Superman looked grim.

He never dreamed that the so-called truth he had cracked was actually a trap set by Barbatos!

And he completely ignored the real code Batman gave him.

At this time, Superman was helplessly trapped in the power tower.

Barbatos' plan succeeded.

Superman was imprisoned in the power tower and became the best battery for converting dark matter energy.

It won't be long before he will be like the Superman in other worlds.

Drained of energy by the power tower, he will become a walking corpse!

As the camera of the power tower zooms out with pain...

In the real world, the DC main universe, the Batcave fell into a dead silence.

Batman and Superman were captured at the same time. Nothing could be more frustrating than this.

"So next, how are the heroes of the main universe going to fight the Dark Knights?"Aquaman looked grim.

"The smartest and most powerful men were captured, and the Justice League was dispersed to carry out their respective missions."

"I have a bad feeling that the Justice League is going to be in big trouble."

Hal Jordan sighed helplessly,"It seems like a dead end now."

"There are fewer and fewer superheroes who have a chance to turn the tide of this battle."

"Dark bats are about to completely take over the main world"

"I am more worried about Diana and Barry," Batman said in a low voice.

"Since the whole plan is a huge trap"

"Then the Steel Man, Barry, Diana Arthur and Hal in the Fortress of Solitude must also be in this carefully prepared trap."

"The Dark Knights might go after them."

"Phew~ What a nerve-wracking story," Barry Allen let out a long breath.

"Mr. Alfred, could you get me a cup of tea? I'd like a cup of"

"I am happy to serve you, Mr. Flash," said the butler Alfu, smiling as he handed everyone their drinks.

The oppressive atmosphere in the Batcave was relieved a little.

In Metropolis, in the top floor office of the LexCorp building.

Lex Luthor had his left hand in his trouser pocket and a glass of red wine in his right hand.

He was watching the screen with great interest.

"Batman is missing and was captured by the Dark Knight. Now Superman has also been captured. The Justice League is in big trouble."

After two seconds of silence, Luthor showed a puzzled look again.

"But I don't understand one thing, why do the Dark Knights collect so much dark matter energy?"

"Even at the cost of using the life of the entire universe to provide it with energy......"

Just as I was thinking about it, the secretary suddenly ran in in a panic.

"Mr. Luther, the lab said that subject B-0 showed abnormal twitching behavior."

"Would you like to go over and take a look?"

"Convulsion?" Luther didn't take it seriously, but said calmly,"Follow the procedure and give him a large dose of sedatives."

After thinking about it, Luther shook his head and said,"Forget it, I'd better go there myself."

"Those clumsy guys might mess things up."

In the Star Lab in Midtown,

Wally the Flash, Vibram Sisko, Caitlin and others were also discussing the images on the screen.

"Actually..."Psyker said in a long voice,"Although Barbatos and his minions came to the main universe"

"But this does not mean that the dark universe and the main universe are two worlds that can be traversed at will."

"Dark matter is most likely a kind of glue that Barbatos is trying to use to hold the universe together."

Kid Flash grinned,"Or is it a high explosive that blows both into slag?"

"Uh, yes!" Cisco nodded.

Caitlin looked worried,"Now that Superman and Batman have been caught, who will save the world?"

"Of course it depends on our great Flash Barry Allen!"The Flash said with a smile,"Don't forget, Barry is a man who can run through time."

"At worst, I can just restart time again."

Cisco rolled his eyes,"Restarting the timeline is not a good idea. I don't want to suddenly become a woman or Caitlin to become my mother."

Caitlin's mouth twitched slightly, and she subconsciously looked at the light curtain.

"Hey, the screen ends here? Why doesn't it continue playing?"

Just as Caitlin asked, the commentary slowly sounded from the screen:

【As Superman of the Main Universe】

【His capture means that Barbatos' plan to fully invade the main universe has completed the final closed loop】

【The main universe will eventually become the possession of gods and demons, and the world will sink under the claws of Barbatos until it is destroyed.】

【Despair fills every corner of the main universe】

【Is it possible for the Justice League of the main universe to defeat Dark Bat?】

【Let's watch the follow-up story of Dark Nights Metal at the same time tomorrow.】

【Next episode preview: The Laughing Batcave, Justice League vs. The Dark Knights! 】

Thus ends today's video. In the DC main universe, people around the world came back to their senses with some lingering feelings.

"So looking forward to what will happen next!"

"Now that Superman and Batman have been captured, who can save the world?"

"The enemy is too powerful, this is a desperate cosmic war."

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