"What?" "Did you live to here?" Yun Binglou muttered, she suddenly felt pain in her heart, how had she been able to last until the very beginning, when she first arrived at this world.

It was also because of this that he had wasted all his time. Even though he had tried his best to train in the Destiny Space, there was no use in not going through life-and-death training.

"Cloud." Qin Tianyu saw that Yun Binglou had suddenly lost control of her emotions, and was prepared to help her up, but the moment Qin Tianyu's hand touched Yun Binglou, a blue image suddenly appeared behind her back, and an incomparable imposing aura pressed onto Qin Tianyu's body, actually restricting his movement in an instant, causing Qin Tianyu to be unable to move.

"Eh?!" After hearing Qin Tianyu's call, the image on Yun Binglou's back gradually faded, until it disappeared, and she had also recovered from the wave of memories.

"This is mine. Why. "Alright." Yun Binglou saw that Qin Tianyu was lying on the ground, and was confused, but just as she was about to stand up, she felt her head spinning, and a cold liquid flowed out of the corner of her eyes. She could not help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and she fainted.

Seeing Yun Binglou on the ground, whose seven orifices were bleeding, Qin Tianyu fell into a long period of silence. The injuries on Yun Binglou's body actually completely recovered in an instant.

"It seems that your luck is not the only reason you can live up to now, silly girl." Qin Tianyu sighed, luckily Yun Binglou was not clear-headed at the time, otherwise, it would have been too embarrassing if she had been seen.

Qin Tianyu wiped off the blood on Yun Binglou's face and then slowly walked in the direction of her home.

"Get up ~ bed, slob!" rubbed his eyes and sat up, a lady wearing an apron was sitting on his body.

"Hmm? Women. Hm?! Girl, why did you come to my room?! " Qin Tianyu immediately woke up, no wonder he felt something pressing on his body, he never thought that Yun Binglou would be sitting on his body, but this position and posture, it was really something.

"Hehe, what, could it be that you're interested in my loli body?" "What a freak." Yun Binglou covered her face and pretended to be shy, her body constantly twisting and turning. Because she was sitting down, she actually reacted under Qin Tianyu.

"You — this — wisdom! "Bang!" Qin Tianyu smashed his fist against Yun Binglou's head like a chestnut. He did not bother about Yun Binglou who was squatting at the corner as he put on his jacket and got off the bed.

"Hmm, this blanket?" After getting off the bed, Qin Tianyu realized that the room had changed for the worse. The junk that had been piled up had disappeared, and there was an extra blanket on the bed that he made up.

"I didn't expect you to be so capable, girl." Qin Tianyu looked at Yun Binglou who was squatting at the side drawing circles, and still couldn't help but praise him.

"Hey, hey, although I'm not as good as you in terms of fighting, but in the area of housework, I'm at the level of a grandmaster, hey." Yun Binglou immediately came back to life after hearing Qin Tianyu's praise.

"To think that he could be so arrogant." Qin Tianyu's mouth twitched. Yesterday, he was still looking like he was about to die, but he did not think that he would be revived immediately, causing Qin Tianyu to worry for a long time, but since Yun Binglou had this kind of energy, Qin Tianyu was naturally happy to see it. He did not care about Yun Binglou who looked like a rooster with her chest puffed out, Qin Tianyu pushed open the door and walked out.

"I won't let you down, Qin Tianyu. At least, I won't let you see my dejected look again. My initial hope and dream, I didn't think that you all would actually say the same thing." After Qin Tianyu left, Yun Binglou's face immediately looked as if she had become a different person as she looked at the door with a face full of gentleness and gentleness. What happened yesterday, even Qin Tianyu who was carrying her on his back, walked back slowly without using quick steps, was something that she knew very well.

On the surface, although Qin Tianyu always had a helpless expression towards Yun Binglou, and even always ridiculed her strength that was inconsistent with her experience, she was actually very concerned about Yun Binglou.

"He really is a considerate person."

Qin Tianyu looked out of the window. It was almost noon.

"We don't have much time left. It looks like we need to hurry." Qin Tianyu sat down at the dining table. Although he said that he had no time on his mouth, he was still slowly eating.

"Time is running out." After Yun Binglou tidied up Qin Tianyu's room, she sat down opposite of Qin Tianyu.

"The few people we met yesterday didn't have any servants by their side, but that doesn't mean that they didn't summon them. It's very likely that they came alone, so we have to hurry up and find the magic array." Qin Tianyu ate a mouthful of food and said with a relaxed expression.

"Eh? Isn't the number of natural selector s the same as the number of Rankers? Why are you in such a hurry? " Yun Binglou looked at Qin Tianyu with suspicion. Although she had anxiously sought for a magic array before, it was completely because she wanted to summon her servant earlier. She did not have the strength to do so, so if she did not have the protection of a servant, it was very possible that she would be killed by the other natural selector.

"Eh." Qin Tianyu's chopsticks suddenly stopped in midair. He almost forgot that Yun Binglou did not know about the matter of her being an outsider, Qin Tianyu's system and space were different, so even though Qin Tianyu and Yun Binglou had World Task s, she did not enjoy this benefit.

"Cough cough. I thought you had become smarter, but I didn't expect you to still be this stupid. Silly girl, do you really think that things will be as simple as you imagined?"

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