As the smoke and dust dispersed, a gigantic crater formed with the two of them as the center. Qin Tianyu and Wuriola stood opposite of each other.

"You all no longer have the chance, Master Lan Ran has already gone to the Modern Realm, as long as we completely destroy everything, the last thing you all have to do is be the God." One of the horns on Ulrich's head fell off, and immediately after, Ulrich's body started to gradually dissipate, until he had become a spirit child. Qin Tianyu also fell down after Ulrich had disappeared.

However, when Qin Tianyu's Soul Severing Knife clashed with Ulchola's Thunderbolt, the enormous power caused a bit of chaos. Qin Tianyu saw from it memories that he did not have before.

Leaving his own kind and traveling alone in the desolate void, perhaps this was the reason why Ulchola was always so depressed. However, the biggest reason was probably because he did not have a heart, void did not have a heart, because it was a product of corruption, all of the voids were very empty, and he desired to devour them in order to fill his empty soul. However, this did not mean he did not have any feelings.

The stronger the void, the stronger the self-awareness. Even the self-conscious Ji Lian would have painful emotions, and the stronger the void, which was Acocas and Wa Shituode, not to mention greed, arrogance, laziness, gluttony and all kinds of emotions. They had all reached the level of Acocas, but by the time the void reached the level of Acocas, it had already broken away from the desire of the primal void and possessed all sorts of evil instincts.

One or two human souls wouldn't make much of a difference to them anymore. In fact, only by devouring their own kind would they be able to ensure that they wouldn't degenerate and strengthen themselves.

Emptiness was a sorrowful existence. It could feel loneliness, but it also created loneliness. That was why so many Emptiness Realm Experts would form groups with their best friends and devour their own kind to achieve indestructibility.

Even sadness, fear, loneliness, freedom, he couldn't feel any of these. He only made a rational judgement, but this emotion that he had never felt before was produced from that slap on the well. That kind of feeling, which made Ulchira feel curious and uncomfortable, caused him to hesitate when he used the virtual flash to kill someone on the well. It was this bit of hesitation that gave Qin Tianyu the chance to stop Ulchola.

Ulchola died because Qin Tianyu's Collapse Blade had pierced into his chest. But Qin Tianyu did not feel like he won at all, he had been saved by the enemy! Qin Tianyu looked at the lines that were gradually disappearing from his body, and if he was even a little bit slower, he would have been completely taken away by that guy, this method of overdrawing his body's potential, made Qin Tianyu's consciousness become a little blurry. As long as Qin Tianyu lost his consciousness completely, his body would be 'destroyed'.

However, this situation ended with a single strike from Ulchola. After being struck by the Thunderbolt on the left shoulder, Qin Tianyu was able to forcefully withdraw from this state, which was why he was able to survive. couldn't help but clench his fists at the thought of this. How strong was the first three blades, which were even stronger than Ulrich's, actually was? Qin Tianyu couldn't help but be worried for Bai Zai and the others. And Lan Ran, this man, no matter if it was the powerful spiritual pressure or the Soul Severing Knife, he was just hanging himself.

"Let's go, we'll go back to look for the captain and the others. Lan Ran has already headed for the Modern Realm, Ulrich is not lying. Lucia, can you contact Heiqi Yihu and the others now? Qin Tianyu took out a piece of clothes from the Collapse Space and wore it. As for this ability, Qin Tianyu had already explained it before, Soul Severing Knife were spatial attributed, they could be considered Collapse Space s, so basically, there was nothing that could not be cut. For this reason, even the captain could not refute it, let alone Lucia who had trusted Qin Tianyu a lot before.

"Sure, I'll ask them about their situation now." Lucia nodded her head, the injuries on her body had already been completely healed by the well, and she then used the Ghost Dao to contact Heiqi Yihu and the rest.

"They encountered Zero Knives out of the ten, but it has already been taken care of by them. Yi Hu is now injured, and from what I heard, Heiqi Yihu even went berserk, it seems to have something to do with the virtual mask that suddenly appeared on his face." When Lucia contacted Heiqi Yihu, he did not contact them. In the end, he could only contact them once more, and only then did he find out that Heiqi Yihu and the others had experienced a huge battle.

"Let's go back the way we came from. Maybe we can help out." After Qin Tianyu heard about the situation with Heiqi Yihu and the others, he couldn't wait to go find Yingjing Qian. She should still be in hell.

However, 017 was already dead. It was difficult for Qin Tianyu to find the location of the hell, although 017 was a member of that organization, Qin Tianyu felt that there was nothing bad about 017. Although the way he fought looked a little too crazy, and even did not care about his life, but from every angle, 017 looked like a normal person.

Carrying 017 on his back, Qin Tianyu and the others walked in the direction of Bai Zai and the others. Just now, Qin Tianyu had seen a message from Ulchola's memory fragments. Lan Ran wanted to borrow the power of hell to destroy the empty seat. This way, not only could it save time, it wouldn't need to become a target of public criticism.

If Lan Ran really succeeded, necromancy would fight to the death with Hell, and in the end, Lan Ran would become the final victor. This was a situation that Qin Tianyu did not want to see, and he reckoned that he did not get the news of Mao Zhihua by chance either.

If all of this was planned by Lan Ran, then it was very possible that he was here.

It had been hidden somewhere in the Modern World.

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