The commentary undoubtedly whetted the audience's appetite.

Everyone's emotions were aroused at this moment.

They wanted to see what would happen next.

How could the heroes of the main world defeat the dark Batmen?

How could they defeat these powerful dark multiverse enemies?...

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the screen continued to play.

The screen continued that Cyborg was being tortured by the memory of the dark universe.

Although he tried hard to stick to his original intention, his spirit was still on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from his mind.

"Young man, do you desire power?"

It is the voice of the Mother Box!

"You and I have been connected for a long time, Victor Stone"

"Are you ready to truly become one with me?"

"If you agree to merge with me, you will have my power"

"That is the power of fifty-two universes and countless lives, and that power is far beyond your imagination."

Cyborg asked with difficulty,"Why me? What is the price!"

The Mother Box continued to answer,"The price is that all your memories will be deleted and you will become a brand new individual."

The moment the Mother Box finished this sentence.

Fifty-two universes appeared out of thin air in front of Cyborg.

These universes are interconnected, and he saw the figures of the Justice League from these cosmic shadows.

He saw everything he was familiar with and everything that was slightly different!

At this moment, Cyborg only felt that he had mastered all the fifty-two universes.

Everything seemed to be controlled by a mechanical arm!

"What a beautiful world," the Mother Box continued,"if you don't choose to merge with me"

"It won't be long before the dark bats enter these universes."

"Slaughter the countless creatures inside."

Finally, Cyborg agreed to the Mother Box.

His consciousness quickly assimilated with the Mother Box the moment he agreed to merge.

This superhero who usually doesn't like to show off, now sacrificed himself to save the multiverse.

He doesn't have Superman's steel body, nor Batman's strategy.

Even the Flash and Green Lantern are more eye-catching than him.

But now, when all the superheroes are defeated.

Cyborg has become the hope to turn everything around!

When Cyborg completely accepted the power of the Mother Box.

A powerful force enveloped his whole body.

Then, his mechanical body began to recover and rise rapidly. level.

The original alien technology body was upgraded to a more powerful ultimate technology body.

The upgraded version of Cyborg even has the ability to open a sonic boom channel to achieve cross-space travel!

On the other side, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and others are being escorted to the Cosmic Tuning Fork.

The one responsible for escorting them is the nanorobot Afu, a subordinate of the Killing Machine.

But at this moment, Afu's body suddenly became extremely unstable.

Then, all Afu's projections quickly disintegrated and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if someone had remotely terminated their signal transmission.

What's going on? The Laughing Bat asked first.

"Damn killing machine, what happened to your men?"

"Something is interfering with my connection," the Killing Machine said, and the Laughing Bat immediately started cursing.

"Damn it, if I had known you were such a loser I should have called that Luthor and Batman variant!"

"What do you mean, who is disturbing you?"

However, before the killing machine could respond, a huge sonic explosion tunnel suddenly opened in front of them.

"Dear Mr. Laughing Bat, long time no see."

The next second, Cyborg, who had upgraded to a new body, walked out of the sonic boom tunnel.

Without waiting for Laughing Bat to react,

Cyborg raised his upgraded palm cannon and fired a burst beam at Laughing Bat and Killing Machine.

The two were caught off guard and flew backwards in a flash with black smoke.

The superheroes controlled by Killing Machine also broke free at this moment.

They rejoined the battle!......

The key to the comeback turned out to be Cyborg.

This was something no one had expected.

At this time, in the real world DC main universe, fierce cheers broke out in the Hilco Cafe.

Everyone stood up from their tables excitedly because of Cyborg's reappearance.

The upgraded version of Cyborg came, and the heroes broke free from their shackles.

The balance of victory and defeat was once again even!

Nothing is more exciting than heroes surviving from desperate situations!

"I'm so excited!" The beautiful store manager excitedly hugged Lin Mo in her arms.

The majestic chest and the fragrant jasmine scent instantly overwhelmed him.

Louise beside him was also excited.

"I didn’t expect that the turning point would be Cyborg!"

"Although it was a little unexpected, it was also a pleasant surprise!"

Amid the heated discussion among everyone, a commentator came from the screen.

【Cyborg returns with an upgrade!】

【He once again joined this fierce battle with the power of fifty-two universes and countless lives.】

【The clarion call for counterattack has been sounded. Can the superheroes find a way to defeat the Dark Bat this time?】

【The heroes gather again. What wonderful performances will Superman and Batman who are far away in the dark universe have?】


Dear all, please give me the last wave of flowers, evaluation votes and monthly votes.

Please, please, please!!!

Thank you all!!!!!!!!!

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