"I didn't expect the little witch to be jealous!"

Hodder took a breath and rubbed his waist pretending to be in pain.

Girls should pretend that it doesn't hurt when they are going to kill them, and they must pretend that it hurts when they are going to do it gently.

As a man who has been in many flowers, Hodder is naturally familiar with this.

"you really are……"


Wanda was so angry that she was about to continue pinching him when a loud noise suddenly came from the front. The two of them looked up and saw a cloud of dust in front of them.

The people who were originally sitting in the car couldn't help but get out to check the situation ahead.

"Ah!!! Monster!"


"What is this!"

"Get out of my way, get away!"


There were screams and cries from the crowd in front.

For a moment, the whole street was in chaos, and people on the street were crying and running back.

The vehicles in front were reversing and moving backward.

The accident happened suddenly, and the drivers behind were not able to react in time, which caused a large number of rear-end collisions in an instant.

The vehicles were piled up together, and the sound of horns, cries, and alarms mixed together.

"What happened?"

Wanda unbuckled her seat belt immediately, put her right hand on the door buckle, stared at the situation ahead and frowned slightly.

This is in the city center, generally speaking, this kind of incident will never happen.

It is very likely that a vicious incident has occurred ahead. If so, then she must help.

Otherwise, there will be extremely serious casualties here.

"It seems like something is coming."

Hodder got out of the car and looked ahead with a frown.

Something was running towards this side in the rolling dust.

When the tall figure was running, the dust around it was flowing rapidly.

The next second, the tall figure rushed out of the thick dust.

It was clearly a humanoid creature, covered with dense green scales, and with spikes like steel needles from the top of the head to the tail.

It was covered with a piece of white rag, which could barely be seen as a torn shirt.


It suddenly pushed aside all the cars in front of it.

The clear roar made the fleeing citizens terrified.

"Dr. Connor!"

The moment he saw the monster, Hood recognized the origin of the lizard man.


"What kind of monster is that?"

Wanda got off the car and stared at the lizard man not far away with a serious expression.

The power of chaos emerged around her wrist, and the crimson light was ready to go.

Although she was cursed, the sense of justice in her heart would not dissipate.


The lizardman threw the torn car door towards the store nearby.

The huge force even made the car door embed into the red brick wall, and the broken stones flew everywhere!

"Damn it! I'm going to stop this monster!"

Wanda's eyes condensed, and she was about to rise directly into the air.

But at this moment, Hodla beside her grabbed Wanda's wrist:"Don't worry, someone is coming!"

I saw.

A nimble and sharp white figure quickly turned and moved in the air above the tall buildings.

"Big lizard, this is not your toy."

As the light voice sounded, the white figure swung out an arc and fiercely kicked the lizard man to the ground.

At the same time, he did a 365-degree backflip and landed gracefully on the open ground.

"It's Ghost Spider."

When Wanda saw this figure, she instantly recognized her identity.

The Avengers had investigated this girl before, so they had a deep impression of her.


The lizardman who was kicked over quickly got up, and with his scaly left hand, he pulled up the electric pole beside him.

With a roar, he smashed the electric pole towards the ghost spider.

When he swung, a huge sound of wind sounded in the air.

The ghost spider flipped backwards and evaded the attack swiftly.

"Your movements are too slow, you are not a qualified lizard!"

"How about this, I'll send you to the prison first to observe the animal world, maybe you can find some interesting inspiration!"

"Over here, over here! Where are you looking? Don't run over there!"

Facing the attack of the big lizard, Ghost Spider couldn't help but tease while dodging.

The endless words made the already angry lizard man even more manic.

He threw the electric pole in his hand at Ghost Spider and tore off the door of a Hummer at the same time.


The frantic lizardman blocked the car door in front of him and rushed towards the ghost spider like a bulldozer.

"She talks so much!"

Wanda, who was watching the battle not far away, couldn't help but complain.

It was the first time she saw someone chattering during a battle.

And she didn't repeat herself.

"It seems that every Spider-Man has the attribute of being a chatterbox!"

Hodder raised the corner of his mouth and said jokingly with a relaxed expression.

Among the superheroes, only Spider-Man would behave like this in battle.

Bang, bang, bang!

At this time, the sound of collisions continued.

The lizard man who was chasing the ghost spider was fooled around, and he couldn't catch the agile ghost spider no matter what.

It was like a small insect flying around his ear, making it even more irritable.

Looking at the ghost spider that was dodging nimbly, the lizard man suddenly noticed two people in the middle of the road not far away.

When he saw the two people, a red light flashed in his eyes!

"This stupid lizard seems to be targeting us."

Hodder raised his lips and shrugged with a helpless look.

He was just watching the battle, but he was dragged into the battlefield.



The lizard man's green arms were throbbing with veins, and he swung the car door in his hand and strode towards Hord.

"Damn it! Get out of the way!"

Ghost Spider's expression changed drastically when she saw this scene.

She didn't know why she hadn't noticed that there were two people standing there.

Facing this scene, she could only grit her teeth and stop dodging, jumping right in front of Hod.

Looking at the Ghost Spider that suddenly appeared in front of him, the Lizard Man's voice sounded extremely excited.

He raised the car door in his hand high and smashed it directly at the Ghost Spider.


Facing this fierce blow, Gwen could only grit her teeth and raise her hands to block.

With a huge force coming, her heels were smashed into the ground several inches.

The lizard man looked at the ghost spider's appearance and grinned, and his sharp teeth looked particularly ferocious.

All this was in its plan.

Before Gwen could react, its tail swung violently.

The powerful blow knocked Gwen to the ground.

At the same time, the car door in his hand was thrown towards Gwen with great force and strong wind.

At this time, Gwen looked at the car door that was getting closer and closer with a pale face, and there was no time to dodge.

At this last moment, the fear made her subconsciously close her eyes.


Dust splashed, and a huge roar resounded through the street.

But Gwen found that she was actually fine, she squinted and opened her eyes.

And a tall figure stood in front of her.

This person was wearing a black T-shirt, with one hand in his pocket, and he leisurely caught the powerful car door with one hand.

"Back off!"...................Dividing line................. ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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