At this time, inside a high-tech building in Midtown,

Cyborg, a half-machine, half-human, was hiding inside, and covered his half-metal electronic eyes with a hood.

At this time, he was looking at the transformation on the light screen with a complicated look.

In order to gain the power to fight the ocean, Batwoman did not hesitate to transform herself into a monster like a sea monster.

And in a sense, she is also a monster.

Cyborg used to be a football player in school.

After his father missed a football game, he went to Star Labs to express his dissatisfaction.

Star Labs is not the only one in Midtown.

As an international high-tech research institute,

Star Labs are set up all over the United States.

When Cyborg saw his father and quarreled with him, the mother box placed in the laboratory exploded accidentally.

The explosion caused Cyborg to be seriously injured. In order to save his life, his father took Cyborg to the Red Room Laboratory in the United States, where alien high-tech equipment was stored.

As a result, Cyborg absorbed all the alien high-tech devices in the Red Room Laboratory under the influence of the power of the mother box.

Since then, Cyborg has become a half-machine, half-human cyborg.

Cyborg once gave up on himself in despair. He went into hiding.

However, when the light screen played the origin stories of the evil Batman,

Cyborg was shocked and deeply touched.

Especially this drowned ghost version of Batman.

In order to save Gotham and mankind, he took the initiative to undergo body modification and turned himself into a monster.

"As expected of the Dark Knights who protect Gotham, I am not qualified to compare my beliefs with theirs."

Thinking of this, Cyborg's rejection of his semi-mechanized body was reduced a lot.

The despair in his heart was swept away.

In the Atlantic Ocean, in the Kingdom of Atlantis.

Aquaman Arthur and Mera said nothing after watching this video.

Batwoman actually killed Aquaman!

And the Atlantis army also launched an attack on land.

The most incredible thing is that Batwoman voluntarily transformed herself into a monster like a mermaid in order to defeat the attack of Atlantis!

Mera frowned,"Batman before the transformation was able to kill Aquaman, and his combat effectiveness after the transformation will probably be even stronger."

""No matter how strong she is!" Aquaman snorted coldly,"Can she fight against the powerful warriors of Atlantis alone?"

"Even if she transforms herself into a superhuman body, she has no chance of winning against our Atlantis marine army.

Although Aquaman Arthur was slapped in the face in the previous speeches,

Arthur firmly believes that Batman alone will never be able to defeat his marine army.

Even if the Aquaman of that world has been killed

"I don't believe Bruce can defeat the marine army either," Mela also expressed her opinion,"but with Batman's character, he must have a way to fight against the marine army."

Mela's words were soon fulfilled.

On the screen, a new picture was playing.

The first picture was frozen in time on a drowned soul sitting in front of a crater deep in the ocean.

She was holding a trident with a gloomy face.

In front of her, a group of black, evil armies formed by the hybridization of fishmen and humans were gathering.

Strong muscles, backs covered with barbs.

Each monster had a hideous face and a distorted shape.

It was like an army of marine monsters!

【Bruce knew that no matter how powerful a person was, he could not compete with a country.】

【She needed an army, a marine army that could reach Atlantis and start the slaughter.】

【So she created an army called"Dead Water"】

【When the"Dead Water" army appeared over the city of Atlantis, a one-sided massacre began.

The drowned soul in the picture raised a trident and made a piercing cry!

At the same time, behind her, the dark"Dead Water" as thick as ink covered the entire sea surface.

Enveloping the entire city of Atlantis

"In the"dead water", countless deformed hybrid sea monsters, with bloody mouths more terrifying than deep-sea lantern fish, rushed towards the residents of Atlantis!

Wherever they passed, fish carcasses were everywhere.

Everywhere were Atlanteans who were cut in half and died tragically on the spot.

"The" dead water" monsters tore the bodies of the Atlanteans and snatched their internal organs.

The sound of chewing could be heard everywhere.

The bloody massacre filled every corner of Atlantis.

【Atlantis - Defeated】

【But as a price, the whole Gotham and even the whole world were flooded.】

【The world is inevitably heading towards destruction. This is the irreversible final outcome of the dark multiverse.

Bruce Wayne stood on the half-submerged tower.

He quietly watched the bat lamp that was lit again.

But the light that represented hope suddenly disappeared.

Looking downward in the direction of the light source, a black shadow was crouching on the edge of the wreckage of the bat lamp with a smile.

The Laughing Bat sized up the female Batman.

His voice was low and full of teasing,"You don't believe in anything, right, my dear Bruce?"

"Don't feel bad Bruce, it's not your fault the world is ruined"

"You and I are in the dark universe, and destruction is our eternal fate."

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