There were still some tears on Yun Binglou's face, but her eyes looked extremely determined. Qin Tianyu couldn't help but be stunned, he had only seen this kind of serious look from the very beginning, when he had first met Yun Binglou.

"Qin Tianyu, I will be in charge of protecting master. You don't need to worry about other things." Primer who was at the side also looked at Qin Tianyu with a serious face, even Modelaid who was at the side did the same.


"You. Is he an idiot?! " Yuan Banlin looked at Weigong Shilang who had come to school as if nothing had happened, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

"Hmph, what a fool." Yuan Banlin snorted coldly and walked towards his own classroom.

"Did I do anything?" Weigong Shilang scratched his head innocently, he did not know why Yuan Banlin would suddenly act like this.

The reason why he rejected Saber's visit this morning was because his magic power was too weak to allow Saber to enter the spirit body state. Thinking of Sister Teng and Tong Ying, who decided to stay the morning, the Acropolis Palace couldn't help but have a headache.

It couldn't be that he was angry because of this, but there were so many people in the school during the day, so even if master wanted to attack him, she wouldn't do it when there were so many people, right?

Weigong Shilang shook his head and walked towards the classroom, not noticing that there was a pair of eyes staring at him from the shadows.


"Hey, Qin Tianyu, are we just going to stay here? Even if something happens from that far away, we won't be able to see anything clearly. Furthermore, our server is not a archer, his vision isn't that far away after all." Yun Binglou sat on the edge of a tall building, her little feet swaying in the air.

"If you feel bored, you can go back." Qin Tianyu silently glanced at the complaining Yun Binglou. It was true that he could not see the scene in the school clearly, but the people in the school also did not know where he was. As for when that fellow would appear, Qin Tianyu naturally had a way to know.

If Qin Tianyu wanted to discover the whereabouts of a person, in a situation where he did not know their aura, he would naturally have to rely on his eyes to do so. However, if the person who appeared was a magician, he could still detect them with his perception of magic.

"You can see me?" Modelaid was startled for a moment, and then he pointed at himself, looking at Qin Tianyu in surprise.

"Is that strange?" Qin Tianyu looked at Modelaid strangely. Wasn't he standing in front of him alive and well?

"It's very strange, even a master can only sense the existence of a server in a spirit body. How could it be possible to see a server in a spirit body with just the naked eye?" rider was also surprised that Qin Tianyu could see a spirit body.

"So that's how it is. It seems that I've exposed my own strength. I'm really sorry. Please don't feel inferior. You are still very strong, compared to other servants and master." Qin Tianyu looked at the two of them with a comforting expression, causing the corner of their eyes to twitch uncontrollably.

"Alright, it's about time. That guy should be coming out soon. You guys should get ready. Maybe we'll be able to have a big fight soon." Just as the two were about to explode, Qin Tianyu's face suddenly changed as he looked towards the direction of the school.

"What?" Modelaid was stunned, he did not know why Qin Tianyu said that.

"Saber, there are some weak magic fluctuations in the school, because you can't feel it from too far away if you don't feel it carefully, but it is indeed the magic of a magician." At the side, actually discovered the magical fluctuation that even he did not notice.

"Mm, I know. Should we go over? If it's just one person, then we can kill him." Modelaid also felt a weak wave of magic, and immediately after, his figure appeared. He was still wearing the armor, but did not wear a helmet.

"Not only one person, it's two. The other one is very weak. It's time to leave school, so the school should be empty. That's why that master took action. As for that weak magic undulation, could it be!?" He seemed to have thought of something.

"That's right, those two are Weigong Shilang and Yuan Banlin. These two aren't our targets. The corner of Qin Tianyu's mouth raised, and then there were two other auras, different from Yuan Banlin and Weigong Shilang's ostentation, this person had concealed her auras extremely well, but unfortunately, this server was not an assulin, so no matter how hard she tried to hide, Qin Tianyu still found her.

"There are actually two more people. Since these two are hiding, then why are Yuan Banlin and his magic undulations so great?" Rider looked at Qin Tianyu with suspicion.

It is better to let you guys go and take a look. If you go, no matter how late you delay, you will miss out on a wonderful show, but, can you guys keep up with me, Small Mo?

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