The gigantic spiritual pressure was like a mountain pressing down on a few of them, making them unable to move.

"Hurry, feel like if we eat him, we'll have a chance to surpass the boss." However, the stronger the spiritual pressure, the more delicious the soul was. As long as they could eat Heiqi Yihu, these impurities could easily surpass Ji Lian.

After the huge explosion, the thing that was flying in the sky was slashed down by Heiqi Yihu's leg. The cracks on the ground spread out like spider webs, revealing the terrifying power of the kick.

"Don't, don't kill me." They would also be happy, excited, pained, and sad. However, they would never sympathize with others, would never have any kind thoughts, and in their hearts, they would only kill, swallow, desire, destroy, destroy, and be selfish.

But often, the people who create despair understand how terrifying despair is. Especially when despair falls on them, they will be one step ahead of those who have never experienced despair. They will lift up their legs to flee.

"BANG." A strong and forceful word rang in his ears. The broadsword suddenly stopped in its tracks. A fist came from his abdomen.

To penetrate a strong body with a fist, how precise must one's control be, even if it was virtual, it still needed the form of a hand blade to penetrate a person's body, but now, his body, which was comparable to steel, was actually penetrated by a fist, not knocked flying.

"AHH!" Terrified cries that were accompanied by despair resounded through the entire place. However, these sounds could only be heard by the furious Heiqi Yihu and the bloodied Jingshang Zhiji.

The sounds of their roars gradually lessened. It wasn't that they didn't have any strength left, but they were gone. The few paths that were originally crowded, now only three figures were left.

Jingshang Zhiji who had just spat out therapeutic spray and was still recovering, had just killed a few Heiqi Yihu s and bitten Jingshang Zhiji.

"No, don't come over. I was wrong. Milord, please forgive me." It was a mask like a dog's, but he no longer had that ferocious and arrogant look. As Heiqi Yihu got closer, he even kneeled down and begged Heiqi Yihu to forgive him.

"You don't seem to know what you've done." Heiqi Yihu walked in front of the Kobold Chieftain, and used one foot to step on the ugly mask.

Under the virtual mask, a red light flashed violently, just like a person's heart that was beating at a rapid pace due to fear.

"AHH!" Miserable howls accompanied by fresh blood flew into the air.

Heiqi Yihu directly pulled off the other hand, which was immediately followed by the other hand. Although two hands could grow out, but during this period of time where he lost his hands, he would lose most of his fighting ability. In the void, he would only be reduced to a mere food, after all, the void was an existence that could devour each other, and he himself had eaten a void that had lost his fighting strength because of injuries.

"Yi Hu, don't be like this." Jingshang Zhiji had witnessed the entire process of Heiqi Yihu's explosion, so she was very clear of Heiqi Yihu's true strength. Although he was much stronger than her, it was definitely not this kind of natural chasm. Of course, if Heiqi Yihu were to become stronger, Wise Girl would be happy for him, but, the madness that flashed in Yi Hu's eyes, was the same as lying on the ground.

Maybe it was because of the Weaver's Cry, Heiqi Yihu stopped his hands that wanted to pull off the mask, but he suddenly became clear-headed, causing him to feel a sense of fear. Why did he become like that, intoxicated with the pleasure of killing, excited to the point of tearing his own body apart.

"Wenji, it's me." Heiqi Yihu turned around, and seeing that there was no fear in Jingshang Zhiji's eyes, only a deep sense of worry, he finally heaved a sigh of relief. If his previous actions had caused Jingshang Zhiji to become tired of her, she would have probably gone crazy. If that was the case, Heiqi Yihu would not be able to chase after her.

Seeing him leave, Heiqi Yihu immediately heaved a sigh of relief, the pain in his entire body made his brain throb, if not for him falling into that crazy state a moment ago, he would have been unable to move due to the pain, the power brought by the Psionic Pressure Burst was like a double-edged sword, injuring and injuring himself.

"Why hasn't Master come yet? Why is he so slow? Did he fall asleep after watching all this." Heiqi Yihu looked at the sky, the originally dark yellow sky had already darkened, but Qin Tianyu was still not there yet, and could not help but complain.

"Yi Hu, do you think Master is lost?" In his opinion, since he hadn't been home for such a long time, Qin Tianyu should have already come out to look for his. However, Qin Tianyu had the Mach X attribute, causing Qin Tianyu to disappear for a long time like an old man every time he went out.

"This kind of master is really unreliable." A resentful voice echoed in the silence.

"Yi Hu, Master can't possibly leave us behind. How can you say that to Master?" Weaver was unhappy with the questioning of Qin Tianyu, but Heiqi Yihu looked at his with an extremely puzzled expression.

"I didn't say that." Heiqi Yihu shook his head, following that, a sense of crisis rose from the bottom of his heart, the hairs on his back all stood up, and under the urge of being unable to move, Heiqi Yihu subconsciously rolled, and avoided the attack that could smash a large hole in the concrete. If the attack landed on him, he would probably become a pile of minced meat, and the fear of surviving the tribulation would make him feel a bit less painful, but he was immediately struck speechless by the monster's appearance before him.

A black shadow that was twice as big enveloped the trembling two of them.

"In that case, why don't you two come into my stomach?"

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