He was not here to study. On the road, Qin Tianyu had chatted about living quarters with Weigong Shilang, and when Qin Tianyu mentioned that his residence was not far from the house, Weigong Shilang was stunned for a moment, and then, kindly invited Qin Tianyu over to his house to be his guest. Qin Tianyu was startled.

After the lessons were over, Qin Tianyu headed straight for Wei Gong Jia, but there were too many people on the streets, so he could not run too fast, so he could only walk at his usual speed. By the time he reached Wei Gong Jia, the sky had already turned yellow.

"I am from the same school as Acropolis Palace Students. Because I live in a close relationship, I came to visit." Qin Tianyu indicated the fruits in his hand. Although he did not know about Japanese customs and practices, it should be possible for him to bring some fruits for his first visit.

"At this time, is it usually so late for the Acropolis Palace to come back?" Qin Tianyu drank the tea brewed by the purple-haired girl as the color of the outside world slowly faded.

"No, normally, this senior has already returned." The purple-haired girl also looked at the sky outside with suspicion. A bad premonition rose from the bottom of Qin Tianyu's heart, that feeling in the morning might very well not be an illusion.

"If that's the case, then I'll go to the school and look for it. Maybe I'll even be able to help out." Qin Tianyu placed the teacup on the table and stood up immediately. Although Weigong Shilang's accident had nothing to do with Qin Tianyu, but when he thought about the helpless figure he saw in his dream last night, Qin Tianyu did not want to put this matter aside.

"In that case, I'll go with Senior." The purple-haired girl looked at Qin Tianyu with a bit of worry, she was also a bit worried that Weigong Shilang would get up.

"No need, you still need to cook. Besides, nothing will happen." Qin Tianyu waved his hand, and after exiting the Wei Gong Jia, he did not head towards the school, but instead, walked towards his own home, if he was late, there would not be many people on the road, and Qin Tianyu could even use the darkness of the night to rush over.

The reason for that was because the Subordinate s that were summoned were extremely uncertain.

Qin Tianyu walked to his doorstep, where the steel door was left open. He walked to the main entrance and knocked on it but no one came to answer. At this time, Yun Binglou should not be leaving. Furthermore, Qin Tianyu reminded her to come and find him first when the situation turns bad.

BOOM! Just at this moment, a strong wave of magical energy came from afar, and this place happened to be the direction of Qin Tianyu's school.

"Don't tell me!?" Qin Tianyu's eyes slightly widened, and instantly rushed towards the direction of the school. Because he did not tell Yun Binglou that he would be visiting Weigong Shilang after school, Yun Binglou did not know where he was.

However, when Qin Tianyu rushed to the school, there was another scene as well. A red and blue figure were moving quickly on the field, and even Qin Tianyu could barely make out clearly the speed at which they were fighting. This speed was completely catching up to the speed of Heiqi Yihu's swastika.

"Who is it!" At this moment, the blue figure seemed to have discovered something and chased towards the side.

"That is, Yuan Banlin!?" Behind the red figure stood a girl with two black ponytails who looked like a daughter of gold. This girl was the other target that Qin Tianyu had considered previously, Yuan Banlin.

The other blue one, the one holding the red pike, should be the other Subordinate Lancer, namely the pike soldier. The one facing Lancer should be Yuan Banlin's Subordinate archer.

Not long after Lancer left, Yuan Banlin seemed to have said something to the archer to chase after him, while Yuan Banlin himself ran over.

Yuan Banlin's battle made Qin Tianyu confirm the progress of the situation, but Qin Tianyu did not plan to participate in it, although Weigong Shilang would experience death once, but since Yuan Banlin was there, Weigong Shilang would naturally not die easily, or in other words, Weigong Shilang's story had just begun.

Since he was sure that the one fighting was not Yun Binglou, then there was no need for Qin Tianyu to stay any longer. If he was discovered by Lancer, he would be treated as a passerby.

Due to various reasons, Qin Tianyu did not want to get involved with these people.

However, Qin Tianyu intentionally avoided trouble, and always came looking for him.

A figure appeared behind Qin Tianyu, or perhaps it should be two figures.

"You disappoint me too much, Yun Binglou."

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