The one who walked out from the shadows was a man with a murderous aura all over his body. Even Saber could not find any trace of him.

Qin Tianyu looked at the person opposite of him who was continuously ridiculing him, and his face had already become cold. There was no doubt that this person had a relationship with Yun Binglou, but this relationship was not between friends. It was very possible that the two of them had met each other in the previous world or in Destiny Space.

"Aiya, aiya, I don't look like I'm very fond of you. However, a sneak attack isn't something that you can do, Saber." Shi Cheng smirked and a dagger suddenly appeared in his hand, blocking Saber's attack.

"I hope you won't die too early, Yun Binglou." Just as she finished speaking, Shi Cheng suddenly turned into a pile of black fog and dissipated on the spot.

"Thank you." Qin Tianyu looked at Saber, who was walking towards him, and thanked him in his place.

"No worries, it's just that I'm not happy with him. Moreover." Saber glanced at Qin Tianyu's chest and did not say another word. Although it seemed like he didn't care about it at the time, it was clear that Saber had always taken the matter of him accidentally injuring Qin Tianyu to heart.

"Is that so? I also don't like this person, but I don't have the skills like Saber you do." Qin Tianyu shrugged his shoulders, revealing a helpless look.

"Your Excellency's strength is not limited to just that." It was obvious that he viewed Qin Tianyu as an existence equivalent to a heroic spirit. To be treated like this by Saber, Qin Tianyu could be said to have a lot of face.

"It seems like there aren't as many rats as I thought. Then, please protect Wei Gong Jun well." Qin Tianyu sensed the situation again, all the other spectators had also left the place, although he did not know if they would return, at least for now, all of them had already left.

"I won't let anyone hurt the scholar." There was a flash of determination in Saber's eyes. Knight King's oath was unquestionable.

"Really? Then if there's anything you need help with, come and find me. After all, I am a classmate and neighbor of the Wei Gong Jun, but a Knight. With Saber's strength, I don't think anyone can surpass you in touching the Wei Gong Jun. "

Qin Tianyu glanced at Yun Binglou. Her current state was a bit off, so Qin Tianyu did not plan to stay here for long, on one hand, he wanted to expose the person hiding in the darkness, and on the other hand, he also wanted to make more contact with Saber to brush up his presence.

"I will." Initially, Qin Tianyu had only casually said it, thinking that Saber was just being polite, or perhaps, he simply did not want to continue speaking. However, he did not expect the powerful Knight King would actually accept his help, was it because his strength was too mysterious in Saber's eyes, or was it because Weigong Shilang was too weak?

Qin Tianyu laughed, then turned and pulled Yun Binglou who was still in the midst of painful memory towards the other side. Saber looked at Qin Tianyu's figure from behind, his mouth moved as though he wanted to say something, but in the end he kept his mouth shut and closed his eyes, continuing to wait for Weigong Shilang and the rest to come out.

Qin Tianyu and Yun Binglou walked in the middle of the forest, with one in front and the other in back, both of them staying silent for a long time before Qin Tianyu spoke.

"Hey, girl, what happened to your past?"

"Ai!" Me. No. "What?" Ever since Yun Binglou saw Shi Cheng, her emotions started to become unstable, sometimes angry, sometimes sad.

"Idiot." "Little girl." Qin Tianyu suddenly stopped and turned around. Yun Binglou who was still in a daze did not notice this, and directly ran into Qin Tianyu's embrace, immediately becoming anxious.

But just as Yun Binglou was about to push Qin Tianyu away, a warm hand rested on her head. A sense of security that she had not felt for a long time instantly enveloped Yun Binglou's entire body.

Tears gushed out of Qin Tianyu's clothes. Looking at Yun Binglou who was in his embrace, Qin Tianyu could not help but be taken aback; his chest was also wet like this before, when would the purple-eyed girl with cropped short hair and the person he treasured, be able to see her again?

"What a fool. Ah! "Little girl." Qin Tianyu placed his hand on Yun Binglou's shoulder, comforting his petite body that was trembling non-stop.

"If you keep on crying, my clothes will get wet, little girl." Qin Tianyu looked at Yun Binglou who was gradually stopping his sobbing and could not help but laugh. This girl, she was truly just like a child.

"Me. No. I'm not crying. Humph. Also. "Don't call me lass!" Yun Binglou wiped her tears off Qin Tianyu's clothes fiercely and threw her head to the side.

"Really? Then I'll call you stupid girl." Qin Tianyu could not help but laugh, Yun Binglou opened her mouth, then turned her head with an angry look, Qin Tianyu was determined to tease Yun Binglou, continuing to refute would only make Qin Tianyu more interested.

But from start to finish, Yun Binglou had never brought up the past, and Qin Tianyu did not ask any further. There were some things, since the other party did not mention it, then it was better not to force it.

"Then, let's watch the battle between Heroic Spirits. You have to learn how to fight. After all, you still have to kill that smelly rat with your own hands. Girl."

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