In the air above Keystone City, Superman and Green Lantern Canary were flying and searching for survivors.

Superman turned on his X-ray vision and scanned the entire city.

Finally, he saw the figures of Barry Allen and Wally in a warehouse.

At the beginning of the zombie virus outbreak, the two came to Keystone City to hide.

Superman and Black Canary then opened the door where they were hiding.

"Barry, Wally, I'm here to take you out of here," Superman said.

Surprisingly, the two rejected him without hesitation.

"We can't leave Clark," the Flash said solemnly

"It was Batman who warned us not to go out when the disaster happened."

"Although this is not a heroic act, if any of us were infected"

"The world is completely over."

A zombie with super speed can infect most of the human beings on Earth within a second.

Such a terrifying existence is indeed only suitable to stay at home.

In the real world, the DC main universe, the Central City Star City Laboratory.

Barry and Wally in reality couldn't help but look at each other.

"I knew that the existence of the biohazard could not be avoided by us," Barry complained.

Caitlin frowned slightly,"Batman was right to let you hide at the first time."

"If you two reckless guys get infected, the consequences will be disastrous."

Wally crossed his arms,"We are speedsters, can speedsters be infected by zombies?"

Cisco spread his hands,"This is not an ordinary virus, but a super organic technology virus blessed by the anti-life equation."

"Even Aquaman can be infected, do you think your physical strength is stronger than Aquaman's?"

Wally grinned and didn't continue talking. Barry looked very serious,"Batman notified us immediately, this is indeed the best solution."

"But now, it seems that Superman is taking us away from 300"

"I'm really worried......"

Cisco curled his lips and said,"Keep reading, Barry. I'm curious about what it would be like if you became a zombie.


"Don't worry, I can transfer you safely," Superman assured

"You will definitely not be infected."

Since Superman has made a guarantee, Flash and Kid Flash are no longer stubborn.

They decided to follow Clark to a safe place.

But they didn't know how serious the consequences of this approach would be in the near future.

At this time, on the top of the Daily Planet building.

During this period of time, many survivors have gathered on the roof.

Lois is still sending signals to all parts of the world.

At this moment, Superman Joe suddenly looked in a direction covered by fire.

"Did you hear it?"

"What's that sound?"

"Something is approaching us!"

The ground shook, and all the superheroes looked towards a collapsed building with flames.

Green Arrow frowned,"Based on my experience, this is a sign of the approaching end of the world.""

"I have been doing this for a long time, I have experience."

Almost at the moment when Green Arrow finished speaking.

A huge female body stumbled out from behind a tall building.

Her figure was like Godzilla, and she was covered in blood.

Especially her eyes, which revealed a lifeless gray-white color.

It was a zombie-like giant woman! The giant woman was in the laboratory of the Sky Eye Society before, and now she appeared here.

It can be expected that the Sky Eye Society has fallen.

Just as the giant woman was waving her claws and walking between the tall buildings.

The next second, the bat fighter rushed over. (bfbb) Several bombs flew out and launched a fierce bombing on the giant woman!

The moment they saw the bat fighter.

Damian and others on the roof were shocked.

"What! Batman's fighter plane!"

"Who is driving now?"

However, before the discussion could come to a conclusion, the Bat Fighter was grabbed by the giant woman.

At this critical moment, several figures flew through the air.

It was Superman and the Flash!

Superman raised his fists and smashed at the giant woman.

Green Lantern Canary manifested a huge palm and grabbed the severely broken Bat Fighter in his palm.

With the blessing of Superman's super power, the zombie giant woman was smashed to the ground.

""Superman, get out of the way!"

Wonder Woman suddenly appeared, raising her sword to chop off the giant woman's head.

But she was stopped by Clark.

"Batman said these people were just infected, and maybe they can be saved," Superman explained

"Are you serious!?"Diana shouted,"I can't wait for this giant zombie to come back to life......."

Before Diana could finish her words, the giant woman's head, which was as huge as the Statue of Liberty, exploded instantly.

The sight passed through the big hole in the giant woman's head.

On the other side of the hole, there stood a familiar mechanical body.

It was Cyborg!

""Vic, what did you do?" Superman asked.

Cyborg's voice was low.

"She is not alive, all the infected are not alive"

"Diane, Clark, we need to talk."

"I have a lot to tell you."

Back on the top floor of the Daily Planet building,

Green Arrow and the others were discussing the zombie crisis.

But Cyborg suddenly appeared and denied their call.

"These are not zombies," Cyborg said solemnly

"They are more like a corruption, an extension of the anti-life equation"

"A decadent who desires to spread death and nothing else"

"They will keep looking for life to end, we have to get out of here as soon as possible"

"The more people there are here, the more people who will be defeated will gather here."

Green Arrow suddenly exclaimed.

Pointing to the sky not far away.

Everyone looked up and saw a figure falling down.

Diana jumped in the air to catch it.

But she saw that the person in her arms was Hawkgirl.

"Kendra, what happened to you? Diana asked immediately.

But Kendra was dying.

"I heard the broadcast and came to support"

"But on the way, I saw something horrible......."

"What is it?" Superman asked immediately

"Yes, it's Captain Atom," Kendra said,"He was transformed too, and......"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""It's about to self-destruct!"

The horror of this sentence is no less than Darkseid's invasion of the earth again.

It is even a hundred times more serious than the latter.

Superman and Wonder Woman rushed out to Washington without hesitation.

They tried to stop Captain Atom from self-destructing.

But even though they tried their best to take Captain Atom to high altitude.

But the super atomic nuclear explosion could not be stopped!

A ray of white light burst out from the body of the zombie Captain Atom.

The huge energy light ball expanded and spread rapidly like a tsunami.

Wherever it passed, whether it was high-rise buildings or mountains and rivers, they were all razed to the ground!

The shock wave continued to spread.

Whether it was humans or All the zombies were annihilated in this super nuclear explosion.

Washington, Baltimore and Metropolis.

Three megacities with a population of tens of millions, disappeared in an instant!

Looking at the black land around them turned into scorched earth.

Both Superman and Diana fell into a long silence.

The scene changed and came to the top floor of the Daily Planet Building.

At the moment of the super nuclear explosion, Black Canary used the power of the Green Lantern Ring to protect the entire building.

This building also became the only two survivors in the entire area.

The reason why it is called the only two is that in this nuclear explosion, outside the Daily Planet Building[]

Another person also survived.

"Hey, super bastard!"

"What the hell happened here!"

Lex Luthor yelled at Superman in the ruins not far from the Daily Planet.

If it weren't for the protection of the armor's energy shield, he would have died in the explosion.

Superman was in a very bad mood at this time.

He was floating in front of Luthor with red eyes. It seemed that he would shoot a laser to pierce him in the next second.

Seeing Superman about to go berserk, Luthor immediately gave in.

"Truce! Superman!"

"In this situation, there is no point in you continuing to fight with me!"

"I don't want to add fuel to the fire!"

The red light in Superman's eyes slowly faded away.

"Now, we are no longer enemies, Luthor."

Superman said in a low voice,"We now have only one common name"


In the real world, the DC main universe,

Lex Luthor looked at the picture on the screen.

He couldn't help but sighed.

"The zombie world, plus the Atom's nuclear explosion, is really a headache."

"But Mr. Luther actually survived the nuclear explosion, you are worthy of it."

Beside Luther, a figure wearing a cold-weather jacket on a hot day teased

"You are one of the mortals who can stand shoulder to shoulder with gods, except Batman."

Luthor frowned slightly,"Wearing such thick clothes in such hot weather, aren't you afraid of heatstroke, Leonard?"

The man named Leonard took out a high-tech gun.

He said proudly,"If I don't wear this, how can I show my identity as Captain Cold?"

"Just like you, Luthor, why don't you wear a wig? Because the big bald head is a symbol of your identity."

Leonard Snart, codenamed Captain Cold, is the leader of the Midtown Rogue Gang.

But now, he has been invited to Metropolis by Lex Luthor. He is currently serving as the chief security guard of LexCorp.

Luthor had a blank expression on his face,"If you knew in advance that Captain Atom was going to explode, what precautions would you take?"

"The preventive measure is to freeze him into an ice cube in advance," Captain Cold said.

Luther frowned slightly,"Leonard, we can't leave our lives to the so-called superheroes or the Eye of Heaven to save us."

"They might make things worse."

"What Luther means is......"

"I hope to save the world with my own strength," Luther's eyes flickered,"At least when the crisis on the light screen appears, I can resist."

"Instead of just becoming an ant."

Captain Han nodded,"It's a good idea, but the wages will still be paid."

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