"Since master said so." Gai Tiya put his hand down and turned into a spirit body state.

"So, not only was my home invaded, I was even threatened by someone?" As Yuan Banlin watched the dragon flames leave, he was already so angry that he was about to explode.

"This Suo Luomen should only be an individual who is about to be eliminated, but even so, the self-proclaimed 72 Demons, Suo Luomen, is not someone that we can look down on. He isn't too strong, and if it's a close combat, perhaps even I can kill him, but the strength of his Precious Artifacts and magic power is not to be underestimated." The archer frowned. That caster might be the strongest magician he had ever seen.

"Another Lord Imperial?" The archer was silent for a while before coming to a conclusion. In this kind of situation, the only explanation was that two Lord Imperial s actually appeared in Yuan Banlin's home.

"How funny, the two Lord Imperial s only greeted each other and then things were fine? archer, clean this place up, I'm sleepy, I'm going to rest. " Yuan Banlin stretched his body and then walked towards his room, but before that, he had set up a barrier around his house, since there was someone invading his house, Yuan Banlin was naturally not so relaxed that he would sleep peacefully without doing anything.

"Yes." The archer looked at Yuan Banlin who was walking far away with a stupefied expression. After he was summoned, he had done a lot of things, but this master had wasted a Incantation from the very beginning.

On the other side, Qin Tianyu still did not know that he had missed a battle.

"You're finally back, Qin Tianyu." A bullet brought along a hurricane as it rushed out of the room. Qin Tianyu dodged the bullet by turning his head to the side, but the door was actually shattered by the bullet.

"Tch, this door is very troublesome to fix, Luo Te." Black lines appeared on Qin Tianyu's forehead. This house was brought about by Jingshang Zhiji based on her identity, but ever since Qin Tianyu came to this world, he had not obtained any money, and previously, when he was at the Death God's World, he had spent most of his time in the state of being a spirit body. As a result, he did not spend much money, even during the time when he was in the Modern Realm, he had been under Jingshang Zhiji's care, and the money he used was Jing Shanghao's inheritance.

"If the gun went off, I am truly sorry, but as an apology, I will turn you into the same as that door, Qin Tianyu!" Luo Te's face was sinister, but his mouth was constantly ridiculing Qin Tianyu, as long as he thought of the heart-wrenching pain that would come from holding his arm, Luo Te would definitely want to eat Qin Tianyu alive. If Qin Tianyu was truly that easy to kill, Luo Te would not have his hand cut off by Qin Tianyu.

"Is that so?" Luo Te was startled for a moment, then he smiled widely, placing a fireball into the left wheel, and aimed the gun at the ground under Qin Tianyu's feet.

"This is really annoying. I really don't want to go to a place like the Infernal Realm." Qin Tianyu instantly pulled out his blade, a black Qi twining around the Soul Severing Knife, the incoming bullet was cut by the blade edge from the warhead, before it could even hit the floor, it turned into two halves and fell to the ground.

"Your blade technique is still as ruthless as ever." Luo Te was not surprised that his bullet had been cut.

"Oh? Are you prepared to give up? Well, even though I have to say that your decision was right, but …" Qin Tianyu's voice came to a sudden stop, after that he appeared in front of Luo Te, and thrusted the Soul Severing Knife in his hand straight towards Luo Te's chest.

"Before this, you broke my family's gate." It was impossible for Qin Tianyu to let go of Luo Te. Whether it was because the other party had once obstructed him, or because of the hatred formed from him cutting off a hand and chopping down his waist, Qin Tianyu would never let go of Luo Te.

"So you always thought I was alone? Qin Tianyu. " Luo Te pressed down the cowboy hat, and a bullet flew out from his back, passing by Luo Te and striking the Soul Severing Knife, although the bullet was immediately disintegrated by the black Qi, the impact still made Qin Tianyu's blade fly up.

"What!?" Qin Tianyu was startled, he did not expect there to be another person here, and a burst of intense pain came from his chest. Soon after the first bullet, there were two more bullets, and in the instant that Qin Tianyu's Soul Severing Knife was bounced off, it entered Qin Tianyu's chest.

was surprised that he did not hear the gunshots earlier. Logically speaking, with Qin Tianyu's reaction speed, he should have been able to react and dodge the bullet after hearing the gunshots.

However, Qin Tianyu did not hear a single sound. Even when the bullet hit Qin Tianyu, he did not hear a single sound.

Right after Qin Tianyu was shot in the chest, Luo Te immediately pulled out his spear and shot out, a bullet carrying a hurricane as it shot through.

A fist-sized hole shot out from Qin Tianyu's chest, and this time, at such a close distance, Qin Tianyu also did not hear a single thing.

"Aren't you puzzled? Come to think of it, this is a very normal thing. After all, I am a magic cowboy."

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