"Welcome to the nightmare I carefully wove for you."

"Your journey ends here."

The voice sounded like Bruce's.

But it was not Bruce from the main universe.

It was the incarnation of evil, the Laughing Bat!

And the four superheroes trapped in the Killing Bat Cave.

Four figures slowly appeared in front of them.

The Red Death, the Dawn Lantern, the Drowned Ghost and the Ruthless War Demon.

Each evil bat corresponds to a superhero.

Now, four killing wars are about to begin.

Can the four superheroes defeat the four evil versions of Batman?...

In the DC main universe of the real world, in the Silk Cafe, customers looked at the screen nervously.

Many people simply stopped their half-raised coffee cups in the air, forgetting to taste them for a moment.

Lin Mo was resting on the side, but felt his elbow touch something soft.

Turning his head, he saw the mature store manager Catherine approaching.

Catherine looked at Lin Mo nervously.

"Do you think they will win the battle of superheroes and evil bats?"

"You ask me?"Lin Mo pointed to his nose and shrugged,"I don't know."

Today, Louise came to the cafe to drink tea again.

She sat not far from Lin Mo and said,"The backbone of the Justice League is only these four left."

"If even they can't defeat the evil bat, the Justice League will be completely defeated."

"The main universe will become a paradise for dark bats"

"But there is still a chance," Lin Mo said with a smile,"Maybe we can win?"

Louise glanced at Lin Mo.

"I admire your optimism, but don't forget that the Flash's enemy is a combination of Batman and various powers."

"No one is a match for these evil bats!"......

As the two days went by, the images on the screen began to play one after another.

The first to appear was the Flash in the yellow sand.

In front of him was the Red Death wearing blood-red armor.

"Do you like the battlefield I designed for you, Barry?"The Red Death said in a low voice.

"You can run away here as much as you want now."

Almost at the moment when the Red Death's voice fell.

His body shape changed into an afterimage and rushed towards the Flash.

The black lightning behind him formed bat shapes.

It looked extremely evil.

The Flash's adrenaline soared to the limit, and he also began to use the speed force energy.

With the lightning covering his body surface.

The Flash saw the movement trajectory of the Red Death clearly, and then turned around and ran away without hesitation.

He tried to distance himself from the Red Death.

However, the speed of the Red Death was so fast that it made his scalp numb.

At the extreme speed, the distance between the two was rapidly compressed.

"Damn it, this won't work!"

Barry glanced at the Red Death behind him. He suddenly turned around and changed direction.

The huge inertia made him almost tilted to a position parallel to the ground.

Then, Barry spun wildly on the wall of the Bat Cave. Under the action of centrifugal force, he condensed a section of Speed Force lightning on his right hand. The

Red Death followed closely, and he opened his hands and was about to pounce on the Flash.

At the critical moment, the Flash used all his strength to throw the lightning in his hand out.

Speed Force lightning contains huge energy.

Barry didn't believe that this power could not cause damage to the Red Death.

However, he underestimated the Red Death's fighting ability. Ability.

As the product of the fusion of The Flash and Batman.

Red Death has the battlefield combat awareness of The Flash.

Red Death easily avoided the attack of the speed force lightning by just turning sideways. In the blink of an eye, he came in front of Barry Allen.

In Barry's shocked expression, he suddenly punched him.

The huge force directly knocked Barry out of the speed force.

He fell to the ground and rolled for hundreds of meters before he stopped.

The speed force lightning was actually dodged. Barry's eyes flickered and he climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

The next second, the red lightning flashed by.

The figure of Red Death stood in front of Barry like a ghost.

"Give you one more chance"

"Run, Barry, run away from the fear!"

Barry Allen frowned, and immediately used his speed force again to disappear on the spot.

This time, the Red Death did not chase him personally.

"It's time to change the way we play."

The Red Death smiled grimly, but the next second an evil chariot covered with spikes appeared beside him.

"Barry, this tank is my gift to you."

"Its engine is driven by the Speed Force. Let's see how fast you run or my chariot is."

The Red Death boarded the chariot and started the engine.

The next second, the Speed Force chariot shot out.

Like a hungry beast, it rushed towards Barry Allen.

But this was just the beginning.

Behind the chariot, more cars with evil appearance and driven by the Speed Force appeared again.

These cars were like a group of hungry beasts.

They chased the Flash desperately.

The Flash's face was extremely ugly.

At this time, he could no longer raise any thoughts of resistance.

He just wanted to escape from this terrifying Bat Cave.

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