The first victim was Wonder Woman.

As she was walking through the corridor, a dark figure suddenly attacked her abdomen.

After knocking Wonder Woman unconscious, he grabbed the Lasso of Truth and strangled her to death.

The Flash was killed in his sleep by a freezing gun and nano-scale filaments that cut off his limbs.

Aquaman was thrown into outer space and turned into a dried human body.

Various superheroes were killed by Batman in various ways.

In a blink of an eye, the entire watchtower became a living hell.

The bodies of superheroes were everywhere, and blood dyed every corner of the watchtower red....

The main universe of the real world.

When the superheroes saw their images on the screen being brutally killed, they all showed extremely complicated expressions on their faces.

Although the screen was playing the"What If" series, simulating what happened in other multiverses, seeing themselves being ambushed by the Laughing Bat or dismembered alive still made them feel strongly uncomfortable.

In the Star Lab, the Flash saw himself being torn into pieces by steel wire and vomited directly into the trash can.

Diana on Paradise Island saw Batman chopping off her head with the artifact she had seized.

Her scalp was numb.

Discomfort filled the brains of every superhero.

They felt a deep-seated fear of this combination of Batman and the Joker.

Fortunately, this guy is not the villain of their world.

Otherwise, it would make people feel uneasy just thinking about it!......

At the same time, the screen continued to play:

Superman was the last one to return to the watchtower.

When he saw the bodies of his comrades on the ground, he was shocked.

At this moment, Batman walked in from the door with a weird smile on his face.

"What's going on! Bruce!"Superman asked loudly.

(The author said: The names of people or places related to the identity will be blocked in the video, similar to the"beep" sound that occurs when cursing. In order not to affect the reading experience of readers, it is directly stated here, but the audience in the main DC universe cannot hear the real name.)

At this time, Superman's eyes turned blood red, and blood kept flowing from his eye sockets.

This was obviously affected by kryptonite.

The Laughing Bat showed a tangled look on his face,"Superman, you are my best friend, so I am tangled."

Superman suppressed the shock in his heart,"Batman, please don't make any more mistakes, I know there is something wrong with your body."

"Believe me, I will find a way to cure you."

The Laughing Bat tilted his head and said to himself,"You are my best friend."

"I have 10,000 ways to kill you, but I can only use one."

"This is really too tangled for me!"

The vicious words shocked Superman speechless.

At this moment, Superman's girlfriend Lois rushed in with their son.

Superman's son was also affected by Kryptonite at this time.

Red blood kept flowing in his eyes.

The Laughing Bat looked at the family of three with an extremely sinister smile.

The next second, a scene that made Superman's back chill appeared.

In the darkness, a small monster slowly revealed its figure.

It was covered with thorns, its body was twisted, and its clothes were tattered.

The little monster walked to Batman and shouted to Batman,"Dad"

"Damian?"Superman's pupils shrank violently.

The hideous monster in front of him turned out to be Batman's biological son Damian!

The Laughing Bat actually turned his biological son into a monster!

As the lights in the darkness continued to illuminate, a group of little monsters wearing Robin capes and grinning wildly were crawling in the darkness.

They had crazy faces, lipstick on their mouths, and looked at Superman with a weird smile.

These children were originally going to be sent to the Star Lab for treatment.

But now they have become servants of the Laughing Bat, a group of zombie-like little monsters!......

In the main universe of the real world, in a certain Assassin's League base,

Damian looked at himself in the light curtain, neither a human nor a ghost, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Nightwing beside him frowned.

"Damian, don't worry about it. What happened in the light curtain will never happen to us."

"Mr. Bruce loves you and will never......"

Nightwing hadn't finished speaking yet, but Damian spoke up on his own.

"If my father turned into a laughing bat, I would join his camp without hesitation."

"No matter what he becomes, he is my father.

Damian's words made Nightwing silent.

Damian, the son of the devil, has a murderous, bloodthirsty and arrogant nature.

No matter what his father Batman becomes, he will choose to stand on his father's side.......

The scene on the screen continued to play:

Superman and his family were almost suffocated by the sight.

Even Superman himself showed a look of fear.

Next, the Laughing Bat took out a piece of black kryptonite and threw it at Superman and his family.

The horrific scene was played out again.

Superman was affected by the black kryptonite and killed his wife and children.

Then he died with a painful expression on his face.


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