive battle, she tried to read the memory layer in Xi Liang's mind. She remembered that she saw a man, a man standing in a black robe in the secret room of God who was lit by lotus lanterns...

Is that man...

At this moment, Jiang Ziwen's extremely cold, lonely and arrogant magnetic sound resounded in the hall——

"How many man-eaters and soul-eaters have escaped from the eighteenth hell."

"Encourage Your Royal Highness King Jiang to flee 10 cannibals and 10 soul-eaters. The fissures of **** have been reinforced by 50 seals. The remaining demons are still imprisoned in the lowest level of **** without escape behavior." The general fierce ghost of the eighteenth **** reported.

"Yuno Ji, have you heard, 10 man-eating nightmare, 10 soul-eaters, catch them back, these things are soul-eaters and man-eating, extremely evil, if they stay in the human world, the consequences will be disastrous.

Ji Yuno took out the small notebook from his bag and began to record, "10...What do you look like?"

At this time, Fan Wujiu used his spiritual power to transform into the appearance of a man-eating nightmare and a soul-eater, and showed Ji Yunao, "They are all four fingers, pointed mouth and fangs, and the whole body is entangled by black energy. They are evil spirits and addictive. The blood is fierce, without humanity, and without self-consciousness."

Four fingers! Isn't that the black handprint on Amber's body, and the female corpse?

Is it...the two are related?

Ji Yuno's eyes were shocked, "Master Jiang! I am afraid that these things have begun to harm the human world. Before I returned to the underworld today, I encountered a murderous case. The deceased was a young girl, her skin was stripped, and her eyes were dug out. , The death was very miserable. The point is that before that, four young girls had already died, all of them had their eyes peeled off. They all had traces of four-finger paw prints on their bodies. Could it be that these things did it? But not Master Fan. Do you say that these things don't have autonomous consciousness? Such things as peeling and gouging your eyes can't be done by evil spirits without autonomous consciousness."

This view is organized, planned and purposeful killing.

As soon as Ji Yuno spoke, the hall was in an uproar, and there were many discussions.

"It's Ghost Hitomi."

Jiujiang, the director of the Department of Hades, suddenly looked serious and solemn.

"Ghost pupil?" Ji Yunai was taken aback for a moment. She had already heard that this thing is a treasure from the underworld to the most evil, and it is not a good thing to hear the name.

"Ghost pupil is a ghost eyeball shaped like an eyeball. It is a horrible thing that is sealed in an endless abyss in the underworld. It can command all ghosts, psyche the mind, and manipulate evil spirits. It is a terrible thing. The person who stole it was Donghuang Wuji, the last yin and yang official. He stole the ghost eye and caused great damage to the underworld. He killed the former runner king and betrayed the entire underworld. Huang Wuji has been missing for fifty years, and only recently reappeared. It must be that Donghuang Wuji must have a big move! If you don’t take this opportunity to regain the ghost pupil, I am afraid that the underworld will have to go through some catastrophe! Whether you can regain the ghost pupil is up to you! Because Donghuang Wuji is very clever, knowing that the ghosts and gods of the underworld cannot enter the human world arbitrarily and cause chaos due to the restraint of the Three Realms Security Administration, nor can they be exposed to Yang Qisheng for a long time. In the extreme land, he hides in the human world, which is equivalent to an extra guarantee."

"I want to ask, how did he break the **** barrier and release those evil spirits? It was also with the ghost pupil?" Just now Jiujiang said, the ghost pupil can order the ghosts and manipulate the evil spirits.

"Yes, he raises evil spirit little ghosts, and then uses ghost pupils to control them to mix into the underworld and create chaos. There are countless ghosts in the underworld, which is extremely difficult to identify."

"So I'm going to grab this ghost eyeball back, am I?" Yu Nao's charming big eyes looked at Jiang Ziwen in the hall, "You called me back to tell me this, right?"

Wang Jiang did not answer, but he suddenly waved to Ji Yuno under the full eyes of the crowd, calling her to him, "Come here."

Ji Yuno's long skirt was frantic, and his style stepped up to Jiang Ziwen.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Jiang Ziwen stretched out his hand, coldly strangling Ji Yuno's chin, approaching, and depressing: "This king doesn't want you to contact Donghuang Wuji so quickly. He is too dangerous. With your current ability, he is not his opponent at all. , The underworld masters gather, this king will find a way to regain the ghost pupil, just go and catch the escaped evil spirit."

"You are so sheltering me, the ghosts and gods below will have criticisms, right?"

"They dare not obey this king's order."

"You secretly tell me how dangerous Donghuang Wuji can be?"

"He squeezed you to death, as simple as squeezing an ant to death, so you understand?"

Ji Yunai also recorded Jiang Ziwen's words in a small notebook.

"Just tell me, if I get back the ghost pupil with my people, the commission is not much, and we are all short of money. Seeing the money is open, just stealing the ghost pupil, and I don't want to confront him. "Ki Yuno whispered, "The undead Lord is now called Liuyun, do you remember Ji Ruchen? You should know him, we are all together, although my memory has not fully recovered, but they still Is my best friend, is it possible that you are still afraid that I am dead?"

"Lack of money?"

"Yes, everyone is short, and there is no way to make money. The more the better."

"This king can give you..."

"I don't. I want to earn it myself. Just tell me how much the commission is for the two tasks of ghost pupil and catching evil spirits."

"One hundred million coins, per person, but if you have something, you have no money."


In the evening, Yuno returned home in a hurry.

Dinner time is over, everyone is doing their own things.

Gong Siyu is doing college homework for her.

(End of this chapter)

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