Qin Tianyu endured the pain in his heart and took out the pocket money he had earned and gave it to the staff at the front desk. The few of them went to the locker room. This caused Qin Tianyu, who had originally planned to have a feast for his eyes, to not help but lower his head in disappointment.

In the open-air bathing area, bathing in the hot spring together with Jingshang Zhiji, she could admire the other side of the well, which was hidden under her clothes.

"Didn't we say that we would take a bath together? Why did we end up here? What's the point of having a hot spring like this?" Qin Tianyu, who seemed to have lost his dream, stared expressionlessly ahead. This was a male bathing area, what oppai, what honest meeting, everything was f * cking bullshit. The most important thing was, it was actually just Heiqi Yihu and Qin Tianyu here.

"Ah, bastard, what are you doing? Don't you know that you'll turn stupid after beating the head?" Heiqi Yihu who was wrapped in the hot spring suddenly felt a sharp pain above his head, turning his head, Qin Tianyu who had a comfortable look on his face placed his hand on the shore, seeing Heiqi Yihu looking at him, he immediately revealed a look as though something had happened.

"Bastard, don't take others as fools. There's only the two of us in this hot spring, are you going to duel with us?" Heiqi Yihu was exasperated. He had obviously underestimated his own IQ.

"Oh, you've been discovered, huh. Seems like you've made quite a bit of progress, Yi Hu. Hahahaha." Qin Tianyu was startled, he scratched his head and laughed perfunctorily.

"Go to hell." Once again, he looked down on Heiqi Yihu's IQ. Heiqi Yihu could not hold it in anymore and threw a punch towards Qin Tianyu, but with Heiqi Yihu's speed, he was not able to hit Qin Tianyu. The punch struck the water surface of the water and exploded like a bomb.

"Oh, not bad. I haven't trained for a while, but my vitality has increased a bit. Is this the result of my body breaking down? It seems like that battle has brought you unexpected benefits." Feeling the power of Heiqi Yihu's fist, it was obvious that he had used it without using the white stroke, but his strength had already exceeded 10, which was clearly an increase after his injuries had healed. It seemed that not only could the Psionic Pressure Burst burden his body, it could also increase the strength and strength of his body, and so long as he controlled it well, it might become a reasonable training method.

However, Heiqi Yihu who had already made up his mind to fight with Qin Tianyu naturally could not care so much. In reality, this kind of thing would happen everyday, and Heiqi Yihu also treated it as a form of training himself.

Once again dodging the punch that flew past his ear, Qin Tianyu grabbed Heiqi Yihu's arm.

"Yi Hu, this is not my home, if you break something, I will have to compensate you. If I had to compensate you with the items, your ending would be very ugly." Qin Tianyu said to Heiqi Yihu jokingly, but when Heiqi Yihu heard the undeniable attitude behind his tone, he angrily sat back down in the hot spring with a sullen face.

Seeing Heiqi Yihu's displeased face, Qin Tianyu's depressed mood had improved a lot since he did not take a bath with Jingshang Zhiji. This was the so-called "I have to put my happiness on someone else's pain".

"When are you going to teach me Azure Dragon effluent?" After being silent for a while, Heiqi Yihu brought up the matter of the Azure Dragon effluent. It seemed that the injury on the well had dealt him a huge blow, even though the injury on the well was not as severe as he was, and had already been completely healed, this sense of defeat made Heiqi Yihu feel especially unreconciled. If Qin Tianyu had not come, what would have happened, he did not dare to think.

"Yi Hu, [Azure Dragon effluent] is not a simple move like you imagined. Although I had only used one move at that time, the power and momentum behind this strike was something that could not be accomplished by simply training. You have to understand that training is not just about a breakthrough in one's body, but also about one's mental state. Carefully feel out the concept of the Azure Dragon effluent, and carefully think of the difference between the way I used this move that day. This is what you need to do right now. " With that, Qin Tianyu closed his eyes and did not speak any further.

After listening to Qin Tianyu's words, Heiqi Yihu sank into deep thought. The Azure Dragon effluent, was indeed only one move, but before using this move, Qin Tianyu had actually done something similar.

The moment that punch was thrown out, it was like a calm surface of a lake that suddenly soared into the air, making people unable to defend against it. It was also like a carp desperately swaying its tail at the bottom of the water to provide strength for its body.

"Turned into a green dragon?" Heiqi Yihu carefully felt the aura Qin Tianyu gave off that day, then continuously associated himself with it. Unknowingly, he had fallen into an extremely wondrous realm.

"Ding! Heiqi Yihu has entered the state of Perception. Perception speed has increased by 50%. Current progress of [Inch Strength: Rock Break] is 10%."

The system notification came to Qin Tianyu's mind, causing him to open his eyes and look at the motionless Heiqi Yihu beside him. He did not expect that after being brought in from a novel, he could actually bring Heiqi Yihu into this state, which made Qin Tianyu extremely envious. If he wanted to enter this state, it would cost him two hundred disintegration energy crystal s, but the good thing was that he could enter this state anytime and anywhere during the effective time.

After looking at Heiqi Yihu with gratitude, Qin Tianyu finally set his gaze back on the wooden wall. It was this wooden wall that separated him and Jiu Ji, if only it could break through this wooden wall, but if it did that, he would be treated as a monster. The affability that he had painstakingly killed would also instantly turn to nothingness because of this.

However, if it was just a glance, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

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