The Cayenne slowly drove into the path and stopped at the back door of the base.

Hood looked around and saw a woman wearing a baseball cap and a hood carefully walking out from behind a tree.

Wanda did not wear her iconic red windbreaker today.

The eyes between her hair were filled with melancholy and pain.

Hood could tell from her expression that she was not afraid of herself, but of the protesters.

Just like the situation just now, the group of crazy guys wanted to tear Wanda apart alive.

After making sure that the protesters in the distance were still tearing each other apart, Wanda trotted to the passenger seat of the car.


After getting in the car.

The nervous look on Wanda's face relaxed a lot, and she breathed a long sigh of relief.

She would rather face Hood than those protesters.

Whenever she saw the distorted faces of those protesters, she felt mixed emotions.

"It's okay, they didn't see you!"

Hodder looked at Wanda and couldn't help but comfort her.

"Although you are not a good person, I still want to thank you."

Because Hood still chose to stand by her side at this moment.

Although his words were a bit irritating, he always cared about her.

From the beginning to the end, he chose her without hesitation. He was planning to get off the car to help her vent her anger just now, which made her feel a little warmer in her heart.

Hood was the only person who cared about her besides the Avengers.

Even when she was drunk, he still wanted to help her first.

Even if she was scolded outside, she was not shaken at all.


Hood's mouth corners slightly raised, and he asked with a sly smile:"Am I not a good person?"

"Stop pretending, you came to me just for that matter!"

Wanda pursed her lips and glanced at Hood unhappily.

The man was thinking about these things.

Besides this matter, how could Hood have anything else to ask her?

"Little witch, you are too dirty. Who is like you?"

"Have you ever heard of a saying, how you see others is how others see you!"

Hodder reached out and rubbed Wanda's little head vigorously and then said:"I have something serious to talk to you about!"

"What's the matter?"

Wanda turned her head and looked at Hord with a puzzled look.

"I asked you to come out to teach you how to master Chaos Magic!"

Hod did not hide anything and directly stated the purpose of his trip.

"Chaos magic?"

Wanda's eyes were filled with doubt. It was the first time she heard this word.

"That's your ability!"

Hod suddenly remembered that Wanda didn't know what the energy in her body was called.

"Chaos magic? My ability?"

Wanda was surprised and asked blankly:"Can you teach me how to control my ability?"

She has been trying to control this ability, but she has no way to do it.

"Not sure yet!"

Hood smiled evilly and glanced at Wanda, who was dressed tightly:"But you seemed to want to do something else just now!"

Wanda's cheeks blushed when she heard this.

Wasn't what Hood said just now saying that her mind was not pure?

She glanced at Hood's expression carefully.

In fact, she didn't hate this man that much, it was just that the progress was a little too fast.


Hod pulled Wanda closer and rubbed her head:"I won't tease you anymore, let's go to my place first!"

After that, he started the car and turned the car towards the manor.

He wanted to tell Tony that he could help Wanda stabilize her ability, but it was not appropriate now.

After all, he was not sure whether he was really successful, so he could only try it with the idea of giving it a try.......

In the manor, in a room decorated in a low-key and luxurious style.

Wanda sat on the white bed, with her head down, looking restless.

She couldn't help but recall what happened last night when she was in the car just now.

As her memory became clearer, it became harder for her to forget, and she could even recall every detail.

In addition, she was still in Hood's room, which made her heart beat faster.

In the silent room, she could even hear her own heartbeat.

Hood picked up a stool and sat opposite Wanda.

In every move, Wanda could even smell the scent of Hood's cologne.

"Wanda, before we start, I want to ask a question first!"

Hodder sat upright, looking straight into Wanda's blue eyes with a serious expression.

"you say……"

Wanda was a little nervous at first, but she was not used to seeing Hood's serious look.

"What do you think your ability is?"

Hod paused and asked again:"Is it a mutant ability? Or is it an energy body, or has it brought some changes to you?"

Wanda pondered for a moment:"I......I think it's an energy body. Back in the lab, Hydra injected a kind of energy into my body."

"The energy bodies in the body can be mobilized at will, they will continue to regenerate, and even change my body imperceptibly!"

"But they are difficult to control and can even affect my mood!"

If she could really control the power in her body at will, she wouldn't feel so powerless.

"Chaos magic does affect the mind, but it is not a simple energy body, but an ancient form of magic."

Hodder explained chaos magic as simply as possible.

Wanda cannot control chaos magic. This power itself cannot be completely controlled.

If she wants to control it, she can only continuously improve her control during practice to further suppress the risk of losing control.

If she doesn't do that, then what awaits Wanda is only a critical point at a certain moment.

Or she may be eroded by chaos magic when her emotions are out of control, and even turn black.

He remembered that this was reflected in the later Scarlet Witch, who was eroded by chaos magic.

Eventually, she turned black and became a villain.

"You mean there is magic in my body?!"

Wanda frowned and asked in disbelief.

Because in her opinion, this is just an energy body and should not have much to do with magic.

And magic sounds too magical.

Hood did not speak, but nodded with a firm expression, and at the same time stretched out his hands to hold Wanda's hands.

The sudden action made Wanda's heart beat faster, and even her body became stiff.

"you...What are you going to do?!"

Her face flushed and her heart beat fast, and even her body trembled slightly.

What happened yesterday has not yet been resolved.

"Don't be nervous, relax, and cooperate with me!"

Hood looked at Wanda with a gentle look.

The gentle look made Wanda believe Hood involuntarily.

Hood took a deep breath, and fire emerged in his eyes.


The next moment.

Fiery red energy material emerged from his palm.

After the appearance of this energy material, the chaos magic in Wanda's body was also awakened at this time.

Without control, it actually emerged from her palm.

Chaos magic and the power of the phoenix intertwined and blended with each other at this moment.

Just like the climbing ivy entwined and climbing each other, a mysterious feeling came to Wanda's heart.


Wanda widened her eyes, looking at Hood in front of her in disbelief.

Because when the energy in her body was blending with the fire, she had an extremely strong sense of intimacy in her heart.

And she didn't know why, at this moment, she actually had a feeling that was hard to describe.

This was completely different from family and friendship, as if she could completely trust Hood.

Even the vigilant eyes became incomparably gentle at this moment.

She looked at Hood's handsome face. It was obviously an oriental face, but with deep eye sockets and a high nose bridge.

It looked so angular, and there was even a feeling of heartbeat.

Just looking at Hood, her eyes were even a little blurred at this moment.

The whole person seemed to have melted into a puddle of water, and even her eyes were a little scattered.

"Wanda, there's something wrong with your eyes!"

Hod's voice suddenly pulled Wanda back.

"I didn't!!!"

Wanda's voice suddenly rose, but her panicked expression made her words seem so pale.

""Okay, idiot! Look here!"

Hood scratched Wanda's high nose bridge and asked her to look at her clenched hands.

Due to the mutual familiarity between the Phoenix Force and Chaos Magic, coupled with Hood's control over magic, he mobilized the Chaos Magic in Wanda's body just by shaking hands.

When the two magical energies blended, they quickly spread outward like a scarlet tide.

The scarlet light, like the waves of the Aurora, enveloped the entire room.


The original room actually changed drastically at this time at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As if time was constantly going backwards, the surrounding furniture and decorations began to become retro.

As the light shone, the changes around became faster and faster.���It feels like being in hundreds of years ago

"This is not a fantasy, this is reality……"

Wanda denied it when faced with this scene, and even her voice became slightly trembling.

But even she could still clearly feel that everything happening around her was extremely real.

The reality was beyond her imagination, and she couldn't even find the slightest flaw.

Even when each object changed, it seemed as if it should be like this.

And what shocked her even more was that all of this was created by the chaos magic in her body!

Wanda took a long time to come back to her senses, and asked with a short breath:"Hodder, how did you do it?"

Hodder's mouth corners slightly raised:"This is chaos magic!"...................Dividing line.................... ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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