More and more Yamozhu robots rushed towards the crowd.

Penguin retreated with a sinister smile on his face.

Constantine shouted,”Swamp Monster!”

“We’ll come back with a plan and kill these damn bastards!”

“But now, we have to escape from here!”

After Constantine’s roar, the swamp monster regained its senses.

Everyone jumped into the portal.

Before the attack of Amojo swept everyone, they escaped from the Southern Fortress.

Looking at the light of the portal on the ground disappearing little by little~.

Amojo’s creator, Dr. Ivo, reminded,”They will come again.”

The Penguin smiled calmly,”It doesn’t matter, we don’t have to stay here too long – Ivo”

“When our army is fully assembled, we will take back the world that belongs to us.”

As the Penguin’s voice continued to echo, the scene was given to a super large production workshop.

On both sides of the workshop, endless Amojo robots were placed on mechanical control consoles.

This was the Penguin’s plan, to use Amojo robots with strength comparable to Superman to eliminate all zombies.

Then these villains will completely control the entire earth!

Real world, DC main universe.

Batman looked at the rows of Amojo robots in front of him.

He couldn’t help but tremble slightly in shock.

He knew these terrifying robots too well.

The strength is comparable to Superman, and it can move at high speed. Flying and also has Cyclops as powerful as Superman.

The last time Amazing Robot fought with Superman,

Superman won with great difficulty, and at that time Amazing Robot had only one Amazing Robot.

But now, in the Southland Fortress controlled by Penguin, there are thousands of Amazing Robots.

This is equivalent to him having a Superman army of thousands of people.

Not to mention the end of the world, even before the outbreak of the zombie virus, this is an unmatched force.

Crazy Penguin!

Thinking of this, Batman immediately called Clark.

Before he could speak, Clark replied,”I’m on my way to Australia to study in the Mute Kingdom.””

“If there is really a factory manufacturing Amojo there, I will destroy it.”

Gotham City Underground World.

Penguin looked at so many Amojo robots.

His face was full of fanaticism.

“If I had control of such an army now, not only Gotham City, but the entire world would be mine!”


Penguin’s face was gloomy. He had no connection with either the Amojo robot or Dr. Ivo who made them. This was probably another person he could only meet after the end of the world. So although the self in the light curtain owned the entire Southland Fortress, it had basically no connection with the current self.

“Someone, come and find me some clues about this man called Dr. Ivo!”

“No matter what means I use, I must find a way to produce an army of Amajra!”

The scene on the screen came to one day later.

At this time, Constantine and others have returned to Gotham Garden.

Superman Joe and Cyborg have also recovered under the treatment of Doctor Fate and others.

Cyborg stood up from the operating table.

Harley Quinn on the side immediately asked,”Your head and your body are connected again.”

“Have you found the antidote now?”

Cyborg said listlessly,”I searched every part of my body, but found nothing.”

Harley Quinn tilted her head,”Did the Anti-Life Equation lie?”

“Impossible,” Wonder Girl denied,”With the Lasso of Truth, lies cannot exist.”

“There must be an antidote.”

Just when everyone was discouraged,

Superman Joe said

“Now that we know for sure there is an antidote, we can definitely find a way to make it.”

“Don’t forget, there are still more than a billion people waiting for us to save them.”

Superman said seriously,”We will definitely find the antidote to save them!”

Batman Damian said,”If there is an anti-life equation, then there must be a life equation.”

“The key is how we unlock it.”

The gorilla detective Bobo reminded,”We need the knowledge of the New Gods, Darkseid once had half of the equation.”

Cyborg’s face was grim,”Darkseid is dead.”

Things are deadlocked again.

Just when everyone was at a loss.

Constantine silently lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth.

“Maybe it’s time to visit an old friend. Although I don’t want to disturb him, there is really nothing I can do.”

Everyone was slightly stunned and looked at Constantine.

But they saw Constantine walking straight towards the magical girl.

“Kid, the current Wonder Woman, I want to borrow something from you”

“And Bobo, I need your help too.”

Superman Joe walked up to Constantine and asked,”What do you need me to do?”

Constantine waved his hand and said,”Not for now, you need to conserve your energy.””

“We will have to rely on you to save everything from now on.”

After the deployment was completed,

Constantine brought the gorilla detective Bobo to a wooden house in the mountains.

When the wooden door opened, a figure who was several times more decadent than Constantine appeared in front of the camera.

“you…How did you find me?”

The decadent uncle in front of him was Mr. Miracle, who had helped Golden Bomber and Mr. Excellence find the time machine.

At that time, in order to buy time for everyone, he and his wife Big Barda chose to stay behind and hold back the zombies.

In the end, the two were overwhelmed by zombies, and Big Barda was infected and turned into a zombie.

Mr. Miracle, as a super escape master with full jailbreak attributes, survived.

But because of Big Barda’s death, Mr. Miracle was already extremely decadent at this time.

“We have the best detective here, Constantine pointed to Bobo beside him.

The decadent Mr. Miracle looked at Constantine,”What do you want, John?”

“I need you to save the world,” Constantine said,”urgently!”

“But the last time I saved the world, it wasn’t very smooth,” said Mr. Miracle sadly,”My wife became a zombie in that battle.”

“I no longer crave for any miracles to happen.”

Constantine said calmly,”What if I say that Big Barda can still be saved?”

Mister Miracle turned around abruptly, only to see that Constantine had already taken out the Lasso of Truth.

He handed it to Mister Miracle and said,”Believe me, man, I am not lying this time.”

When Mister Miracle used the Lasso of Truth to question Constantine.

Constantine replied,”There is an antidote, man, we can save Big Barda.”

Mister Miracle looked incredible, and then said in a trembling voice,”What do you want me to do?”

Constantine habitually lit a cigarette,”Help me steal something”

“From the gods.”

In the real world, in the Dark Avengers base

“Wow! Stealing from the gods? You are indeed Uncle Constantine!” Raven looked at Constantine with admiration.

“But you smoke too often, it’s not good for your health.”

Constantine seemed not to hear Raven’s voice, took a puff of cigarette and said[]

“What is stealing from God? Have you ever cheated the devil?”

“Do you dare to cheat under Satan’s nose?”

“Wait, John, I think you have overlooked a problem,” Itlegan reminded,”The light curtain just now, the thing I talked to you about in the South Fortress”

“Don’t you have anything to say about Sangong?”

Constantine rolled his eyes,”Sangong destroys the world?”

“Do you think I can stop it?”

“Maybe we can try to sacrifice Raven, after all, he is her father.”

Raven’s face turned pale,”You are kidding, right?”

Zatanna shook her head helplessly,”The Three Palaces Demon is not something we can resist, even if we gather all the magicians in the world.”.0…….

“That’s why Constantine avoided the question.”

“”It’s not that we can’t defeat him,” Constantine muttered to himself,”it’s just that the price is really high.”

The screen continued to play.

After Constantine’s lobbying, Mr. Miracle finally returned to Gotham Garden with them.

“You are still alive, Mr. Miracle,” Batman Damian said, looking at Miracle.

Mr. Miracle also looked at Damian,”and you shrunk Batman.”

After Mr. Miracle arrived, a meeting about blackmailing God began.

The gorilla detective Bobo said to everyone

“Cyborg may have an antidote, but he can’t get it out.”

“So we need to get Metron’s Mobius Chair”

“That chair contains all the knowledge of the New Gods. If there is an antidote, we will definitely find the answer in it.”

Dr. Fate reminded,”Metron is the fastest person in the world.���One of the fastest gods, we can’t catch up with him”

“But he values knowledge above all else,” Bobo said,”We have to use something he can’t ignore as bait.”

Constantine immediately took out a crystal ball.

“How about this?”

Zatanna exclaimed,”Madame Xanadu’s crystal ball? Does she know you have her crystal ball?”

Constantine chuckled,”She should know now.”

Mr. Miracle took the crystal ball,”This is a good thing, I will take Cyborg to New Genesis.”

Superman said,”I will go with you, I believe if you have friends with you, they will accept you again.”

A rescue team heading to outer space began to assemble.

In order to have enough manpower to defeat Metron,

Superman Joe found the wandering Black Canary.

At this time, Black Canary was tying up the zombie Green Arrow and staring blankly on the roof.

When Superman invited her to go to outer space to snatch the Mobius Chair, she agreed without hesitation.

So the superheroes including Wonder Girl and Cyborg went to New Genesis, the neighboring star of Apokolips.

New Genesis and Apokolips are celestial creations of the same era.

Just like heaven and hell, New Genesis is full of vitality and birdsong, while Apokolips is spread by the earth fire all day long and is ruled by the brutal Darkseid.

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