He placed the 017 in front of the crystal pillar, and immediately muttered something as if praying for something, following that, a purplish black Qi extended out from the crystal pillar, and then completely enveloped the entire 017. After a period of time, the purplish black Qi entered through the 017's seven orifices, and suddenly floated up, and then opened his eyes, releasing a red glow.

"Ah, she died accidentally. Sigh ~! "Pain." When 017 woke up, he saw 018. He stuck his tongue out as if he had done something wrong and was hit on the head by a chestnut.

"If you really want to repay me, can you let me see your lawmaker?" Qin Tianyu felt that his head was spinning. If it was some other time, and 017 was not a Death Soldier, Qin Tianyu would definitely have some thoughts. After all, regardless if it was his face or body, 017 was still a first-class warrior.

"Sure." However, 017 directly agreed to Qin Tianyu's words, as if he didn't hear them.

"017, do you want to receive punishment from Martial Saint? These people are all Death Gods, and the people who are accepted as lawmaker are also Death Gods, don't you worry, they are here to snatch the lawmaker, although they brought you back, the lawmaker is still one of the most important parts of it, if you insist on letting them go, I will punish you in place of the Martial Saint right now. " It had to be said that the police force of 018 was very high. Although it was just a guess, it was still a correct guess.

"018, you have really become more and more impatient. Little brother Qin Tianyu, show your Soul Severing Knife to 018." With a relaxed expression, Qin Tianyu took out the Soul Severing Knife in his hands. Although Qin Tianyu did not know what was going on, he still took out his Soul Severing Knife and showed it to him. Because he was afraid that the other party would do something bad to him, Qin Tianyu had untied his Soul Severing Knife and showed it to him.

"This, how could this be … So that's how it is. Alright, I can let you guys go up, but if you dare to do anything else, it will be fine." Forget it, with Martial Saint up there, it doesn't matter what you want to do. 017, since you agreed, then lead the way, I still have something to do. " The moment they saw Qin Tianyu's Soul Severing Knife, they were stunned for a moment, then agreed to Qin Tianyu's request and allowed the few of them to go to the top of the crystal pillar. But 018 seemed to have something on his mind, or perhaps wanted to avoid responsibility, so he directly handed Qin Tianyu and the others over to 017.

"However, only this Death God can go up. Everyone else can stay below." Just as Qin Tianyu was about to follow 017, 018 suddenly stopped. The conditions that he raised made Qin Tianyu frown.

"Captain Mao Zhihua, why don't I go up by myself? Go back to Lucia first, my Soul Severing Knife can shatter space, I have a way to leave this place." Qin Tianyu thought about it, he had the system, and the coordinates of the Modern World and the necromancy, so if he wanted to go to the Modern World or the necromancy, it would just be the matter of hundreds or even thousands of them, but if he were to tell Mao Zhihua that, he would probably be treated as a traitor. No matter how he looked at it, the disintegration energy crystal had a great relationship with the Death Soldiers and the crumbling animal.

"Since that's the case, we will leave first. But, if we see a fight here, we will still rush over, and leave you behind, Chief Officer will definitely think highly of me, after all, our main purpose in coming to the void circle is to support you." Mao Zhihua's words made Qin Tianyu's heart warm, but she could only trouble Mao Zhihua to leave for a while.

"No, let's go together for that one over there." Just as Mao Zhihua was about to pull Geng Mujianba away, 018 seemed to have sensed something and actually had Geng Mujianba follow her. Although she did not know why this was so, at the very least, this way, Qin Tianyu's safety would be guaranteed. Mao Zhihua did not say anymore and directly left.

Qin Tianyu and Geng Mujianba followed behind 017 and walked towards the top of the crystal pillar.

The crystal pillar was cylindrical shaped, and although it was hard for normal Death Soldiers to walk, it was very simple for Death Gods. As long as they were fixed in the air with spiritual pressure, they could achieve the effect of standing in the air, as if they were stepping on transparent glass steps. Qin Tianyu and Geng Mujianba followed behind the 017.

In the middle of these people, a death god who wore a set of dead weight dress clothes and had pink hair was lying on the ground with his eyes closed. Beneath him were some strange glowing words and diagrams, and traces of a purple-black aura floated out from the purple pattern and entered into Yingjing Qian's seven orifices. A light purple ball appeared on the back of Yingjing Qian's hand, and as the purple-black aura grew stronger, it became more and more obvious.

"What is this?" Although the death warriors around him were different, each of them had a captain level spiritual pressure. If he recklessly rushed forward, it was very possible that he would harm Yingjing Qian.

"Who are you?" Just then, a Death Soldier standing by the side saw Qin Tianyu and walked towards him with a face full of killing intent.

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