Early morning in New York.

The light from the Nasdaq screen shines through the brown glass into the British-style cafe.

"According to our news, a vicious incident occurred in Germany yesterday, and the Avengers immediately stopped the crime."

"But it is regrettable that Wanda Maximoff, codenamed Scarlet Witch, caused nearly 60 casualties due to her mistake!"

The large-screen TV hanging on the wall was broadcasting a piece of news.

"It's so abominable, these superheroes are just using their reputation to cause trouble everywhere!"

The well-dressed bearded boss put the coffee on the young man's table, stared at the TV with disgust on his face and cursed in a low voice.

"Uncle Crewe, do you really believe the media's one-sided story?"

The young man sitting on the leather sofa picked up the silver spoon and stirred the Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee without even turning his head, and responded nonchalantly.

As he stirred the silver spoon, the rich aroma of coffee flowed into his nose, and the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly rise.

"Howard, I saw it happen to me! I saw that big green damn monster smash my house with the car I bought on loan!"

"Fake! That was the house I saved for more than ten years to buy!"

When Kru mentioned this, his already broad chest rose and fell violently.

On that day, he witnessed unprecedented despair, and even now he is still shaking with anger.

"Uncle Crewe, this is the third time you have said"

"And didn't I give you a better house and car as compensation later?"

Hodder picked up a small piece of sugar and put it into the coffee, shaking his head helplessly.

Whenever there was news about superheroes on TV, Uncle Crewe would curse uncontrollably.

"That's different. Even so, you can't do whatever you want!"

Uncle Kru put his hands on his waist, and the breath he exhaled made his gray beard tremble.

Facing Uncle Kru's answer, Hood put down the coffee and shook his head,"No hurry, sometimes you shouldn't make conclusions too early, let the bullets fly for a while!"

He knew better than anyone that the Avengers were not to blame for what happened.

It was just that the media intended to push the Avengers to the forefront through overwhelming public pressure.

The purpose of doing so was nothing more than to force Tony Stark and others to agree to the government's next superhero plan.

Let the Avengers fully agree to the government's trusteeship.

In this practice, Wanda was the most critical victim.

The reason why he knew all this was because he was a time traveler.

Hood took the coffee in his hand and took a sip of the rich coffee, his eyes filled with memories.

More than a year ago, he traveled to this world.

And he also got the golden finger that a time traveler must have: [Life Surprise System, Enjoy Life, Enjoy Life!]

As the name suggests, as long as he enjoys a high-quality and comfortable life, he may trigger rewards.

For example, random rewards such as [One Million US Dollars], [Unlimited Lubricant], [A Hard and Indestructible Stick]

【Ding! You tasted premium Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee!】

【Reward: One hundred thousand US dollars!】

"My dear Mr. Hood, bullets don't fly for long!"

Uncle Crewe's elegant English accent brought Hood back to reality.

"It's hard to say, time will prove what I said."

Hodder put down the coffee cup and casually placed a stack of US dollars on the table.

Just as he was about to push the door open and leave, he seemed to remember something and turned back and said,"Uncle Hodder, your coffee today is still very delicious. See you tomorrow."

After that, the oak door of the coffee shop slowly closed, and the copper bell on it made a crisp ring.

"This kid……"

Crewe looked up at the figure through the brown glass of the store door and smiled, then reluctantly stuffed the bill into his cash register.

This man with a unique charm in his every move was the biggest customer in his store. He would walk into his coffee shop on time at 4 o'clock every afternoon, and would leave calmly after taking a few sips of coffee.

And before leaving every time, he would not forget to leave a $1,000 tip..........

The afterglow of the setting sun casts a shadow on the green pine trees.

Under the light, the pine needles look like golden-painted needles.

The black Cayenne is driving on the road to the suburbs.

"Occasionally, you have to live in a different place!"

Hodder controlled the steering wheel with his right hand and placed his left hand outside the window to feel the breeze.

The scenery not far away made him feel a little happier.

His destination this time was a manor in the suburbs.

It was a manor obtained by the system reward. Although it was remote, the scenery was particularly beautiful.

As the distance from the city got farther and farther, the houses around became fewer and fewer.

Even driving for more than a kilometer might not see a house.

The long road was like a ruler that went straight into the woods.

In the quiet environment, the chirping of birds on the roadside could be heard from time to time.


"Its King of New York looks in for the Queen!"

"Uh you got the right one!"


A lively song came from the Bose speakers.

Hodder, who was driving the car, also hummed along with the song.

This slow-paced life made him feel that life had a lot more fun.

Just as he was swaying slightly with the music, a woman in a red coat staggered out from the woods ahead!


Hodder's face suddenly changed when he saw the figure that suddenly appeared.

He turned the steering wheel frantically with both hands, and the brake of his right foot almost kicked into the fuel tank.

With a sharp brake sound, the Cayenne stopped steadily a few centimeters away from the woman in red.


But the woman actually fell heavily on his hood.

""A fraudster?" Hodder was stunned for a moment, and his next thought was:"Cayenne or suction device?" Seeing that the woman didn't raise her head, Hodder hurriedly got out of the car.

���When he saw the woman lying on the hood, his face was stunned.

The woman had blond hair, and her milky white hair was about to burst out under the pressure of the T-shirt.

The blood-red coat draped over her body made her even more beautiful.

And she actually exuded a strong malt aroma.

Hod was stunned for a long time before he murmured:"This... is Wanda?".........

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