Gotham City, inside the Batcave

“This is impossible! How could I become like this!” Batman looked at the light curtain with a serious expression, and then turned to Alfred and asked,”Butler, where did this light curtain come from? Is it predicting the future?”

“Will my future self become like this?”

Alfred saw that Batman was a little out of control and hurriedly comforted him.

“Sir, you don’t have to worry. Isn’t it written on the light screen that this is an exposure of what happened in the multiverse?”

“According to my understanding, there are countless versions of us in the multiverse, some good and some bad.”

The butler’s words calmed Batman down a little.

“I hope so.”

“But the key words on the screen are really disturbing.”

“I in that world seemed to be a combination of the Joker and Batman.”

“A terrifying existence without moral constraints”…

“This is impossible! How did my father become a clown!”

In a training base of the Assassin’s League,

Damian, the son of the Bat, was staring at the screen in shock.

Although the Laughing Bat had a hideous expression, Damian still recognized it at a glance. It was his father!

But how is this possible!

The father in his memory is the Dark Knight of Gotham, an absolutely upright man who follows the principle of not killing.

Why does he have such an evil side!

That hideous and exaggerated smile like the Joker, and the spiked iron rings on his eyes.

Just one look makes people’s scalps numb!

Next to Damian, stood a lean and capable man in black.

“Don’t get excited Damian,” Nightwing Dick Grayson patted Damian on the shoulder,”This light curtain mentioned at the beginning that this is a hypothetical situation, and the picture seems to come from other multiverses, not our world.”

Damian did not relax because of Nightwing’s words, but frowned and said,”Since this light curtain appears in our world, it must have a deep meaning.”

“If it wasn’t my father who turned into the Laughing Bat, then the Laughing Bat would invade our world!”

Damian’s words made Nightwing slightly stunned and then he showed a thoughtful look.

He was right. This sudden appearance of the light curtain might be a warning before some kind of invasion…….

In Metropolis, Superman Clark was suspended in the air, quietly observing the hideous face on the screen.

“What disturbing keywords,”

Superman frowned,”Zombie dog Robin, slaughtering the Justice League and killing me and my family?”

“Although I don’t believe Bruce would do this, maybe it was Bruce from another parallel world who did it.”

“The combination of the Joker and Batman is a terrifying monster.”

While thinking, a figure flew from a distance and hovered beside Clark.

“”Cousin Clark, long time no see,” Supergirl Kara greeted Clark with a smile.

Clark nodded slightly, but his eyes were always focused on the light curtain,”Are you here because of the light curtain?”

Kara nodded,”The content on the light curtain makes me feel uneasy.”

“The Batman Who Laughs, a combination of Batman and the Joker, sounds like a horror movie.”

“Don’t take it too seriously, Kara,” Clark said calmly,”No matter how cunning the Joker is, he is just a mortal, and so is Batman.”

“Apart from kryptonite, I don’t think there is anything else that can pose a threat to us.”

Kara pursed her lips, hesitating to speak.

Finally, she nodded and said,”I hope so.””……

At this moment, superheroes and supervillains from all over the world are paying close attention to the content on the screen.

The Dark Knight of Gotham City is well-known to everyone.

And his nemesis, the Joker, is even more famous for his cunning and madness.

How powerful will the monster created by the fusion of these two people be!

Everyone is speculating and curious about how this monster was born. And what crazy things will it do!

However, the picture on the screen continues to play:

Gotham City in the evening, with bright lights and flames.

The burning fires are bit by bit eating away every corner of Gotham City.

【Today is the worst day.

In the picture, Batman is caught by the Joker and tied up.

He is stepped on by the Joker, like a piece of fish on a chopping board, helpless and sad.

【This is the darkest day in Batman’s life】

【It was also the most insane day in the world.

The Joker held a pair of familiar glasses and a pipe, and explained the origin of the items to Batman with a smile.

He used strong acid to dissolve Commissioner Gordon’s flesh and blood.

The righteous police officer, one of Batman’s few friends, was brutally killed by the Joker.

The next scene was quite bloody.

There were several corpses lying in the picture:

Catwoman, Penguin, Harley Quinn……

Their bodies were lying on the ground in all directions, all of them were killed by the Joker without exception.

Gotham City was already covered by fire at this time.

The whole city was in chaos.

But the crazy Joker was not satisfied with this.

The Joker took Batman to the alley where his parents were killed.

In order to stimulate him, the Joker asked a family of three to stand at the alley.

Imitating the scene when Bruce Wayne was killed.

He raised his pistol and shot the parents of the family of three.

This greatly stimulated Batman’s dark past buried in the deepest part of his memory.

Batman’s face was full of anger and hideous.

But something even more frightening happened.

The Joker walked to the only remaining little girl in the family of three with a smile on his face.

The little girl was frightened, trembling all over, and tears were streaming down her face.

But even so, the Joker did not stop his actions.

He released the laughing gas and infected the little girl with the Joker virus.

The little girl, who was originally pitiful, suddenly grinned with a hideous smile like the Joker.

She began to laugh wildly and terrifyingly.

His face was full of the same madness as the Joker.

But this was just the beginning, because the Joker had captured almost all the families of three in Gotham City.

These families of three were waiting in line outside the alley.

In front of Batman, the Joker shot the parents of the families of three one by one in the alley.

The children were infected by the laughing gas and turned into hideous little lunatics.

The unbearable memories hidden deep in Batman’s memory were repeatedly tortured and destroyed by the Joker.

This made Batman completely lose his mind.

Finally, he broke free and broke the Joker’s neck in anger.

The oath of not killing was completely broken at this moment.

Batman killed the Joker!

A few days later, Batman summoned Nightwing, Red Hood, Batgirl and Damian.

And began to explain to them that he was undergoing some kind of change.

On the night of killing the Joker, the Joker spit out a green smoke from his mouth.

This smoke was a new type of nanovirus made by the Joker.

Now, the virus has invaded Batman’s brain.

This has greatly affected Batman, and he has even begun to be unable to tell whether he is Batman or the Joker.

If his condition continues to worsen, he is likely to retain his highly rational thinking, but his moral core will be replaced by something more evil.

In view of this possible situation,

Batman asked several members of the Bat Family to find a way to stop him if he lost control.

Damian and others were quite shocked by this.

Just when they were discussing whether Batman should be imprisoned in Arkham Asylum,

Batman’s mouth twitched slightly, and then he grinned.

He showed an extremely exaggerated smile.

That smile was exactly the same as the Joker!

At the same time, a terrifying”chuckle” sound was also emitted.

Before the four members of the Bat Family could react, Batman had already taken out two submachine guns.

In their horrified eyes, Batman shot and killed everyone, including his own son Damian.

【Thus, a combination of Batman and the Joker was born.】

【People call him the Laughing Bat】……

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