Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 989: Guess the truth!

Chapter 989 The guess of the truth!

From the memory ball, Ji Yuno saw an old lady of the Gong family who was presumably better than Shen Manqing, as well as the ruthlessness and love in the bones of the children of the Gong family.

Gong Liancheng's mother was hysterical and forced her to die, but Gong Liancheng was not threatened at all. Seeing a group of younger brothers and sisters around him, everyone was anxious.

But he stood there indifferently and indifferently, staring at Meng Temu, who was sitting on the side with aggrieved expression, indifferently.

"Adai's dowry jewelry was given to her by Ama Erniang. Do you have this face to use?"

"My mother gave it to me, I didn't know before..."

As Meng Temu spoke, his eye circles were red and he wiped his tears.

Not waiting for Gong Liancheng to continue to expose Meng Temu's guise, Qing Dai said quietly, smiled coldly, and questioned Meng Temu, "Sister, my mother loves you so much. For you, I will force you to die. Now You are seriously injured and unconscious, but you are sitting here like a wooden person. It is none of your own. Do you have a conscience? Shouldn't you go up and see if you are well, like your brothers and sisters? Go to the doctor Come? Or was your conscience eaten by a dog? Indifferent?"

What Qing Dai said was not loud, but the palace family in the hall heard them all.

For a while, Gong Liancheng's younger siblings all began to look at Meng Temu with dissatisfaction.

But Qingdai, who was more than three months pregnant, sat aside calmly, drinking tea, eating melons and fruits. Seeing that the old lady was unconscious, she calmly ordered her servants to ask the doctor for treatment.

Then, got up alone, Lianbu made money, and left leisurely.

In her eyes, arrogance is all-important.

The little mother-in-law, the little Fucha's next-door lady, just want to play with her?

These people, I'm afraid they don't know her pure and pure means...


When Gong Liancheng found the poor student who had **** with Meng Temu, he failed the imperial examination, and now he works as a teacher in a private school in Beijing.

After Miyaliancheng's mother wakes up.

Qing Dai asked Gong Liancheng to invite the teacher to continue to administer medicine in Meng Temu's tea water as before, and let the two sleep together.

Only this time.

Qing Dai paid the poor scholar a hundred taels of gold.

This gold is enough to give him a foothold in the capital.

It was the seventh night that the teacher had **** with Meng Temu.

Gong's family entered the thief, Gong Liancheng ordered the mansion to search. While searching for the thief at Dingman's house, a few domestic slaves broke into Meng Temu’s courtyard and suddenly saw a strange man lying in the side room of Gong Liancheng Meng Temu. Bed.

Early the next morning, Meng Temu, who was panicked and called himself wronged, knelt in pain in front of Gong Liancheng's mother, claiming that he had nothing to do with the strange man and that he was murdered.

But the strange man who slept with her honestly confessed: "I am Miss Fucha's lover, and I should have been together for 4 years."

Gong Liancheng's mother's immediate illness aggravated and threatened to report to officials and arrest the man!

But at this time, Qing Dai appeared.

Gong Liancheng is quite prestigious in the court because of his family ugliness. Don't let him become a joke and intend to dispose of it privately.

And before Gong Liancheng had stopped Meng Temu, this woman hanged herself in her room.

With Meng Temu's death, Qing Dai, who was pregnant, began to reflect on whether she had done something wrong, and the act was too cruel. During the period, her mood fluctuated greatly and she had a miscarriage.

When the child was gone, Qing Dai was distraught and felt that she had suffered retribution.

In order to take care of Qing Dai's emotions and not let her stay alone, Gong Liancheng even petitioned the emperor to resign, wanting to stay with Qing Dai every day, for fear of her accident.

However, Qianlong did not agree and only allowed Gong Liancheng to suspend his government for half a year.

Fortunately, Qing Dai has taken care of her body, and she is pregnant again in the coming year.

This time, there are two in one arms.

Qing Dai's Ama and E Niang knew that Gong Liancheng's mother had treated her daughter badly and felt sorry for her daughter. When she was pregnant in May, they ordered Gong Liancheng to take Qing Dai to stay in Chunyu Mansion temporarily.

This is Qing Dai's memory of 20 years old.

The more he looked back, the more Yuno realized that he seemed to have entered a thinking misunderstanding before.

I always felt that Qing Dai would become a nightmare, it was Gong Liancheng who lost Qing Dai, and the empathy, which eventually led to this tragic ending.

But Yuno felt more and more in her heart.

I am afraid this is not the case at all.

Gong Liancheng loves Qing Dai too much.

Love so much that she can abandon her glory and wealth, the opportunity to become an official, abandon the power and the supreme glory, instead of waiting for her for four years, guarding herself like a jade, and not wanting to look at any woman.

From beginning to end, in his eyes, there was always only one Chunyu Qingdai, no one else.


Ten months later, Qing Dai showed signs of giving birth in Chunyu's mansion.

The midwife was invited from the palace, and the imperial doctor had been in the mansion long ago.

Chunyu Qingdai gave birth, and Prince Jia Yongyan, who had always been with her, brought his new princess Xitarashi to the house in person.

However, Qing Dai was in labor.

After two days and two nights, the child was not born.

The midwife was anxious, and the imperial doctor felt that if she could no longer give birth, both adults and children would be in danger.

Gong Liancheng wanted to rush in to see Qing Dai several times, but was stopped by everyone.

Finally, in the early morning of the third day, Qing Dai gave birth to two sons for Gong Liancheng.

Qingdai, who was born smoothly, showed signs of bleeding before everyone was happy.

In the Qing Dynasty, there was a queen who died of bleeding after giving birth. It was Queen Hesheli of Emperor Kangxi. She was only 22 when she died.

Qing Dai, who was bleeding heavily, was rescued back.

It's just that since then, the foundation of her body has completely broken.

When the wind blows and catches the cold, you will get sick, and you will be accompanied by decoction all day long.

When Qing Dai was 22 years old, the capital was bitterly cold and cold. She couldn't afford to be ill, and there was no medical treatment for her.

Gong Liancheng was told by the imperial doctor: "Master Gong, forgive the officials for their inability to do anything. Madam Qingdai may not be able to sustain the warmth of spring in the coming year..."

Hearing that, Gong Liancheng flushed his eyes with anger, his eyes full of ferociousness, as if he were going to kill people as terrible!

He drew out the sword hanging on the side of the bedpost, put it on the neck of the imperial doctor, and snarled angrily: "Incompetent quack doctor! Believe it or not, I will play and let the emperor depose you!"

On the bed, Qing Dai was half awake, and she didn't even have the strength to reach out to pull Gong Liancheng's brocade robe. She said that since ancient times, the rosy face is so fatal, the critically ill Qing Dai, the formerly beautiful face, pale. Scarlet, but still beautiful and thrilling.

Gong Liancheng violently threw the imperial doctor out of the wing.

Then he rushed to the bedside and hugged Qing Dai firmly into his arms, his eyes full of pain, full of fear that Qing Dai would leave her.

"Adai, don't be afraid..." He muttered to himself like a daze, kissing Qing Dai's lips and stroking her waterfall-like ink hair, "I will take you to Jiangnan to find a famous doctor. Finding the elixir will surely cure you. I won’t be an official anymore. If you are cured, we will come back!"

Soon, Yuno and Aluo finished watching Qingdai's 22-year-old memory ball.

A Luo squatted on the ground unhappy, "A Nai, we seem to have all guessed wrong, this palace is so intricate, it doesn't look like a heartbreaker..."

Hearing this, Ji Yuno was silent for a long while, suddenly her beautiful eyes shrank, and a terrible thought came into her heart.

"A Luo!"


"You said... Could it be Gong Liancheng himself who turned Qing Dai into a nightmare?"

"Insane, who would turn his favorite person into a monster?"

"Then if you don't want her to die, so that she can stay with him forever, is it reasonable for this reason?"

"... That Gong Liancheng is a lunatic."

This chapter is 2260 words... it's super.


(End of this chapter)

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