In Qin Tianyu's home, Yuan Banlin and Weigong Shilang both sat down uneasily on the table. Yi Liya had already placed them in Yun Binglou's room and peacefully fell asleep.

"Scholar, don't be anxious, with Qin Tianyu's strength, he should be fine. Even if he is injured, doesn't he have the ability to recover?" Although Yuan Banlin said this, he was actually very worried in his heart. After all, Qin Tianyu was just one person, if Willow Cave Temple only had Caster and Ge Muzongyilang, then Qin Tianyu should have already returned by now.

"Ice Dew?" Where's Qin Tianyu? " Yuan Banlin did not expect that the person who came in was Yun Binglou, but since it was Yun Binglou, it would explain why he was not affected by the enchantment, and probably came back with Qin Tianyu, or was saved by him, and had Qin Tianyu's things, to be able to come in.

"Master, what's wrong with him!" At this time, Modelaid who had been using his spirit form at the side also came out, and frowned in worry.

"Qin Tianyu is fine, he's lying on the back, let us leave first. As long as we bring Saber along, we'll be back soon. I think we'll be there soon as well." At that moment, a person wearing tight blue clothes walked in with a faint bloody aura on his back.

"Prider?!" "How did it become like this?" Modelaid cried out in shock. He wanted to go up to check on the rider's injuries, but Yuan Banlin had beaten him to it.

"She's heavily injured, and Yun Binglou's magic power is not enough to heal her, so she can't do it herself. Put her on the table, I should be able to treat her injuries a little." Yuan Banlin took out a gem from his pocket and placed it in front of rider. A ray of light emitted out from the gem, and wrapped around the gem, causing it to gradually heal under the radiance of the gem.

"This." "It can be considered useful." Yuan Banlin took out something. This was the therapeutic spray that Qin Tianyu had given his back then, but because there was nothing that he needed it for, Yuan Banlin did not know if the effects were actually the same as what Qin Tianyu said.

With a trace of suspicion and expectation, Yuan Banlin sprayed water onto Prider's wound. The wound was actually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was not even a scar left behind, it was so effective that even Lancer, who was standing at the side, widened his eyes in shock.

"Yuan Banlin, you are truly worthy of being a Great Sakai Family's magician. Not only do you have extremely high talent, you even have such a powerful magic tool." If not for his identity and the fact that the position in Yuan Banlin's heart had already been occupied, he really wanted to develop with Yuan Banlin. However, it was obvious that he did not have the chance.

Because …

"I'm back. What happened to the rider?" Qin Tianyu pushed open the door and walked in. Behind him was Saber, and when Saber walked in, he immediately saw Modelaid, and their gazes met, and an invisible spark flew in the air, but it was only for a split-second. The two of them were sensible people, and knew that this was not the time for them to settle their personal grudges.

"Rider is fine for now, but I didn't expect the thing you gave him to be so easy to use." Yuan Banlin waved the spray in his hand and looked at Qin Tianyu with a strange expression. He did not know how Qin Tianyu obtained all these things.

"Who do you think gave it to you? Qin Tian's products are definitely the best." Qin Tianyu looked at Yuan Banlin complacently, and then walked to the side of the Rider to observe him.

"Qin Tianyu, if you want to see my injuries, I won't say anything. But can you please show some respect! " By the side, Prider already had a good constitution as a server, so she was already awake. The moment she woke up, she saw a pair of colourful eyes looking around her body.

"Ah, I'm sorry, it was rider's figure that was so good, I couldn't hold it in for a while. Cough cough, you must be feeling better now. " Qin Tianyu never thought that the rider would wake up so quickly, and even realised his intentions.

"Be careful that I dig out your eyes and feed them to the dogs! But since you saved my master, I'll let you go for now. " Primer rolled his eyes at Qin Tianyu, and sat down on the table. His injuries had actually all healed, this speed was truly astonishing.

"Then, Lancer, do you want to join forces with us? Your master isn't just asking for your help, right?" Qin Tianyu set his gaze on Lancer who was standing at the side. He did not know what the fake Priest was planning, but that fellow was indeed troublesome to deal with. If possible, it would be best to get rid of him as soon as possible.

"I acted according to my own will, but my master did ask me to move around, and didn't tell me to go find trouble with Gircamish." Lancer said in a somewhat casual manner.

"I hope so. That guy is very unreliable, so you have to be careful not to get stabbed in the back, Lancer. "Also, there's not much time left. You have to decide whether or not you want to join hands with us to destroy the holy grail." Qin Tianyu's expression became serious, no longer as casual as before.

"I won't join you guys for now. Without master's order, I can't make my own decisions, but I can also make my own decisions based on the situation." After thinking for a while, Lancer gave Qin Tianyu an ambiguous answer.

"Even so, I still hope to see you on my side in the competition later on." Right now, the effect of Gircamish's annihilation had reached a certain point where she could engage in close combat. This was extremely disadvantageous for Qin Tianyu, but as long as he could be an ally, he still had a chance.

If the situation was even worse, Qin Tianyu would have to take both Huan Shan and Luo Te into consideration, and would even have to go find Wu Jian as a last resort. After all, it would not be as simple as just facing a single Gircamish at that time.

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