's attack was very strong, Qin Tianyu had experienced it, in the situation where he did not have an opening, Qin Tianyu could only barely hold on, but, this Death Soldier called 017, used one hand, and blocked Ji Erjia's attack as though he was a baby.

"Die for me, woman! "People!" Ji Erjia was successfully angered, his attack was easily blocked, and was even looked down upon by a woman. This caused Ji Erjia's state of mind to instantly collapse, and the sickle directly slashed towards the 017, but in the end, it was once again blocked by the 017.

"Ah, I am truly sorry. I accidentally broke your wooden stick, but that doesn't matter. Because you are about to be stepped on to death by me, Bastard." He pretended to be apologetic, but at the end, his face revealed a look of excitement.

"In that case." Ji Erjia used the broken giant scythe in his hands to block the scythe in the air, and then used it to spin, retreating to a place rather far from 017.

"As far as I know, other than close combat, you Death Soldiers don't have any other abilities, so, against such an attack, what can you do?!" Ji Erjia opened his mouth wide, and stuck out his tongue that was imprinted with the word hunger. A yellow light continuously gathered on the tip of his tongue, and in the blink of an eye it had turned into a gigantic beam of light that shot out.

"virtual flash!" The yellow virtual flash directly rushed towards the 017. Facing such a close distance with the virtual flash, if one did not have a teleportation skill like Teleportation and Transposition, it would be impossible to dodge.


"Can this thing also be called an attack?" Facing the rushing virtual flash, all it did was a small movement, placing the scythe in its hand in front of its body, the blood red fog on the weapon started to circulate, and when the virtual flash came in contact with the scythe, it seemed to be cut into two, it was split into two, not even touching a hair on 017.

"It seems that it has completely overturned your knowledge, Bastard. However, if you think about it carefully, how could ants even touch elephants? You should be able to understand this, right? And that hole in your skull, you don't even have a brain?" The 017 continued to ridicule Ji Erjia as usual, the sickle in his hand did not stop at all, a shadow swept past and the 017 jumped to the top of Ji Erjia's head, the sickle in his hand carried a blood red mist, waving towards Ji Erjia.

"There's nothing I can do about it. I didn't want to use it in front of trash like you, but I seem to have underestimated you. Death Soldier, I'll let you have a taste of despair." Ji Erjia fiercely waved the broken gigantic scythe, and pointed to 017, a sinister and confident smile appearing on his face.

"Pray! "Holy Mantis!" With the words of release, the giant scythe in Ji Erjia's hand returned to its original state. Immediately following that, Ji Erjia actually grew a pair of arms, and crescent-shaped horns on his head.

"Come, let's fight, Death Soldier!" Ji Erjia laughed, and on his wrist, another three crescent-shaped scythes appeared, the iron chains at the bottom of the scythes were connected to his waist.

"Mantis ah, looks like it really is a bedbug. Since that's the case, let me see if there are any parasites like the mantis in your body." He extended his tongue out to lick his lips, then rushed towards Ji Erjia, the sickle in his hand clashed with Ji Erjia's sickle.

"It didn't break." However, in this battle, the giant scythe in Ji Erjia's hands were not cut into two halves by the blood mist.

"Lions with masks and gloves are hard to hurt, but take them off." Ji Erjia laughed sinisterly, his entire body was covered with the yellow spiritual pressure, his other hand brandishing the giant scythe s as he slashed towards the Death Soldiers.

"Humph!" So, bugs say bugs. " However, it was immediately blocked by the scythe in the other hand, and the scythe in the other hand was still able to land on the shoulder of 017 in the end. Blood was poured out from the wound, but the scythe did not cut the 017 into two, but only slightly sunk in, and was unable to continue any further.

"You can actually injure me. It seems like you are only a slightly bigger bug." 017 grabbed onto the sickle in Ji Erjia's hand and broke it in half. If one looked carefully, they would notice that a red fog had also appeared on 017's hand.

"Do you think this is the end?!" A few new large scythes appeared in Ji Erjia's hands once again, and the four scythes chopped towards the 017 from four tricky angles.

"Do you think you can win with just two more hands? How naive. " With an extremely fast speed, 017 spun a circle around the scythe in his hand, causing Ji Erjia's scythe to completely break.


"Puchi." Two streams of blood spurted out from the stomach of 017, who would have thought that Ji Erjia would have another opponent added to the mix, the two sickles stabbed through the back of 017 and came out from its stomach, the tip of the sickle dripping with blood.

"Get lost!" Because of the distance problem, Qin Tianyu did not have time to stop him, but, it was still possible to stop Ji Erjia from taking his next step.

The Soul Severing Knife in his hands had its skin covered by a black mist, and under Ji Erjia's disdainful gaze, it broke through Ji Erjia's hard skin and fiercely stabbed into his body.

The moment Qin Tianyu's blade appeared, the 017 that was hit, instantly released a strong red light.

"Destroyed and descended."

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