Batman thought thoughtfully

"Faced with the invasion of the dark universe, alien civilizations are also trying to resist"

"However, Emperor Sean's actions were too extreme. He actually wanted to kill Blue Star directly."

"The people in the Eternal Council are also crazy," Diana sighed,"They actually want to throw the Anti-Monitor's brain into the Eternal Rock as a bomb."

Superman frowned.

"I have a bad feeling that the three teams looking for N-type will definitely have more trouble than this."

Inside the Green Arrow team base in Star City."

Black Canary looked at the screen with a serious face.

"This journey to find genus N is destined to be not smooth."

"The worst is Wonder Woman, then Green Lantern"

"I'm afraid that Deathstroke and Aquaman can't easily get N attributes."

"I didn't expect that Deathstroke could participate in this mission," Green Arrow pouted.

"But where are Superman and Batman? There has been no news of them since they escaped."

Black Canary frowned slightly,"Indeed, where are these two giants Batman and Superman now?"

The screen continued to play.

After Green Lantern and Mr. Excellence were imprisoned.

The video screen jumped again.

This time, the escaped Batman and Superman appeared in the picture. When seeing Batman and Superman appear on the screen, the customers in the Hilco Cafe exclaimed.

"They finally showed up again!"

"Great Superman and Batman!"

"Hope they can save the world!"

"Or lead other superheroes to defeat the Dark Knights!"

On the rooftop of the LexCorp building, Luther stared at the light screen with complicated eyes.

He muttered to himself,"I wonder what role they play in this story."

"Although I hate Superman, I hope he and Batman can find a way to deal with this crisis."

In a hotel outside Gotham City, the Joker listened to the cheers coming from next door.

He grinned disdainfully.

"Superman and Batman are the best partners?"

"They seem to have forgotten the existence of clowns"

"Maybe I can come up with a plan to drive Superman crazy, or have him fight Batman."

"By then, no one will think they are the best partner."

"Batman and I are the most compatible team!"

Amid the discussion of various forces, the screen continued to play.

At that time, Batman summoned Daniel the Sandman to escape with Superman.

At this time, the two were teleported to Daniel's dream realm.

In front of the two stood a white-haired man wearing a simple and exquisite robe.

"Do you know how long I've been trapped there?" Batman glared at Daniel and said,

"You knew everything but did nothing to stop it!"

"But at least you're alive.,"Danian was as quiet as an old monk.

Batman wanted to continue asking questions, but Daniel just raised his hand and the two were transported to a new space.

There were a lot of book counters here.

"This is Lucian's library," Daniel explained to the two.

"Here are stories that should never be told."

"Stories that might be born out of fear"

"These stories are supposed to be nightmares in people's minds, they are unreal and untrue."

"But because of Barbatos's intervention, these nightmares are now becoming reality."

Daniel pointed to a pile of books burning not far away and said

"Those are the stories that are burning from the dream realm, and every time a book is burned, the darkness of the real world grows a little darker."

"When all the books in the library are burned out, the entire universe will fall into eternal darkness."

Superman on the side couldn't help but complain,"Is this a dream world? It's really abstract!""

"However, things are not hopeless."Daniel took out a small bag of powder and blew it towards Superman and Batman.

When the powder evenly covered the two of them, they both entered the illusion world at the same time.

"I can't fight alongside you," Daniel said,"but I can give you the most powerful weapon"

"That is a story, a story about the truth of the world, about the origin of Barbatos."

A vast cosmic picture suddenly unfolded in front of Batman and Superman.

The stars on the picture were connected to form four huge figures.

From left to right, there were two humanoid creatures, a creature with wings swinging a sledgehammer, and a giant dragon.

The Sandman hid his hands in his sleeves and slowly narrated:

"At the beginning of the universe, dots of energy and light were born from darkness."

"These light clusters converged and eventually created two opposite entities"

"They are a pair of brothers, matter and antimatter"

"When they are born, they are given the mission by the universe."

"Monitor the operation of everything"

"They are called the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor"

"The one wielding the sledgehammer is the third person at the beginning of the universe. His mission is to guard the future."

"He lives in the furnace of the universe, swinging his hammer to forge one universe after another."

"He is called the World Forger"

"Over the endless years, the World Forger used the hopes and fears of all living things to forge countless universes."

"But even forging a universe sometimes requires some experience"

"The forgers accumulated experience from defective products, trying to forge a more perfect world."

"The beautiful and stable universe will be preserved, while the sick and deformed universe will be destroyed by his pet dragon in the furnace."

"The pet dragon's name is Barbatos."

Batman and Superman fell silent when Sandman told this story.���Along with them

, the people in the real world DC main universe who were watching the light screen were silent. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lex Luthor looked at the picture on the light screen with a thoughtful look.

"Is this the origin of the dark multiverse? A defective product created by the gods"

"No wonder the Laughing Bats attacked the main universe so crazily"

"Their core demand is probably just to survive."

"God created a failed universe, but the loss of control caused by it is the responsibility of all living beings in the universe."

"Haha, this is what you call God?"

Inside the Star Laboratory in Central City

"My guess has been confirmed!"Sisko said excitedly.

"The reason why the dark multiverse is dark is that it turns out that they are just defective products!"

"It's the bottom part of the fish pond!"

Kid Flash grinned,"The World Forger is too cruel. The unqualified world will be thrown into the furnace and destroyed?"

"Is this how gods treat mortals?"

Caitlin shook her head helplessly,"Not to mention ants, they are not even as good as paramecium."

In the Dark Justice League base,

Raven's face was full of solemnity.

"So the origin of our universe is like this, the gods created the world and then destroyed it."

Zatanna nodded,"In the creation and destruction, resentment and anger were bred."

"This is probably why the Dark Knights were born.

Constantine has been freed by the swamp monster.[]

He lit a cigarette speechlessly."..The good news is that the world we live in is a perfect world"

"But the bad news is that this perfect world is being invaded by imperfect darkness."

"John is right," Mrs. Shangdu nodded,"Conflict is born out of unfairness."

Jason grinned,"Am I the only one who is concerned about Barbatos' identity?"

"It turned out to be the pet dragon of the World Forger? A pet could turn the multiverse upside down?"

"I'm afraid the matter regarding Barbatos is not that simple," Constantine spoke again.

"Keep watching, the light screen will answer our questions."

In the Batcave in Gotham City, the members of the Justice League are also digesting the shocking inside story that is being exposed.

"If the origin of the world is really the same as what is said on the light screen, I don’t know how many churches’ beliefs will fall apart because of this," Cyborg shook his head helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, it won't affect us Atlanteans anyway," Aquaman shrugged.

"Barbatos is the pet dragon of the World Forger, but apparently it does not do what its master wants," Batman frowned.

"It seems to preserve the existence of the dark multiverse."

Hal Jordan said solemnly,"But it turns out that even if they are preserved, these universes will soon self-destruct because they are defective products."

While the audience was discussing, the Sandman in the light curtain continued to tell the origin story.

"The pet dragon of the World Forger is named Barbatos"

"But this is not a law-abiding dragon, its eyes are full of destruction and rebellion"

"Eventually, Barbatos killed his master."

"It left behind those universes that should have been destroyed, and the world furnace was extinguished and dimmed."

"Now I am going to tell you the most important part of this story."

"At the very bottom of the world's furnace lies a vital metal"

"That is a weapon more powerful than the N-type, the tenth metal!"

"The tenth metal!?"Batman and Superman looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Nitrogen is already the most powerful metal in the universe, but who would have thought that there is a tenth metal above Nitrogen!

Sandman was silent for a moment, waiting for the two to digest the previous information.

Then he continued,"The Nitrogen that the Justice League is looking for now is actually the ninth metal."

"The weapons of the Blue Star superheroes are mostly made of the eighth metal or below."

"This is also the reason why superheroes can't really defeat the Dark Knights"

"The Dark Knights from the Dark Universe are protected by the Destruction Dragon Barbatos. Only the Tenth Metal can truly kill them."

"So just go into the furnace and find the tenth metal"

"Even Barbatos and his Dark Knights could not stand up to it."

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