He won't die here

It should be said that you, you who are fighting with all your might, you servants, are not just tools in the hands of magicians, but also objects that are used to fill the Holy Grail.

"Saber, you are a qualified king, I admire you very much. Although you have already rejected Ben Wang once, Ben Wang does not mind. As long as you nod your head, Ben Wang can kill all those who offended you and give you the Holy Grail." Gircamish propped her chin up with her hands and looked at Saber with a playful expression. Even if Saber did not nod in agreement, she would not let these people who wanted to offend her off.

"Gircamish?! It's the Hero King who has the largest treasure trove in the world! " Only then did Caster react and looked at Saber in panic. This Gircamish was obviously very interested in Saber.

"Caster, are you ignoring This King?" Gircamish looked at the caster, who was about to make a move, and revealed the golden ripple behind her.

The tip of the sword swiveled, aiming straight at Caster.

"Unexpectedly. They are all [B +] class Precious Artifacts! " Caster widened his eyes in shock. With so many Precious Artifacts, even if they had not reached [A] class, they would be able to instantly kill him.

"This King's treasury is not something you can imagine. Using a [B +] class Precious Artifacts to kill you is just because of This King's anger. You should just repent for your actions in hell." As Gircamish's voice fell, the Precious Artifacts flew towards the caster with a sonic boom.

"No!" As soon as the magic array was activated, it was immediately penetrated by Gircamish's Precious Artifacts.

All of the magic formations were shattered into pieces, and the surrounding space was sealed off by the Precious Artifacts.

However, death did not come as he had expected. There was no pain in his body. Instead, he felt warmth, especially from the person who held him. His aura made even the fear in Caster's heart calm down.

"Lord Yichang." "You." Fresh blood dripped down from Ge Muzongyilang's mouth.

"Gircamish, today, either you die or I die!" In her arms was Ge Muzongyilang's gradually weakening body. Tears streaked down Caster's face, and a gust of wind blew past, blowing her hat away, revealing her beautiful face and her long ears.

"Oh, is it an elf? "No, it's the witch. Medea, it's really interesting." Gircamish was also surprised when she saw the appearance of the caster, and then she looked at it with ridicule.

"Witch." If I can avenge you. I really want to. Yes. "Ah, witch." The expression on the caster's face suddenly became gentle, and gently caressed Ge Muzongyilang's face.

The magic fluctuations on his body became unstable, and even Lancer looked at him with a serious expression. If Caster had directly detonated himself, a large chunk of flesh wouldn't have been ripped off.

"Do you really think that using self-destruct can threaten This King?!" Gircamish stood up, and a few chains pierced through the void and bound Caster's four limbs.

"Go to hell." A calm voice came out of Gircamish's mouth. The golden spear came out from the surrounding golden ripple and pierced through Caster's body. Caster had no way to resist at all.

"Now, it's your turn, you guys. "Acrobatic cultivator!" Golden ripples appeared unceasingly, and almost a hundred Precious Artifacts emitted their own unique light, aimed at the three people left on the ground.

"For your stupidity, mourn, you scum." Gircamish once again glanced at the dead person's face, whose face was covered with gentleness. The anger in her heart grew even stronger, because the face of the caster, was obviously filled with satisfaction from being able to die together with the person she liked.

Gircamish, who felt that he had been tricked, naturally could not be happy, but Huan Shan, Luo Te and Lancer who was at his side were also affected.

"What are you doing here? Let's go!" Lancer was startled for a moment, and then immediately ran towards the door. However, he did not do it to escape, but to help Yun Binglou block the rain of Precious Artifacts s that were starting to move.

"Don't worry. You won't die here, and neither will the girl." Just then, a voice came out from behind Yun Binglou, followed by a black crescent moon that shot up into the sky, flying past the head of the Lancer, slicing the [A] class Precious Artifacts that was about to touch the Lancer in half.

"Path Binding Eighty-One: Sky Breaking!" Immediately after, a transparent barrier separated Lancer from the rain of Precious Artifacts.

"Qin Tianyu?!" Lancer looked at Qin Tianyu who had appeared in shock. Although he had not seen Qin Tianyu again since the exchange of pointers, he had more or less obtained some information about Qin Tianyu in the intelligence network.

"Yo, Lancer, thank you for saving my family's little girl. In return, I will naturally go back and save you. Now, take my family's little girl and leave. I hope you don't have any ill intentions towards her." Qin Tianyu looked at Lancer with a playful expression. Although this person was like a playboy, and had a casual appearance, Qin Tianyu still believed in Lancer's character.

"Qin Tianyu!" Gircamish looked at Qin Tianyu with a gloomy expression.

"Golden Flash, you sure are ambitious. You ran straight to the Willow Cave Temple after getting your hands on the Holy Grail." Qin Tianyu stood behind Broken Sky, watching the Precious Artifacts that continuously crashed into Broken Sky and then disappeared, and from time to time, an [A] class Precious Artifacts would smash onto Broken Sky, making a crack on it and Qin Tianyu would repair it.

"Luo Te." Taking advantage of the time between Qin Tianyu and Gircamish's confrontation, Huan Shan who was awkwardly dodging the attacks of the Precious Artifacts at the side exchanged glances with Luo Te.

Then, Luo Te casually crushed a crystal. Immediately, an ear-piercing noise like a nail scraping through glass resounded from the surroundings, and the spatial imprisonment around was shattered.

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