Qin Tianyu's voice suddenly came from behind the cowboy, and at this time the cowboy realised that Qin Tianyu had already disappeared.

"It's time for you to be trampled to death, Bugs." The Soul Severing Knife in Qin Tianyu's hand directly passed through the cowboy's heart, and fresh blood spurted out from the wound. However, this was not the end, Qin Tianyu turned the blade edge, in order to prevent the cowboy from having any special method to recover, and completely minced his heart.

Normally, even if a Ranker had no special method, they would still die after being pierced through the heart, unless they were someone like Qin Tianyu, who possessed a overspeed regeneration, or an existence that could live even if their body was damaged.

"Strange, the heart is still alive even after it has been minced. After all, the heart is the fatal weakness. So, this kind of thing." Isn't it a bit of a hindrance to keep them? " Unexpectedly, the cowboy's words, even Qin Tianyu could not help but be shocked. Only a madman would say such words, but from the mouth of the cowboy, he did not feel the slightest bit out of place.

"Set up a teleportation barrier around my heart. Fortunately, you didn't cut off my head, otherwise, I would have been helpless even if I had a recovery bullet. After all, if I lost my head, it would be very troublesome." The cowboy raised his gun again, but before that, all the bullets had been replaced by the cowboy.

"Luo Te, this is my name, a bored cowboy. Although it doesn't mean anything, letting the opponent know who killed him before he died is the most basic of etiquette." The cowboy pulled the trigger again, a blue flame shot out from the muzzle of the gun. Qin Tianyu did not see any bullets shoot out, but in the next moment, a scream came from behind him.

"What?!" The toppling mountain crystal was still fine, but a wound had appeared on Yun Binglou's arm.

"Then, it's time to say goodbye, both of you." The cowboy smiled, his finger quickly pulling the trigger. At this moment, Qin Tianyu finally saw clearly, the bullets had directly appeared in front of him.

"Is this considered a spatial collapse?" Qin Tianyu removed the Mountain Crushing Crystal, and instantly appeared in front of Yun Binglou. However, even though Qin Tianyu was fast enough, he did not have enough time to clean up the bullet count.

Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft. The sound of the bullets pushing through his body sounded out. Qin Tianyu had actually pushed Yun Binglou away, and withstood the attacks from the bullets. Yun Binglou looked at Qin Tianyu with shock as she held onto her wound.

"Qin Tianyu, me." Yun Binglou stood up excitedly.

"Stop talking, let's go to the Acropolis Palace. I'll be there shortly." Qin Tianyu placed his finger on Yun Binglou's soft lips, telling her not to speak.

"Ah, what a touching drama. Do you think that I don't exist?" The cowboy picked his ears and raised the gun in his hand. A few more bursts of blue fire shot out. A few bullets appeared around Yun Binglou.

"A sneak attack from behind isn't something that a cowboy can do." This time, because the distance was closer, Qin Tianyu directly used the Soul Severing Knife to block the bullet. However, Qin Tianyu's face became completely cold, it was obvious that this cowboy had angered Qin Tianyu.

"As long as we can win, the methods and methods are no longer important, right?" Luo Te turned the gun, and the bullets that flew out fell out, following that, Luo Te kept the new bullets. As for where these bullets came from, even Qin Tianyu did not notice.

"The person who will die here today should be you." A black Qi swirled around Qin Tianyu's Soul Severing Knife. The black blade pieces seemed to blend together with the surroundings in the dark forest.

In the next moment, Qin Tianyu appeared beside Luo Te once again, the black Qi coiling around the Soul Severing Knife drew out a semicircle shaped slash.

"Cowboys only know how to stand and shoot from afar. Isn't it a little too traditional for you to understand something like that?" But this time, Luo Te did not let Qin Tianyu's blade strike his body, the revolver in his hand released a blue spark, following that, the sound of metal striking metal sounded out between the two of them.

Luo Te had actually deflected Qin Tianyu's Soul Severing Knife with a bullet.

"I don't dare to let a knife like you hit my body. This should be your starting point. The power of the god of death is really convenient, but unfortunately, I was not able to reach that world as often as I wanted. It's truly a pity." Rota shook her head and shot a few bullets at Qin Tianyu from several different directions.

"You know there's no effect in hitting me, so you want to blow your head off? Very smart, but, you're too naive, [flow chopping]!" Qin Tianyu dodged a bullet, following that, three Sword Qi erupted out with Qin Tianyu in the center, blocking all the bullets, and at the same time marking Luo Te's body with a meringue marker.

"What!" Seeing the symbol on his body, Luo Te shouted out in shock. Before Qin Tianyu could put his blade back into the sheath, he once again used the revolver on his waist to shoot at the place where he was marked. A green flame lit up, and the meringue marker disappeared.

"To be able to understand meringue marker, it seems that you understand this skill of mine very well." Qin Tianyu never thought that his opponent would actually know the crux of his technique and even have a way to deal with it.

"However, there are no more people who will stand in my way. I can kill you without any qualms." It was only the removal of one of the meringue marker s, so it did not affect Qin Tianyu in the slightest.

"That's right, only the two of us are left now, but …" Only one person will be able to leave this place alive. "

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