"I heard someone calling for help, so I just came over."

Gwen said subconsciously.

She was originally planning to go back to school through this block.

She happened to see this scene, so she took action without hesitation.

"By the way, Hood, won't you affect the battle like this?"

Wanda stared at Hood's subconsciously squeezing hand.

She felt sour inside, but she still tried hard not to show it.

When Gwen heard this, she remembered that she was still being held by Hood.

This made her face flush instantly. Fortunately, she had a mask on, otherwise it would be seen.

"Thank you, Mr. Hood, please let me down!"

She quickly broke free from Hood's arms, shot out spider silk and lay on the wall of the building beside her.

"It's okay."

Hod shook his head, recalling the feeling just now.

After all, he didn't hold her for long, which was a bit regrettable.

"Be careful, these three bulls don't look like good people!"

Although Wanda was a little dissatisfied, she still turned her attention to the three bulls below.

She also noticed the energy bursting out of the eyes of these three bulls.

"They are so weird, their eyes emit black gas, and they can also shoot out something like laser eyes."

Gwen nodded in agreement. If it weren't for that sudden skill, she wouldn't have been shot down so easily.

And the speed of the black gas was so fast that even her spider sense couldn't react.

As she said that, she couldn't help but focus her eyes on Hord who was standing beside her.

She clearly remembered that Hord's eyes could also shoot out beams of light.


Hod looked at the bull-men below, frowning slightly.

Because to be precise, they are not human beings at all.

Generally speaking, most of the monsters were originally humans.

But these bull-men below are clearly people transformed from cows!

Because from the appearance, body shape, and the horns on their heads, it can be seen that they were originally cows.

The standing hooves alone are the most natural appearance of cows, and even the horns look old.

If they really mutated later, they would never look like this.

"They are the product of black magic!"

Hod had seen similar black magic on the scroll when he was reading it.

With the power of the phoenix in his body, he was more sensitive to black magic!

Combined with the appearance, he could determine the origin of these barbarians.

"What?! These are not biological mutations, but the product of magic!"

Wanda widened her eyes and looked at the barbarians below in disbelief.


Hod nodded solemnly. It can be seen that this is definitely a planned event.

People who use black magic have a strong purpose. This matter is definitely not as simple as it seems.


The barbarian bull below struggled to grab stones and other things and threw them at the people in the air.

The thrown stones and debris even made an explosion sound.


Wanda stretched out her hands and shouted angrily, stopping all the debris from being thrown out.

At the same time, Hod had already landed on the ground.

The three barbarians were ecstatic when they found Hod falling, and red light flashed in their eyes.

As the ground shook, they rushed towards Hod at a high speed.

""Be careful!"

Although Gwen knew that Hood was very strong, she couldn't help but warn him.

During the fight, she found that the bulls were very strong.

The next second, Hood kicked hard with a whip kick, which was so powerful that it even made a sonic boom.

With a bang, the three bulls were directly blown away.

They hit the ground in the distance and rolled on the ground for many times before they barely stopped.

Although they were not dead, they looked miserable.

The thick fur was missing a large piece due to the friction of the ground, revealing the bloody muscles.

"This power is really too terrifying!!!"

Seeing this scene, Gwen suddenly remembered that even in terms of strength, Hood was the strongest person she had ever seen.

Even until now, she had never seen Hood use his full strength.

"His strength has always been strong."

When Wanda said this, her eyes subconsciously glanced at Hood's waist. She knew this very well. This thing is simply a pile driver that never stops.



The bull man who flew backwards struggled to get up from the ground, looking even crazier. He was obviously seriously injured, but he didn't seem to stop at all.

"Is this the power of black magic?"

Gwen murmured as she looked at this horrifying scene.

This was completely beyond her cognition, because in this situation, the body of the Barbarian Bull was not affected at all.

At the same time, the Barbarian Bull roared and began to condense the black rays again.


Three rays were ejected at the same time, and when they met in the air, they gathered into a thicker black ray.

"Is this the only trick you can use?"

Hod impatiently pulled with his right hand, and the small truck next to him blocked his way.

When the black ray focused on the truck, it sizzled instantly.

The body of the truck was like being splashed with high-concentration sulfuric acid, and it was even corroding continuously, and an irregular black-edged hole appeared.

Judging from the continuously dissolving steel, the penetration ability of this ray was not strong. The terrifying thing was that it was corrosive.

"This actually has a corrosive effect? "

Hodder couldn't help but be a little surprised. This was indeed beyond his expectations.

Because it takes more than just black magic to change the cow into this appearance.

���A lot of materials need to be prepared, otherwise there is no way to make the Barbarian Bull have such a strong power.

I thought it was just a small monster used to disrupt New York, but I didn't expect it to have such a strong power.

"It seems that the black magician in New York is really generous."

Hodder raised his lips and murmured in a teasing tone.

At the same time, the barbarian who failed to hit did not stop.

Instead, he continued to condense those black rays, clearly intending to attack Hodder with long-range means.

"Oh? They actually have a certain combat awareness? Or are these three barbarian bulls being controlled in real time?"

Looking at the actions of the barbarian bulls, Hod stroked his chin and thought secretly in his heart.

Because even though these cows have become barbarian bulls, their IQ should not have improved.

"Forget it, I don't want to play anymore!"

Hod shook his head and threw away those messy thoughts.

His eyes were full of light, and a bright beam of light blasted out!

It blocked the three black rays that were shot at it.


At the moment when the two energies intertwined, the black rays were instantly melted away.


The golden rays instantly shone on the three barbarians, blasting them away....................Dividing line................. ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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