After nearly half an hour of rampage, the bad guys suffered heavy casualties.

Some of them tried to escape from the mall, but found that tens of thousands of zombies had surrounded them.

However, amidst the piercing howls, the bad guys who escaped also died in the mouths of zombies.

At this time, Sato’s hands and feet had been crushed.

But he still vomited blood and laughed crazily.

“Even if you kill me, you won’t be able to escape!”

“The zombies around the mall have all been attracted, you are dead!”

Lin Mo got off the bus and walked straight to Sato.

Then he picked up the submachine gun that fell to the ground.

The submachine guns used by the Self-Defense Force are all MP5. They are highly accurate and have a fast rate of fire, making them very good weapons.

In addition to Sato’s, Lin Mo also picked up eight such submachine guns from the surrounding corpses.

Five hundred rounds of bullets were seized.

After seizing this wave of weapons, the number of hot weapons collected by Lin Mo was already considerable.

Lin Mo planned to let all the girls practice using submachine guns.

If they encounter a battle that requires fire suppression, they can immediately join the battle.

“Bastard! Did you hear what I said?”

Sato was completely defeated by Lin Mo’s disregard.

He cursed loudly.

But he soon regretted it because the sound attracted the attention of a zombie.

In Sato’s horrified eyes, the zombie pounced on him and feasted on him.

At this time, hundreds of zombies walked into the entrance of the square one after another.

Behind these hundreds of zombies, there were more zombies, and they were so dense that they were about to form a zombie tide.

These zombies were attracted by the battle just now.

It was estimated that there were at least more than 10,000 zombies.

“We can’t stay in this mall anymore,” Lin Mo said helplessly,”Teacher Shizuka, get ready to leave, let’s get out of here!”

Marikawa Shizuka took a step forward and sat in the driver’s seat in an instant.

“”Everyone fasten your seat belts, the bus is about to depart!”

With the roar of the engine, the Doomsday Bus rushed straight towards the zombies at the entrance of the mall.

At the same time, Lin Mo climbed onto the roof of the bus.

He grabbed the edge of the bus with one hand and held a submachine gun with the other.

“Da-da-da, da-da-da……”Dense bullets poured on the zombies in front of the car.

Several zombies were shot in the head in an instant.

The girls also opened the sunroof, revealing half of their bodies outside.

They aimed at the zombies and kept firing.

The electric saws on both sides of the bus were running at full power, madly cutting the approaching zombies.

Five minutes later, the Doomsday Bus successfully broke through.

It drove to the end of the street.

After another half an hour, the bus stopped next to a low embankment.

It was a very hidden place surrounded by tall bushes.

At this time, the bus was stained with blood mist because of the fierce battle.

In particular, the chassis and the gaps between the tires were filled with a lot of corpses and meat.

In order to avoid possible stench and germs in the future.

Lin Mo decided to clean the Doomsday Bus.

Such a difficult task naturally had to be left to the girls on the bus.

Lin Mo moved out the powerful pump on the bus.

While filling the unlimited water tank on the bus, they connected several water pipes.

They also placed screens looted from the mall around the bus and the water pipes.

In this way, even if a zombie approached, the sound of the screen falling to the ground would instantly give everyone a warning.

“Now, you can wash the bus with confidence!”Lin Mo said to the girls with a smile.

“I have something else to do, so I won’t bother you any more.”

Lin Mo disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And Marikawa Shizuka took the lead and picked up a water pipe.

Turning on the faucet, a strong stream of water gushed out.

But Marikawa Shizuka’s target was not the bus, but Miyamoto Rei who was standing next to it. The cool water instantly wet Miyamoto Rei’s delicate body.

The cool student uniform seemed to be invisible in an instant.

The rosy skin was clearly visible.

Especially the magnificent and surging perfect shape. It even showed its true form directly.

The light pink cuteness was clearly visible.

Miyamoto Rei’s face instantly turned red,”Teacher Shizuka, you are too much!”

“I, I have to go change my clothes…….”

But Shizuka Marikawa stopped her.

“Now is the time to play in the water. You don’t want Lin Mo to know that you haven’t been working, do you?”

As she said that, Marikawa Shizuka pointed the water pipe at Takagi Saya on the other side.

The cool water instantly wet Saya’s whole body.

The magnificent waves instantly appeared.

“Damn Shizuka teacher!”Takagi Saya immediately picked up the water pipe on the ground and sprayed it at Marikawa Shizuka.

“”Rei! What are you still standing there for? Fight back!” At Takagi Saya’s call, Miyamoto Rei also picked up the water pipe on the ground. She rushed towards Marikawa Shizuka’s surging water in revenge.

“Ugh~ Stop it, don’t spray anymore!”

“I can’t stand it anymore!”

But the water gun war had already started, and there was no possibility of a ceasefire.

So Marikawa Shizuka had to run away, holding up the water pipe to fight back.

The cool water flow was mixed with laughter.

It washed away the pressure and gloom that the girls had been walking on.

Soon, the three of them were completely wet.

The clearly visible inner wear showed the beautiful spring light all the time.

At this time, the only one who was still working hard was the little loli Alice.

She carefully washed the stains on the bus with a water pipe, muttering,

“I wonder where brother Lin Mo and sister Saeko have gone?”

“Is he going to carry out some important mission?”

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