There are many private farms in the Lighthouse Country.

After Rhodes placed the order.

The next morning, a healthy Belgian Blue Bull was delivered from a nearby farm.

Looking at the Belgian Blue Bull in front of him, which is more muscular than a bodybuilder.

Just standing there quietly, there is a daunting sense of oppression.

In terms of size alone, this Belgian Blue Bull is 30% larger than ordinary beef cattle, and has a very high muscle content, far exceeding its peers.

Both endurance and strength are quite outstanding.

Of course, the price is also higher than that of ordinary beef cattle.

Rhodes directly put his hand on the cow.

"This is the first time I sacrifice a living thing. I wonder if it will work."


A burst of light bloomed in his hand.

The Belgian Blue Bull in front of him began to melt away bit by bit, from flesh, bones, and internal organs.

Until finally, even the soul was sacrificed.

The whole process was completed in just a moment, without any pain.

As the Belgian Blue Bull was sacrificed, Rhodes instantly felt a powerful force emerging from his body. With every breath, the power was growing.

After a few minutes, the surging power stabilized.

Rhodes opened his eyes and slowly clenched his fists.

He felt that his power had surged to an extremely exaggerated level.

"Clothes have become smaller."

Rod looked down at his trouser legs. The trousers that originally fit him well were now too short.

He was not short to begin with, just over 1.8 meters tall.

After sacrificing the cow, his height directly reached over 1.9 meters tall.

Looking at the height of Lighthouse Junior High School, this was considered outstanding.

Rod took off his shirt and walked into the bathroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror.

His facial features were sharp and his lines were strong.

His body was well-proportioned, with broad shoulders and narrow waist. Every inch of his body exuded a feeling of strength. The strong smell of hormones seemed to explain what a real man is..

There was some fat on his stomach originally, but now it has all turned into sharp abdominal muscles.

It's like he has been working out in the gym for more than ten years. His muscles are full and well-developed, as strong and sturdy as a bull. Just looking at him from a distance, one can feel the strong sense of oppression.

Rod stroked his chin, and suddenly he had a sense of déjà vu of Jotaro Kujo.

He sacrificed this Belgian blue bull, and in addition to gaining a strong physique, he also awakened a special ability.


Rod trembled all over as he thought to himself.

The next second, his blood was like an air pump. It began to flow quickly.

The beating of the heart was like a dull drumbeat echoing in his ears, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Rhodes saw himself in the mirror, his eyes were bloodshot, and his skin gradually turned red.

The muscles all over his body began to swell as if they were inflated.

In the blink of an eye, his height rose directly to about two meters.

As a price, his rationality was gradually replaced by a violent animality over time.

The swollen body slowly shrank back to its original shape. Rhodes was panting and felt sore all over.

In these few short minutes, he felt that his physical strength had been consumed by half.

In the violent state, his physique will grow explosively, and his strength and defense can almost reach two to three times the normal state.

But as a price, his rationality will be greatly weakened, and his physical strength consumption will also increase exponentially.

After the violent state ends, there will be a half-hour period of weakness.

Although there are many side effects, this ability is enough to change the outcome at a critical moment.

However, with his current strength, he can only last for a maximum of ten minutes after turning on the violent state before all his physical strength is exhausted.

Therefore, this ability can only be used at a critical moment.

"With my current strength, I should be able to explore the other side of the space-time gate."

Feeling the growth of strength, Rhodes' confidence soared.

Although he didn't know what would be on the other side of the space-time gate.

But with his current strength, even if he really encountered any danger, he would be able to escape unscathed.

However, it is better to prepare more things just in case.

Most places in the Lighthouse Country do not prohibit firearms, but you need a gun license and a gun purchase permit to buy firearms.

He happened to have both of these things. He drove to the gun store.

He bought a pistol, shotgun, automatic rifle, sniper rifle, and all kinds of firearms.

By the way, he bought several boxes of various types of bullets and threw them all into the portable space.

The Lighthouse Country has no restrictions on the number of firearms owned.

However, after purchasing, you must register at a special place.

Rhodes originally wanted to get a few boxes of grenades to store in the space, but unfortunately this thing is a military product and cannot be bought through regular channels.

He had no choice but to give up.

Machete, dagger, combat uniform

It took half a day to prepare all the things that might be used and put them in the portable space. He slept again and restored his energy to the peak state.

Rhodes called the teacher and asked for a three-day vacation.

After making sure there were no omissions, he took a deep breath and opened the space-time gate.


As the space-time gate opened, a half-real and half-virtual space crack appeared in front of him.

Rhodes slowly walked into the space-time gate with a double-barreled shotgun.

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