's words stunned everyone present for a short period of time. All along the way, Qin Tianyu and the others had seen the strength of 017, especially Bai Zai and the others, they knew about the appearance of the Death Soldiers, but they knew that Death Soldiers were those kind of Death Soldiers who did not have any self-awareness, only knew how to infect and destroy things.

"017, you." Qin Tianyu did not believe what Lan Ran had said. Lan Ran should have lied just to distract Qin Tianyu and the others' attention.

The situation suddenly changed, causing Qin Tianyu to fall into a state of shock. Death warrior? Crash? What the hell?! Was Crash referring to his own system? And the World of Annihilation, why did so many things suddenly appear that he did not know about? Was there really such a thing in the world of the Death God?!

"Lucia, Captain Bai Zai, everybody, the most important thing for us right now is to capture Lan Ran and bring him back to the necromancy, collapsing or something like that, even if we kill 017, we can't stop her, and 017 doesn't have any intentions of attacking us either. If she wants to kill us, she can do so before, and furthermore, we still need the power of 017.

had always felt that the world was destroyed, and the old civilization was destroyed. However, looking at it now, Lan Ran was the only one who needed to be eradicated the most. If Lan Ran were to become a god, what would happen next, Qin Tianyu truly wouldn't dare to imagine.

"Oh, Qin Tianyu, looks like I've underestimated you. You seem to know more than I have imagined." Lan Ran opened his eyes wide, and revealed a playful smile as he looked at Qin Tianyu. It was Lan Ran's plan to destroy the entire Emptiness Realm to create the king key and then become the only god in the world. However, he did not tell anyone else about it, so Qin Tianyu actually knew about it.

"However, even if you know this, it doesn't matter. Even if you don't know it now, after a while, you will know it as well. I must say that the destruction caused by hell to the Emptiness Realm has helped me greatly. However, you won't be able to see that." Lan Ran took one last glance at Qin Tianyu before he turned and left.

"Lan Ran, you stop right there!" Qin Tianyu naturally did not want Lan Ran to leave just like that, so he directly rushed over, but halfway through, he was stopped by a virtual flash.

"You guys should get through this first." A broken surface that looked like an uncle walked out.

"I am one of the Ten Blades, Ke Yattan Stark. Actually, I don't want to fight you, but if I were to let you guys chase after me, I would be troubled. Why don't you all stay here?" Kaytai Stark looked lazy in his clothes, and he didn't seem to have any desire to fight at all.

"Stark, be serious, this is our mission after all." Another broken surface walked over from the other side. With her brown skin and golden hair, she had an unrestrained and untamed charm. There was a number below her right chest was 3.

"Although you don't want to admit it, you must stay here and be honored. To die in the hands of I, Bai Legang Ruizeng, you are worthy of being proud." Soon after, a very old but strong looking broken surface walked over. It had a crown on its head and its demeanor was extremely arrogant.

"Qin Tianyu, Heiqi Yihu, and Lucia, you guys go chase after Lan Ran, leave this to us. Bai Zai pulled out the Soul Severing Knife, the two captains facing the three broken surface, and the former captain. This should be a very difficult situation, Qin Tianyu was very hesitant, whether or not he should leave.

"Oh!" It really made it easy for me to find him, but luckily this house is quite large. Ah, Eastern Immortal, I met you again. "Hahahaha." Just then, the sounds of things collapsing came out from the palace as Geng Mujianba jumped down.

"Gemeinschaft?! Where's Captain Mao Zhihua, didn't she go to find you? " When Lucia saw that Geng Mujianba was the only one present, she was extremely confused.

"I'm here, hurry up and finish off the battle here. After we capture Lan Ran, we need to go to the Underworld organization and carry out Yingjing Qian's rescue mission," Mao Zhihua jumped down from the hole that Geng Mujianba had opened earlier. Just as she landed in front of Qin Tianyu and the others, she started to hand over the new mission.

"Sy? What happened to her? " Qin Tianyu tensed up immediately after hearing Mao Zhihua's words. Didn't Qian not follow her?

"The organization's self-proclaimed Death Soldier Martial Saint brought Yingjing Qian to the void, and it is said that they are carrying out some lawmaker's plan, in short, the situation is extremely urgent, and the Chief Officer is already prepared to rush over." Mao Zhihua's words caused everyone present to be shocked.

"Is the lawmaker's plan finally going to start?" His face became excited, just like a devout believer welcoming the arrival of a deity.

"017, what's going on?" Qin Tianyu looked at 017 at the side. Mao Zhihua's words made Qin Tianyu's heart become extremely chaotic, the matter had happened too suddenly, if something were to happen to Yingjing Qian, Qin Tianyu would definitely not have an easy time of it.

"The lawmaker is the messenger of a god. Every time it collapses, a lawmaker would be born. Her pale face was flushed with excitement.

"Aren't you guys a little too smug, Death God?" Bai Legang, who was at the side, saw that he was actually being ignored and became somewhat angry.

"Leave the other things to the side, our main target right now is still Lan Ran. Qin Tianyu, go and chase after Lan Ran with Lucia and the rest, leave this place to the four of us." Mao Zhihua also saw the number 017 at the side, and was even shocked by the number 017's explanation. However, their current mission was to bring Lan Ran back to the necromancy, so under Pu Yuanxizhu's explanation, the role of the jadeite had become extremely terrifying.

"Sorry for the trouble." Qin Tianyu nodded towards Mao Zhihua, and then chased after Lan Ran.

"I want to see what's the difference between broken surface and Acocas. I will leave an intact corpse for you, even though you only have bones." Just as Bai Legang was about to stop Qin Tianyu, Nie Jianli suddenly stopped in front of him.

"I won't let you catch up." On the third blade, Halibel saw that Bai Legang had been stopped, and immediately rushed towards Qin Tianyu, but was stopped by Mao Zhihua.

"Ah, how troublesome." Of course, Stark would not take the initiative to stop Qin Tianyu. Instead, he felt troubled because of Bai Zai.

In the end, Geng Mujianba also rushed towards Dong Xianyao.

"Eastgod, let us continue our slaughter."

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