
Rhodes was surprised.

It was the first time he saw Tony look so nervous.

"This is a very good friend of mine. He might be in danger now!"

Although he has known Hood for less than half a year, Hood has become Tony's best friend. He not only confides his troubles to him, but also gives him good advice on future decisions.

Judging from the reaction on the screen, the glowing marked area is the location of Hood's home.

"Friday, prepare the plane!"

Tony called.

If Hod was in danger, he had to rush to the scene as soon as possible.

""Tony, don't worry. We don't even know what's going on right now."

Steve frowned. If they rushed over without any preparation, the most likely outcome would be that they would be annihilated.

Moreover, the energy fluctuations they encountered this time were the strongest they had ever seen. Even if all of them were deployed, they would not be able to defeat them.

"How can I not be anxious? This is my best friend!"

Tony's forehead was bulging with veins, and even his body was shaking slightly.

"Even if you rush over now, you may not be in time. Let's take a look at the current situation first!"

Natasha also persuaded from the side.

With the current energy fluctuations, even if Tony went over himself, it would be useless.

And there was actually one thing she wanted to say but didn't say, that is, maybe Tony's good friend is already dead.

Because the area covered by this energy is really too large, and judging from this fluctuation, it is still spreading rapidly to other locations

"I think so too."

Barton, who was standing by with his arms crossed, could not help but nod slightly.

"Have you ever considered our team? You can't joke with everyone's life."

Sam walked quickly to Tony's side and put his hand on Tony's shoulder.

He could understand Tony's feelings, but this was definitely not the time to act on impulse.

He should be more concerned about the direction of the energy fluctuations. He also needed to find out what was going on.

And whether S.H.I.E.L.D. needed to assist.

"No, look, the detection data in the area has begun to change!"

Rhodes looked at the data displayed in the upper right corner, and his urgent voice attracted everyone's attention.

"On Friday, immediately detect any signs of data fluctuations and analyze all the information!"

Tony gritted his teeth, his voice filled with endless anger. If his friend was hurt, he would never let the culprit go.

【Boss, the previous detection data is biased! 】

After a moment, Friday's voice sounded, and the picture on the device screen began to flash. 817

In the picture, the energy fluctuation was just in the opposite direction to the east.

""Hoo~Steve, take someone to investigate the situation over there."

After seeing that the energy fluctuations were not at Hood's house, Tony felt like he was about to collapse. He simply gave the task to Steve.

After all, Captain America likes to go out on missions more than anyone else.

""Okay, I'll be there now!"

Steve nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Tony paused and said,"Be careful, this may be a conspiracy of Hydra!"


Steve responded casually, and was about to walk out quickly.

But at this moment, he seemed to remember something and asked,"Where's Wanda?"

All of them were there just now, only Wanda was missing.

And Wanda was elusive during this period of time, and even when she went out, she left quietly.

It was as if there was something she couldn't tell anyone.

"I don't know."

Natasha had a strange expression on her face, and said with a half-smile:"Anyway, I didn't see her yesterday afternoon, and she didn't return to the base last night!"

""Could something have happened to her?"

Rhode frowned. Wanda used to hate going out.

But she has hardly been seen recently.

"Didn't come back last night?

Steve's voice was a little more surprised.

He also knew that Wanda was a relatively conservative and introverted person.

So she would not go out if she could, and would come back soon even if she went out.

Basically, she stayed in the base most of the time.

And during this period of time, she basically hadn't seen anyone. Wanda would not be like this in the past.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone has their own private life."

Natasha spread her hands and looked at everyone with a nonchalant look.

She was probably the only one who could guess what was going on.

After all, when Wanda came back, she would sometimes sit on the sofa and giggle.

There was only one possibility for this look, that is, she had someone she liked.

And her originally fair cheeks were a little more rosy. If it wasn't for some kind of nourishment, she would never believe it. What girl doesn't have spring in her heart?

"Yes, I also think that we should not pay too much attention to it. Everyone has their own privacy."

Even Tony walked to Steve's side, patted his shoulder and shook his head to persuade him.

After all, Hood had told him that he should keep trust in his teammates.

He also believed that one day, Wanda would tell him these things.

So what they need to do now is to wait patiently for the day when she tells them.


Steve looked at Tony with a strange expression:"You were not like this before."

He had seen how angry Tony was about Wanda's concealment.

He even slammed the door when he left.

Now, he didn't care about these things at all. This was simply incredible.

"I'm not like some people who are old-fashioned and can't adapt."

Tony spread his hands, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Steve with a mocking expression.

""Okay, Steve, you should get busy!"

Natasha took the initiative to say at this time:"Anyway, Wanda will definitely find a time to tell us what happened."

She didn't want to see these men pointing fingers at Wanda's private life.

Wanda finally got out of her previous state.

Don't let these guys mess it up for Wanda.


There were thunder and lightning in the sky, and dark clouds were gathering.

Everywhere you look is a wasteland.

The power of the Phoenix began to decompose and melt everything it touched at an extremely terrifying speed.

The trees and grass on the edge disappeared in a flash.

Only empty land was left.

The originally beautiful backyard was no longer recognizable at this time.

If you look down from above, this sunken ground looks so abrupt.

Compared with the scenery in other places, it forms an extremely strong contrast.

Vitality and lifelessness, if someone sees this scene, they will definitely be shocked.

This It was as if it was a power that did not belong to humans at all, and only gods could do such a terrifying thing.

More and more black particles were decomposed, and the strong wind carrying the black particles swirled in the air like a black tornado.

And Hood was floating in the air, like a god who controlled all living things in the world.

Although he was floating in the air, his figure remained motionless in this terrifying storm.

Although the endless wind and sand blocked his vision, Hood's figure was so conspicuous in the air.

His whole body was glowing with red light, just like blood-red stars in the dead night.

His whole body was emitting an extremely terrifying aura.

The voice of the Red Queen sounded in his ears:"Master, the Avengers have detected your presence, and I have tampered with their detection values!"

""Hodder, stop it!"

Wanda looked at the Phoenix force spreading towards her, and could only fly into the air, shouting at Hodder anxiously.

She didn't know what was going on with Hodder now, and everything he did was beyond her imagination.

But she could only hold on to her thin nightgown, and the wind blew up the hem of her skirt, revealing her long white legs.

Because she came out in such a hurry, she was still wearing simple home clothes. What worried her even more was that if Hodder continued, the house behind him would probably be completely destroyed.

"Don't worry."

Hodder looked at the manor in the distance calmly, then turned to look at the ruined environment.

Boom! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He clasped his hands behind his back, and the Phoenix Force that had been spreading stopped expanding at this moment.

And the next second, everything around seemed to be rewound.

The black particles in the sky seemed to be falling, flying quickly back to their original positions.

At this time, it seemed as if a black drizzle was falling from the sky. The moment the drizzle touched the ground, everything around began to recover quickly.

Every time a part of the Phoenix Force shrinks, the position that was originally swallowed will return to its original state.[]

It was as if there was an invisible hand that was constantly restoring the damaged items.

The originally destroyed flowers, trees, houses, land, and high walls were all restored one by one.

""Oh my God."

Wanda's mouth opened slightly.

Although she had seen Hood control his power to affect everything around him.

But this was completely different from Hood's.

This was already restoring all the destroyed things. How terrifying power was needed to do all this.

She had never thought that Hood would have such a powerful power.

This power had completely broken her original concept.

In her original idea, no matter how powerful the magic was, it could only affect a few dozen meters around.

But Hood taught her a lesson in a completely different way.

As long as you can control the power, even a large range can be changed.

She could also feel that the reason why Hood did not continue to release energy was not because of insufficient energy.

To be precise, Hood gave her the feeling that he was tired of playing.

"You and I are the same."

After restoring everything, Hood slowly floated to Wanda's side and hugged Wanda's slender waist:"We both have the ability to create and destroy!"

Since the Phoenix Force can turn everything into dust.

Even nothingness.

Then naturally it can turn dust into water, and water into life.

He just repaired everything again!

Of course, the premise is to have super control over the Phoenix Force.

After Hood got the second Phoenix fragment. He had already mastered the control of the Phoenix Force.

And his strength has reached the level of a father.

All this is not a problem for him at all.

It's just that even he used the Phoenix Force on such a large scale for the first time.

I have to sigh that even he himself was a little surprised

"Incredible, this is really no different from a miracle."

When Wanda spoke, even her voice was a little dull.

It was like a dream, watching everything being destroyed.

But it was restored to its original state. This strength was too terrifying.

She now had a feeling that all the Avengers together might not be Hood's opponent.

"Isn't it handsome?"

Hodder hugged Wanda in front of him, raised the corner of his mouth and said with a sly smile.


Wanda tapped Hood's lips lightly:"This is to encourage you."

Seeing Hood's powerful strength, Wanda couldn't help but get excited.

After all, this is the person she loves the most. The stronger he is, the safer he is.

"That's all the encouragement? It won't do anything."

Hod held Wanda in his arms and slowly landed on the ground, his tongue sweeping across her lips.

"No, you promised me tonight, you can't go back on your word!"

Just one move, Wanda knew that this guy had something unhealthy in his mind again.

After all, after the last time, Hood seemed to have different interests in different positions.

"Why must it be tonight?"

Hod looked at Wanda in confusion. Wanda had said many times that she wanted to go out tonight.

He couldn't understand why girls liked to go out so much.

"Wait, you'll know after we get out."

Wanda smiled mysteriously, but she didn't tell Hood about her plan.


Huo De's eyes suddenly widened:"Are you planning to go outside? Do you like this? You actually like..."

He was really shocked. Could it be that he awakened something incredible during the last meal?


But before he could finish his words, Wanda twisted his waist fiercely.

"You will die if you don't let your mind run wild, right?"

"And if you keep talking nonsense, don't blame me for biting you to pieces next time."

Wanda shook her head helplessly. She couldn't understand why Hood could think about everything in that way.

In a way, this was already very dirty.

And it didn't look like he wasn't full. How could someone stuff food into his stomach after being full?

"Have you finished reading the book?"

Hodder saw that Wanda was about to get angry, so he quickly changed the subject.

"It's right here."

Wanda waved the parchment book in her hand and shook her head helplessly:"Who would have the mood to read a book when you make such a big noise!"

She thought that Hood was out of control, otherwise how could he make such a big noise?

"Since you haven't seen it, don't look at it for now."

Hod's mouth corners slightly raised, feeling the smoothness of the touch:"We have to combine work and rest, take a nap first."

After all, it is impossible to study this kind of thing all the time, and you have to relax your body and mind.

It just so happens that he wants to have a good time now, so he can have another one before going out.

"Nap?! We just got up not long ago!"

Wanda immediately understood what Hood meant. This was not a nap at all!

He was clearly going to take her to study the principle and structure of the shield machine.

Before Wanda could react, Hood had already opened the dimensional door.

He hugged Wanda and stepped into the bedroom.


At the same time, in

Hell's Kitchen, New York, in an unremarkable apartment, the walls of the room were covered with all kinds of weird patterns.

Just looking at it made people's scalps numb.

There was a faint white smoke in the air, and there was a slight smell of blood in the air.


Agatha, who was meditating in the middle of the living room, suddenly opened her eyes."It's the breath of the Phoenix Force.""Is that guy releasing the Phoenix Force?

No, that shouldn't be the case.

It's hard for people who haven't learned magic to be able to do it freely.���Control the Phoenix Force in the body.

Unless that guy is gifted.

Obviously impossible.

There are very few gifted mages on earth.

Even in Kamar-Taj, it is difficult to find a genius in a hundred years.


Agatha felt this power, her eyes full of greed.

This was the power she was willing to give up everything to get!

She slowly stood up, holding the ground, and picked up the black rabbit on the ground.

"Mr. Strachey, it's time to return Chaos Magic and Phoenix Force to their rightful owners."

This is my first time: Early

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