Tired of walking, the two sat down in front of a fountain to take a short rest.

It must be said that Mrs. Yuriko is a mature woman with a perfect figure and appearance.

From Lin Mo’s perspective.

The simple red long skirt sets off her seductive body lines in an extremely exaggerated way.

The huge waves wrapped in the red skirt.

Like a fine work of art, delicate and full.

The waist that can’t be grasped perfectly holds a pair of slender legs.

With the high heels, it exudes a noble and charming temperament.

Lin Mo and Yuriko are only half a meter apart.

So it’s easy to smell the faint scent of perfume on her body.

Lin Mo is a teenager who is in the strongest period of desire.

Facing the superb beauty in front of him, his eyes are constantly flashing with hot eyes.

Especially the pair of white and slender long legs.

It attracts Lin Mo’s eyes like a magnet.

It can’t move at all.

Such perfect legs, if they fall into my hands, I can definitely play with them for a year!

Yuriko smoothed her messy hair.

She naturally noticed that Lin Mo was looking at her with a burning gaze.

But Yuriko didn’t say much.

It’s normal for young people to have strong desires.

Especially young people of Lin Mo’s age.

It’s the time when they are particularly interested in mature women.

“Have you seen enough, little guy?”

Yuriko suddenly turned her head and looked at Lin Mo with a playful look.

Lin Mo was stunned, then smiled awkwardly.

“If you still have energy, you can walk around the manor by yourself,” Yuriko straightened her dreamy body.

“I’ll go keep Saya company.”

As she spoke, Yuriko stepped on her sexy high heels and slowly walked away. Her pear-shaped figure was so exaggerated that it was quite tempting even with just a back view.

After Yuriko left, Lin Mo’s expression calmed down.

Then it changed from calm to serious.

He took the initiative to find Yuriko, not because of lust.

He was secretly looking for clues about the”suspected patient zero”.

After touring the manor, there was only one place that was the most suspicious.

That was the backyard of the mansion.

Lin Mo saw from a distance that there were several soldiers standing guard there.

And there were patrols further inside.

There must be something fishy in such a strictly guarded place.

But how can we get close to that place?

Lin Mo pondered.

Now the simplest and crudest way is to drive a bus directly in.

But Gaocheng’s army With a large number of people, there may not be a lack of heavy firepower weapons.

The result of impulsiveness is likely to be a lose-lose situation.

This is not what Lin Mo wants.

Or capture the thief and the leader, and kill Gao Cheng Soichiro first?

Lin Mo chose the second option without hesitation.

If he can find an opportunity to kill Gao Cheng Soichiro, it will cause a huge chaos.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Lin Mo will not only have the opportunity to find the”suspected patient zero”, but also take the opportunity to plunder the Gao Cheng family.

You must know that the Gao Cheng family army has been looting supplies everywhere in the Bed Master City during this period.

Whether it is food or weapons and ammunition, there must be a huge storage capacity.

If Lin Mo can obtain these supplies.

The journey to take his sister in the end times will definitely be safer and more stable.

Lin Mo quickly thought of the next action target.

That is to find the location of the Gao Cheng family army’s ammunition depot and food depot.

Wait. The moment the chaos began, resources were plundered madly!

However, sometimes, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Just as Lin Mo was thinking, a tactical nuclear bomb broke through the clouds and flew straight to Chuangzhu City over the eastern coast of Xiaobenzi.

When it arrived just above the clouds, the next second, a dazzling white light suddenly rose.

The tactical nuclear bomb exploded tens of thousands of meters above Chuangzhu City.

The explosion at this location will not cause harm to the survivors of Chuangzhu City.

But the EMP electromagnetic pulse formed by the explosion enveloped the entire Chuangzhu City within a few seconds.

In an instant, cars, mobile phones, radios.

All equipment related to electronic chips were instantly melted.

The power plant exploded, and the power and water supply systems were completely paralyzed.

The electricity, which was already difficult to maintain, completely collapsed at this moment.

The nuclear explosion triggered The blinding flash woke up the girls sleeping in the bus.

It also startled Yuriko and Saya Takagi in the mansion.

And Soichiro Takagi and his convoy who were on their way back.

The convoy was instantly stranded, and countless zombies rushed towards Soichiro Takagi’s troops frantically.

Because of the nuclear explosion.

The quarantine zone built with the mansion as the center was also breached.

Without the obstruction of the power grid, the zombies gathered near the manor.

The guards tried to shoot and kill the zombies.

But the gunshots attracted more zombies hiding in the dark.

The zombies gathered more and more, and they gathered into a terrifying corpse tide!

Lin Mo stared at the light in the sky in a daze, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

The nuclear explosion finally came, although it was a few days later than in the original book.

But it finally came!

After today, the night of the entire Bed Master City will fall into complete darkness.

The food in the cold storage refrigerator will quickly rot in the next few days.

Vehicles and planes will lose their function, and most of the survivors will be trapped and killed in the city.

The whole city has completely become a paradise for zombies.

They can’t stay in Bed Master City any longer, Lin Mo thought secretly.

After dealing with Gao Cheng Soichiro, they must leave here immediately!

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