"Why, it's you." 's Soul Severing Knife slashed onto 017's body, the black aura crazily tore at 017's body, and fresh blood continuously flowed out of his body. He did not have that kind of regeneration ability, one must know, that even a broken surface like Ulchola, who possessed an extremely strong overspeed regeneration, died because of Qin Tianyu's Soul Severing Knife, and 017 was cut by Qin Tianyu's Soul Severing Knife, there was almost no chance for him to survive.

"Stay, Death." Then, Qin Tianyu's blade struck the air and the Death Soldier Martial Saint in front of him disappeared who knows where. It was only until a voice sounded from behind Qin Tianyu that Qin Tianyu noticed that the Death Soldier Martial Saint was already behind him.

Ding! However, Qin Tianyu was not alone. There was still Geng Mujianba on one side, and when the sickle was about to fall, he blocked it.

"That's right. That's what you call killing, hahaha." Geng Mujianba's entire body was covered with spiritual pressure, many of his attacks were blocked by the golden spiritual pressure, but the higher the frequency of the attacks, the more wounds appeared on Geng Mujianba's body, but Geng Mujianba was not affected at all, and instead felt joyful.

Qin Tianyu looked at 017 who was struggling to stand up, and in the end, clenched his teeth and ran outside. However, unexpectedly, Death Soldier Martial Saint only stood behind him and did not have any intention of catching up.

After Qin Tianyu jumped down from the crystal pillar, he started to frantically run away. Along the way, he actually did not encounter any death warriors or crumbling animal obstructing him, and instead made a path for Qin Tianyu. Although he didn't know why this was happening, it was obviously a good thing.

After rushing out of the encirclement, Qin Tianyu heaved a sigh of relief. In his arms, Yingjing Qian's body was a little hot, but fortunately, it was not life-threatening.

"Cough, cough." Yingjing Qian coughed once before slowly opening her eyes and seeing Qin Tianyu in front of her.

"Yu Jun?" The moment Yingjing Qian saw Qin Tianyu, her eyes immediately widened. Wasn't she lying on the pillar, how could she be lying in the Yu Jun's embrace?

"Qian, we got your news, that's why we saved you together with Captain Mao Zhihua and the Gemeinschaft. You wait here, you can contact Captain Mao Zhihua, I need to go and meet up with the Gemeinschaft." Qin Tianyu naturally could not leave Sword Eight there, he had to go forward to receive it.

"I'll go with you." Yingjing Qian hesitated for a bit. She didn't want to burden Qin Tianyu with his troubles, but if she went with him, she should be able to help out a bit.

If you go over now, you might be affected by the crystal pillar. You should contact Captain Mao Zhihua and have her come over. Qin Tianyu firmly rejected Yingjing Qian's suggestion; he could no longer let Yingjing Qian be in such danger.

"Yes." Yingjing Qian looked at Qin Tianyu blankly. Qin Tianyu's words about not wanting to let you get hurt anymore, directly stabbed into the soft depths of Yingjing Qian's heart, and Yingjing Qian did not try to force it any further. Moreover, she did not want to go to that kind of place a second time.

Qin Tianyu did not talk about other things, but if Geng Mujianba wanted to meet them, he would need to fight team captain level spiritual pressure, and there were more than one of them. Under this kind of siege, even Geng Mujianba would not feel good, and would need to go and support Geng Mujianba, or else Geng Mujianba would very likely become the next person to rescue.

Just as Qin Tianyu approached the group of Death Soldiers, those Death Soldiers and crumbling animal who did not have any self-awareness surged over like a tide, causing Qin Tianyu to be extremely suspicious.

However, these Death Soldiers and crumbling animal were merely disintegration energy crystal to Qin Tianyu, who was using the amplification of Psionic Pressure Burst and spiritual pressure. Qin Tianyu didn't even take out the Soul Severing Knife and directly rushed over relying on white stroke.

However …

"That's it." A gigantic shield blocked Qin Tianyu's path.

"To think that you, Death God, are prepared to face death." The eyes of 018, who was standing on top of the crumbling animal flashed with anger, he nocked an arrow and a fiery red arrow flew towards Qin Tianyu, at a speed that even Qin Tianyu could barely react to.

After barely dodging the arrow, cold sweat trickled down Qin Tianyu's back. The fire red arrow landed amongst the group of Death Soldiers and instantly burned, regardless of whether it was a Death Soldier or a crumbling animal, they turned into ashes the moment it came into contact with the Death Soldier.

This ability could be said to be extremely effective in restraining Qin Tianyu, although Qin Tianyu had the overspeed regeneration, but facing those types of raging flames that looked like maggots attached to bones, he could only die, Qin Tianyu was basically immune to physical attacks and was afraid of elemental attacks.

"However, as long as you can dodge these arrows, you won't be able to do anything." Qin Tianyu immediately stepped behind the shield, from the very beginning, Qin Tianyu had noticed that although the shield had an indestructible defense, it did not have much speed. As long as they could circle around the shield, everything would be fine.

"Is that so? Aren't you being too naive? Not only does the Temple possess an absolute shield, but it also possesses the most powerful spear. " The corner of his mouth raised in a cruel arc, the crumbling animal beneath him started to move at a speed that was completely inconsistent with its body, the other hand that held the lance started to release a yellow light, following that, it pierced towards Qin Tianyu at an extremely fast speed.

"[Sky Breaking]!" Even the virtual flash was unable to penetrate through it. Although he had given up on the chant, and his defense was more than half of the original, it shouldn't be a problem for him to face an attack like this.

However, Qin Tianyu had underestimated the Sacred Hall's attack power. To sacrifice his movement speed to obtain the strongest shield and spear, although it was a little exaggerated, the power that pierced through was not something to be trifled with.

The spear stopped at the barrier that was Broken Sky for a moment, almost to the point of being negligible, and then continued to pierce towards Qin Tianyu.

"[Mountain-toppling Crystal]!" Qin Tianyu widened his eyes in shock, and immediately set up the Toppling Mountain Crystal, protecting Qin Tianyu with a triangle-shaped barrier.

Perhaps because a portion of the force had been blocked by Broken Sky, the lance only managed to pierce through the Toppling Mountain Crystal after two seconds, but in the end, it still landed on Qin Tianyu's body, fiercely nailing Qin Tianyu to the ground. The gigantic lance had pierced through Qin Tianyu's abdomen, and fresh blood dyed the white tip of the lance red.

"I will use your blood to pay my respects to the death of 017." A hint of cruelty flashed through his eyes, and a fiery red arrow appeared on the bow. This arrow was even more fiery red than the previous one, and the power contained within it was even stronger.

Qin Tianyu looked at the bow and arrow of the 018, and silently immersed his consciousness into the Collapse Space. At this time, he could only rely on the System, if not, he might really die here. Fortunately, he had killed warriors and crumbling animal and obtained some disintegration energy crystal, so he was not afraid of unnecessary waste.

However, just as Qin Tianyu was preparing to use the system to escape, a voice came out from above.

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