The moment Huan Shan's figure disappeared, the system's voice rang out in both their minds.

Qin Tianyu, I won't give you another chance, I want all of you to die here! "Su Yun said in a low voice. Just as Qin Tianyu was feeling conflicted about this, a voice came out from the black mud. Then, Wu Jian rushed out from the black mud.

"Miscalculation. Got it. The aftermath of the explosion destroyed the bottle. Cough cough. "Next, it's up to you." Wu Jian coughed out a mouthful of blood, his internal organs were all messed up, it was already considered a miracle that he did not die.

"Hahaha, after a period of time, the Holy Grail will be completed. Perhaps I should kill another person to hasten the production of the Holy Grail." A broken holy grail was floating above his head. Black mud was poured onto the holy grail, and then it started to flow down.

"Yu, in a while, I will use Excalibur again to destroy it. Help me block it." Altoria looked at Qin Tianyu with a serious expression, but there was a faint unwillingness to part from his eyes.

"Father, if we do this. You will disappear. " At this time, Modelaid rushed over, bit his lower lip, and looked at Altoria.

"Mo. Small Mo, I have to do this, this is my original duty. It's also for the same reason. " After he finished speaking, Altoria glanced at the distant Weigong Shilang and Qin Tianyu who was beside him.

"Don't worry, I won't let you disappear. If I can kill you, I naturally have a way to stop the Holy Grail." Qin Tianyu patted Altoria's shoulder. If he could kill them, then the Holy Grail could be recycled using the system. Then, the two sabers could leave together with him.

"But if you didn't kill him!" The corners of Modelaid's eyes were red as he looked at Qin Tianyu. This was not a fight, nor was it a spar.

"Don't worry, I won't die so easily. Moreover, you should be clear about my strength." Qin Tianyu gave a thumbs up, stepping in the air, he flew up to the sky.

Qin Tianyu, I'm afraid you might have forgotten, I know what you know, and I'm even stronger than you. Do you want to challenge me with your foolish confidence? Exterminate the Heavens sneered at Qin Tianyu.

"How can we know without trying?" Qin Tianyu waved his hand. The Collapse Blade that fell into the black mud after losing its hand in the explosion earlier spun as it cut through the air, returning to Qin Tianyu's hands.

"Is that what you're confident of? Interesting, then give it a try! Three Blades of Zero Degree! " This time, a bone blade with complex patterns actually appeared in his hand, as countless black crescent moons flew towards Qin Tianyu.

"[Sakura Chop] [flow chopping]!" Qin Tianyu slashed out six Sword Qis, stopping the six crescent moons in front of him. After which, he dodged and actually dodged the attack to the side of Annihilation.

"[Inch Strength: Mountain Crash]!" A black stream of water twined around Annihilation's hand, and suddenly exploded towards Qin Tianyu.

"[Inch Strength: Mountain Crash]!" "Ahhh!" Qin Tianyu's fist was wrapped with True Divine Spirit Qi, he was actually using the same type of attack to clash head on with Destruction's attack, and a sound that would make one's eardrums tremble could be heard from the point of collision.

"He actually caught it!" He was looking at Qin Tianyu with at least two times his own strength, but who would have thought that Qin Tianyu would actually be able to block it.

"You're borrowing the Holy Grail's power to raise your strength, so I have my own ways of doing so." Qin Tianyu's body erupted with a blood red aura, his eyes bloodshot.

"You've overdrawn your life force. You're simply courting death!" knew of this method, there was a method that could greatly increase one's strength in Sakura's book, and that was the skill.

"Sakura Sacrifice." The reason the cherry blossoms flourished was because there was a corpse buried under the tree, which used an overdraft of its life force to increase its strength. As a result, it would enter an extremely weak state after the battle.

"Also, as far as I know, you cannot use this secret skill. After all, you, who occupy the corpses of the dead, do not have life force. " Qin Tianyu looked at Annihilation with a face full of ridicule. This was what Qin Tianyu was confident in. Based on overdrawing one's life. Stupid.

"Even if you have increased your strength, so what? I have the tremendous magic power of the Holy Grail, so you still have to lower your head to me!" was enraged, he waved the bone blade in his hand and rushed forward.

"The moment your mind was in a mess, you already lost. The things you used, will eventually come to pass. It doesn't belong to you, Annihilate. " Qin Tianyu's eyes were red, overdrawing his life force was not easy, even though his power had become stronger, his body's sensitivity had increased by a hundred times to a thousand times.

During this period of time, the dead person's body would become extremely sensitive. Even a light touch would cause the senses to increase a thousand times over, and the pain within would no longer be described with words. Moreover, this pain could only be silently endured.

Qin Tianyu's burning of vitality was precisely in this state, where his senses were magnified. Although the rate of overdraft was extremely low, his body still became abnormally sensitive, and the benefit obtained from that was that his senses were magnified.

"Die!" The destructive attack had actually left a black mark in the air, but it was still easily avoided by Qin Tianyu. At the same time his body became more sensitive, Qin Tianyu's reaction speed also became stronger.

"What?" Su Yun's eyes widened. Logically speaking, his speed should have already far surpassed Qin Tianyu's.

"You should just die. The world of the living is not a place where you should stay." Qin Tianyu's expression turned cold, the Soul Severing Knife power slashed down, cutting off the hand that was about to be destroyed.

"The world of the living? Hehe, hahaha, Qin Tianyu, when did you learn to speak like a swindler too? Fine, I'll let you see with your own eyes how this world that is ruled by the living turned into hell! " There was no malevolence on his face. He actually threw the bone sword in his hand towards the Holy Grail. The bone sword penetrated the Holy Grail, and the originally broken Holy Grail immediately disintegrated.

"You actually dare!" Qin Tianyu immediately rushed over and placed the fragment of the Holy Grail back into the Collapse Space.

'Detected contaminated Holy Grail (Damaged), World Task has achieved B +, Beginning transformation now. Time required to convert: Two hours.' Right at this moment, the system's interface appeared in Qin Tianyu's mind. He didn't think that the mission would be completed so easily.

"Be careful!"

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