Miyamoto Rei lay in Lin Mo's arms like a kitten.

Her face was ruddy and excited.

At this time, Miyamoto Rei's image had changed.

She was no longer just a pure high school girl.

Her gestures and movements had a mature temperament.

"Ah Mo, it's nice to meet you," Miyamoto Rei stared at Lin Mo's handsome face.

Her breath was like orchid, as if she was drunk.

Looking at Miyamoto Rei's cute and shy image,

Lin Mo's mouth curled up a smile.

Including Miyamoto Rei, his harem group has three members.

"It's time to go to the movies, Li," Lin Mo pinched Miyamoto Li's face.

"I have something else to do, I'll find you later."

Miyamoto Rei nodded obediently.

Then she leaned to one side and walked towards her sisters crookedly.

Glancing at the bright color on the blanket,

Lin Mo exhaled a breath of turbid air with satisfaction.

Then he focused his attention on this enhancement.

This enhancement is different from the past.

The direction of enhancement is not Lin Mo's physical function.

But his perception ability.

To be more specific, it is the sixth sense.

After the perception ability is enhanced.

Lin Mo can detect people or animals who are hostile to him within a certain range.

If a zombie attempts to attack Lin Mo, he will also be sensed.

Lin Mo felt the new ability and showed a satisfied smile. With Lin Mo's current strength, he is not afraid of a head-on confrontation.

He is just afraid of a sneak attack by an old coin.

Now that his perception has been enhanced, his survivability has been greatly improved.

"If it is strengthened to the later stage, will it become like spider sense?"

Lin Mo thought to himself,"Or can it even detect snipers a thousand meters away?"

"Or evolve into some kind of conceptual ability?"

Lin Mo didn't know if there was an upper limit to the ability of supporting the girl to strengthen herself.

If there was no upper limit, it would be a bit scary.

The ability research was over.

Next was the relaxing and enjoyable daily movie watching time.

But maybe it was because Miyamoto Rei had just become a woman today.

Saeko took the initiative to give up her seat and let Miyamoto Rei sit next to Lin Mo.

So that she could watch the movie next to Lin Mo.

Miyamoto Rei was very moved by this arrangement.

The slight tension that originally existed completely disappeared.

Then she was surrounded by a strong sense of happiness.

At the end of the movie, Miyamoto Rei hugged Lin Mo and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

That night, she slept particularly well....

There was no conversation that night. The next morning, at 5:10,

Lin Mo was awakened by an electronic reminder sound.

【Ding! Doomsday Bus upgrade completed】

【Please pay attention to the upgrade log for details. 】

Lin Mo immediately called up the information panel of the Doomsday Bus

【Doomsday Bus】

【Sole owner: Lin Mo】

【Current facility configuration: medium-sized bathroom, medium-sized kitchen, hidden beds, public bathroom......】

【Special facilities: storage space, research table, material decomposition machine】

【Weapons and equipment: Hidden front and rear anti-collision keels, side electric saw cutting machine, embedded 120mm automatic cannon * 1】

【Defense level: D, can resist small tanks, RPG bombing, and has a certain stopping effect on armor-piercing special ammunition】

【Power: Diesel】

【Maximum speed: 400km/h]

The defense level is directly upgraded from F to D.

The speed is also increased a lot.

The most important doomsday bus finally ushered in its first heavy firepower weapon

""Automatic artillery, start!"

Lin Mo gave the order.

On the roof of the Doomsday Bus, an embedded protrusion quickly rose.

The baffle automatically unfolded, and a turret appeared on the front roof of the bus.

At the same time, a holographically controlled aiming device popped out from the co-pilot's cabin.

This was the control console of the turret.

However, Lin Mo could also control this turret remotely.

Even if he was not on the bus, he could control the turret to bomb the location he needed to bomb.

Such a powerful weapon, combined with the mobility of the Doomsday Bus.

It is simply invincible in this doomsday world.

And according to Lin Mo's observation, this turret is only It only occupies one-third of the roof of the bus.

He can easily install two turrets on the bus!

Unfortunately, upgrading the bus consumed too much special steel, and there is no way to build a second cannon for the time being.

But with only one, it is also quite powerful.

Lin Mo licked his lips and immediately loaded a high-explosive armor-piercing shell into the cannon.

An extremely advanced holographic aiming system popped up in Lin Mo's field of vision.

It was similar to the aiming interface in the tank battle.

Under Lin Mo's control, the turret on the bus moved slowly.

And finally aimed at a bus occupied by zombies 500 meters away.

""Faze boom!"

Lin Mo pressed the firing button.


The cannon fired.

Half a second later


The bus full of zombies instantly turned into a huge flaming ruin.

The shock wave generated by the explosion shattered the surrounding zombies.

Even some cars were displaced by the impact of the shells.

Hiss~ What a powerful blow!

If it hit a person, it would instantly turn into slag!

The vibration of the artillery woke up the sleeping girls.

The girls stuck their butts out without caring about their image.

They lay in front of the glass window and watched


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