The exploded robot spider fell to the ground, with steel fragments scattered everywhere.

"Unicorn, can your suit speed up?!"

Gwen came to Hord's side quickly, looking at Hord's suit with envy.

Her eyes were almost full of stars.

She couldn't help but stand on tiptoe and stroke the bright red unicorn horn.


Hodder looked at her on tiptoe and simply lowered his head to give her a more comfortable rub.

"What is the principle behind this?"

Gwen had more fun after noticing the detail of Hod lowering his head.

This armor is so cool, and it can be played like that!

And this big red horn feels so good!(????)??It can be said that everything that happened tonight shocked her....

To be precise, it should be like this all day.

After all, Mr. Hood, whom I met today, was also very mysterious.

"Have you touched enough?"

Hodder turned his head slightly and patted Gwen's little head gently:"We should set out to find Kingpin!"

"Well, I just feel it's very comfortable to touch!"

Gwen reluctantly withdrew her hand. After all, this thing is too cool.

It has been bombed by missiles, but the surface is still smooth.

"There will be bigger ones for you to touch later!"

Huo De smiled mysteriously.

""What? Do you have other armor?"

Gwen's eyes widened, and she looked at Hord excitedly.

She really didn't expect that there were other armors.......Pure little Gwen!

Hodder did not answer this question and walked into the factory first.

As soon as he walked in, a smell of medicine hit him.

""Ouch, it stinks! What on earth are they doing in there?"

Even though she was wearing a hood, the smell still made Gwen cover her nose.

"It seems that they have a large trading volume tonight!"

Hodder smelled the smell and instantly understood the purpose of this warehouse.

On the surface, it looks like an abandoned factory, but in fact it is where they store goods.

And judging from the boxes around, it is estimated that the entire warehouse is full of these goods.


At this moment, there was a loud noise behind him.

Even the ground under his feet was shaking slightly with the loud noise.

Looking back, he saw that the damaged warehouse door was actually blocked by a thickened iron plate!

Judging from the device above, this should be a thickened iron plate specially made to resist foreign enemies.

And the so-called warehouse door is just a decoration, and the real defense measure is this iron plate.

Thump thump thump...

At this time, the dim factory suddenly became as bright as day, and the chandeliers above were suddenly turned on

""Welcome to my wood factory!"

Following the voice, a tall and strong figure slowly walked out of the corridor on the second floor, with a cane in his hand.

When he walked out, a group of people suddenly rushed out from other places, all of them pointed their weapons at Hood and Gwen.


Gwen's voice was filled with unspeakable anger when she saw Kingpin.

Hod, who was standing by, could clearly feel the mixed emotions in Gwen's heart.

"Little guy, we are really destined to meet each other. I have come all the way here and I still meet you!"

Jin Bing hooked his hand slightly, and the men beside him immediately handed over a cigar to help light it.

"I'm coming for you!"

Gwen gnashed her teeth and yelled.

Little Gwen's hatred......

Hod sensed Gwen's inner hatred for Kingpin

"Coming for me?!"

Kingpin took a deep puff of his cigar and shifted his gaze to the red and silver figure, his eyes filled with anger:"If it weren't for your friend, you would have died long ago!"

He really didn't expect that someone would specifically help this damn little spider.

"If I had come earlier, you would have died earlier."

Hodder's voice was calm, even with a hint of disdain.

This was because he had not heard of Kingpin's appearance, otherwise he would have already taken action.


Jin gritted his teeth and looked at Huo De with fear:"My friend, you and I have no grudges against each other, why do we have to hurt the harmony!"

"Are you trying to bribe me?"

Huo De said with a teasing tone.


Jin Bing smashed the cigar to the ground fiercely, and sparks flew everywhere.

He supported his body with his left hand and flipped over, jumping down from the second floor.

The moment his huge weight hit the ground, there was even a dull sound.

"Even if I die, I won't surrender!"

After saying that, he slowly took off his suit jacket and grabbed the shirt on his chest with his right hand. He tore it off violently and threw the wine-stained clothes aside.

Under the clothes, he saw an extremely strong body.

""You have ambition."

Hod nodded in appreciation. He admired Kingpin's courage.

Otherwise, he would not have fought his way out of the mixed Hell's Kitchen and become the underground emperor who dominated one side.

"Come on! I want to see how strong you are!"

Jin Bing showed a ferocious smile, and his breathing became heavy at this time.


Gwen wanted to remind Hod to be careful, but when she thought of the armor on Hod, she swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth.

After all, with this strength, it is not certain who can be asked to pay attention to safety.

"In that case, I will also take off my armor and fight you fairly!"

Hod strode forward, his voice lazily.

He did that for two reasons.

The first was to admire Kingpin's bloodiness.

The second was that it might trigger a reward.

After all, the one he defeated was the underground emperor.


Gwen's head was buzzing.

She couldn't understand why Hood would give up his advantage.

Obviously, his greatest advantage was the suit of armor on his body.

He actually wanted to fight the underground emperor in a hand-to-hand combat?! Is there anything wrong with his brain?

You have to know that Kingpin's frontal strength is greater than hers, and she can't win even if she goes up.

This person who relies on armor actually plans to take off his armor?!

"This guy wants to fight the boss?! Hahaha!"

"I guess this guy's head is full of cheese!"

"Are you tired of living and come here to have fun with our boss?"

"Looks like we have it secured this time!"


Jin Bing's men were also whispering to each other, their eyes full of disdain.

They knew how terrifying their boss was, and they were no match for him if they attacked together.

If the man was wearing armor, it would not be certain, but if he took off his armor, they would be safe.


Jin Bing was overjoyed. The reason why he was afraid of Huo De was because of his battle suit.

But without the battle suit, it would be hard to say who would win. He sneered and said,"I didn't expect you to be such a brave man. If you beat me, we will be done with each other.""


Hodder nodded slowly, turned around and said to Gwen,"Little Spider, don't interfere, I'll put on a good show for you!"

Gwen got anxious when she heard this:"This is Kingpin! Are you crazy?"

"You will know whether he is crazy or not soon, and it is still uncertain who is stronger and who is weaker."

Hodder said, and put his right hand on his waist and directly opened the insect instrument.


The buzzing sounded. The bright red battle clothes on his body fluttered, and a rhinoceros beetle flew away.

Under the light, it looked extremely dazzling.

And Hodder's handsome profile, as the mask disappeared, also appeared

"This guy......"

The big eyes on Gwen's mask widened....

It’s actually Hod!!!...................Dividing line.................... ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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