His ability to sacrifice is essentially an equal exchange.

He can sacrifice any object and receive an equivalent gift.

Among all the things he has sacrificed so far, the most valuable things are souls and faith.

The second is knowledge.

By sacrificing knowledge, one can directly grasp the knowledge and truth contained therein.

By sacrificing the soul, one can obtain the other party's knowledge and power.

And faith is the purest and most mysterious thing.

Any object containing faith, once sacrificed, will receive a reward far beyond imagination.

If all the sacrificed objects are divided into different levels, faith, soul, and knowledge.

These three things are the chips at the top of the pyramid.

Therefore, instead of sacrificing ordinary things, it is better to find a church with history and sacrifice the entire church directly.

It will definitely bring him rich rewards.

Of course, this is just a thought.

If a church disappears mysteriously, it is estimated that the entire Lighthouse Country will be turned upside down.

Maybe it can even be labeled as a miracle.

At that time, he can't hide it.

It will be exposed in a minute.

"What a hassle!..."

Rhode sighed.

Although it was a bit troublesome, it was not hopeless.

Those antiques with history and origins could be bought if one was willing to spend money.

In this era of capitalism, money is king.

I returned home and hadn't even sat down yet.

Knock, knock, knock!

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Who is it at this late hour?

Rhode opened the door curiously, and a figure rushed towards him.

The familiar smell and touch calmed Rhode, who was about to explode.

"Honey, hurry up"

"My parents won't let me go home after 10 o'clock, and we still have an hour and a half."

Emma tore off her clothes while taking off Rod's clothes.

Looking at this woman who seemed impatient ,

Rod's expression was a little helpless.


Was he taking advantage, or was this woman taking advantage of him?

Why did it feel like he was being taken advantage of by this woman?

Before Rod could react, Emma pushed him hard onto the bed.

Looking at the shaking ponytail, Rod took a deep breath.

The sleeping beast had awakened!

Emma's face lit up, and she couldn't wait to sit on his legs.

"Darling, enjoy this wonderful moment."

Rod looked at the ceiling and breathed a sigh of relief.

Time passed in the sound of the shaking bed, and finally the aggressive Emma fell down due to exhaustion.

Rod had no choice but to turn over and take charge.

"God, you have no idea how I have endured this."

"Buck is just a waste.

Emma lay in Rod's arms with a happy face, feeling his strong muscles and strong body.

She seemed to be conquered, with gentleness in her eyes.

After not seeing him for a few days, this ex-boyfriend has become a different person.

Even the things she was most satisfied with have become more satisfactory.

She felt that she could not leave this guy anymore.

"Don't you have medicine with you?"

Rhodes frowned. He was more concerned about finishing the job than this.

Although it was safe, it was not a 100% sure thing.

If you got lucky and won the prize, it would be troublesome.

The most basic rule for a qualified Cao thief is to only enter the body, not the life.

"It doesn't matter, if you are really lucky, just give birth to the baby"

"Buck, that idiot, should be happy to be the father of this child and won't find out."

"Besides, I also want to give birth to a child for you."

Emma's tone was lazy, but her words were not meant to be a joke.

This woman?

How come she is so cheerful after not seeing her for a few days?

Rhodes looked at Emma with surprise. How could she say such a thing?

Why didn't he remember this woman being so bold before?

After a little thought, Rhodes reacted.

This was probably affected by the hormones in his body.

A woman with Emma's personality knows very well what she wants.

Even if she is still obsessed with his body, she will not take the risk of getting pregnant with another man's child and marrying into a wealthy family.

If she is exposed, her dream of becoming a lady will be shattered.

The current situation is obviously that the clam is controlling the brain.

Simply put, the hormone secretion is excessive and becomes a love brain.

Now the cerebellum controls the brain, and the brain is like losing its mind, completely affected by the momentary passion.

It is estimated that it will take several hours to calm down from this state.

"You should leave."

Looking at the time, Rod decisively started to drive people away.

He had other things to do and didn't have time to hang around with his ex-girlfriend.

Emma looked at the time with a reluctant look in her eyes.

But she also knew that she had to leave.

She took off the torn stockings and threw them into the trash can.

She picked up the clothes scattered on the ground and put them on slowly.

""My dear, you have to wait for me obediently during this time."

Emma put on her clothes, sat on Rod's legs, and gave him a passionate French kiss.

Before leaving, she murmured with a slightly complaining tone.

"It's all your fault. Buck is fine, but he still needs to stay in the hospital for a week."

"I have to take care of the baby there during this period and cannot come over. Save your energy and I will come to see you next time."

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