Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 992: the truth! Found a way out!

Chapter 992 The truth! Found a way out!

Gong Liancheng stared at Eunan sullenly, and hugged the trembling Qingdai tightly. He did not dare to tear his face with Eunan, because Gong Liancheng seemed to have discovered that Eunan was not an ordinary person. If he offends him, I am afraid that he and Qingdai , There is no future.

The calm Gong Liancheng suppressed the strange color in his eyes.

"Then what about this corpse!"

"Brother, leave this to me." Eunan smiled sorrowfully. He just snapped his fingers, and the shriveled corpse on the ground instantly turned into a pair of ashes, "If you don't want your house Dai ate the maid indiscriminately, so she would find death row prisoners or beggars to feed her. Anyway, you should understand that she can't eat human food."

Since then.

Gong Liancheng was out during the day, so he could only let Eunan stay at home with Adai. In order to ensure that no one in the mansion would be harmed, Gong Liancheng locked the yard where Adai lived and ordered no one to enter.

Time goes by, year after year.

No one knew that there was a monster in Gongliancheng Mansion, and his mother was also sent back to Jinling Ancestral House by him, and enjoyed a great time. In the capital, only him, Qingdai, Ernan, and a group of domestic servants lived in the mansion. .

Every other week, Gong Liancheng would secretly send people to kill prisoners or unnamed homeless people to return home to Qing Dai...

In the sixty years of Qianlong, Yongyan was named the crown prince.

In the first year of Jiaqing, Qianlong gave up the throne and Yongyan ascended the throne.

Gong Liancheng resigned, secretly took Qing Dai and Ernan, and returned to Jinling, the palace's ancestral home, and built a beautiful courtyard named Yun Pavilion for Qing Dai to live in.

After Yongyan ascended the throne, although Qianlong was noble to be the Supreme Emperor, he still held the power alone.

At the same time, Gong Muqing's younger brother Gong Mudai opened a road to wealth for the palace family.

In the illusion.

Ji Yuno watched Miyaliancheng grow old and became a seventy-year-old man dying.

But Qing Dai still maintained her original appearance.

Except for Gong Liancheng and Eunuch, Qing Dai knew no one.

After returning to Jinling, Qing Dai lived in Yunge for several years.

But afterwards, Gong Liancheng developed a contagious disease with Qingdai, and no one was visible, so he lived for a long time in a spacious and airtight room. Gong Liancheng stayed there with her day and night, and had trouble.

With the help of Gong Liancheng, he stayed carefree for decades, without worrying about food and clothing, and at ease, and forged a deep friendship with Gong Liancheng.

But Gong Liancheng was a mortal after all, although he possessed some spiritual power, he still couldn't escape old age.

He is getting older and getting worse and worse.

Lying on the bed in the secret room, tightly holding Qing Dai's little hand, weakly and stunned: "Adai, if I go, I will let Eunhan stay with you, okay?"

"Don't..." After Qing Dai became a Nightmare, although she was conscious and could speak, her reaction became very slow and dull. Qing Dai lay on Gong Liancheng's chest, "Liancheng don't leave..."

"Her hard, no one is watching Adai, me protect her."

"All right, because you have protected me for dozens of years, I will take good care of her, and count it as a favor to you." Eunan wore a black and purple fairy robe, as lazy as when I first saw it. Juechen, evil and charming.

"Is Liancheng going far away? When will you come back to accompany me? It can't be long, I will be angry after waiting a long time." Qing Dai relied on holding Gong Liancheng in the dying years.

Gong Liancheng fixed Qing Dai's gaze still dozingly, just stroking Qing Dai's hand, trembling slightly, as if powerless, "Well, I'm going out to a far door, to a far place...Adai, wait for me Come back to you... You must be good, you can't kill, you must listen to the hardship..."

"I'll wait for you to come back and find me... Just wait here, not going anywhere."

Gong Liancheng was gone, and he was dead.

After Qing Dai became a Nightmare, it seemed that her intelligence was declining a little bit. She didn't know what death was. She only believed Gong Liancheng's words, knowing that he would come back to her one day.

However, Gong Liancheng never came back.

Ji Yuno knew that if Gong Liancheng entered the underworld, he would inevitably betray torture, because he did heinous things in order to save Qing Dai, murdering people, borrowing his orders... all of these would give Gong Liancheng no chance of reincarnation. Crime.

After Gong Liancheng left.

Eunan quietly put his body back into the ground courtyard of the ancestral house of the palace family.

He is a faithful god, and he really started to take care of Qing Dai for Gong Liancheng.

Like a babysitter, every half a month, he goes out once to find "food" for Qing Dai.

However, it was revealed in the illusion that Ewan went out for the last time and never returned.

Qing Dai was alone in the dark basement, waiting and waiting, but could not wait for the disaster.

Ji Yunai understood that if he didn't come back, he must have been caught by the Three Realms Public Security Administration.

The reason is probably a small line on the last page of "The Curse"——

If the wicked use this magic spell, they will definitely die.

Eunan is the **** of disasters. Although he will not die, I am afraid that she will be planted on this sentence. Only she can use the spiritual curse. If others use it, terrible consequences will inevitably occur.

Gong Liancheng is dead.

The disaster did not come back.

At first, Qing Dai stayed alone in the secret room in fear.

Later, because of lack of food, she became more and more hungry, one year...two years...

Her hair began to fall out, her whole body began to fester, she completely turned into a monster, and gradually the zombie became sane, she ran out of the secret room and began a hundred-year killing.

From the illusion, Yuno finally figured it out.

Why did Qing Dai only kill the women of the palace family?

At first, Qing Dai just killed the maids and servants in the ancestral house of the palace family.

But in the end she seemed to understand that Gong Liancheng had broken his promise and that he was not coming back, and she began to retaliate.

Because most of the heirs after the Gong family are the heirs of her two sons and Gong Liancheng.

Even if she didn't recognize it, it was the meat that fell from her body after all. She was reluctant to hurt her son and his son's descendants. She could only attack the palace woman.

She will not leave the palace, because she promised Gong Liancheng that she will stay at the palace...

She only killed the first female family member of the palace family, because Qing Dai herself was also the palace family who entered the palace after having a main house in Gongliancheng...

All this finally made sense.

And the black memory **** behind the nightmare soul forbidden area contained evidence of the 100-year killing of the nightmare Qingdai, and there was nothing worth seeing.

"I have finished watching the illusion, and Qing Dai's memories have also been read...and I haven't found a way to go out." A Luo squatted on the ground, discouraged.

But at this time, Ji Yuno disagreed, "Who said that I can't find a way out? I have an idea!"

"Eh? What?"

"Isn’t Qing Dai always waiting for Gong Liancheng to come back? If I guess right, Gong Liancheng is still serving his sentence in the underworld. I can use let Qing Dai see Gong Liancheng as a bargaining chip, negotiate with her, and let her take our Spit it out!"

then! Can't you go out!

(End of this chapter)

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