"Seriously, don't let me worry." Qin Tianyu sighed, kept the Soul Severing Knife and walked forward. With just one step, Qin Tianyu was no longer able to move.

"I said, take one more step and die." Yun Binglou's ice-cold tone reached Qin Tianyu's ears.

The Yun Binglou in front of his eyes no longer had a cute appearance from before, his height had unknowingly grown taller, and his chest had become even more cordial, especially his temperament, which was like that of a fairy. The moment Qin Tianyu saw him, he was actually stunned. However …

"smelly uncle." Yun Binglou's eyes flashed, with a trembling voice, it came out from her mouth, but in the next moment, ten ice blades pierced through Qin Tianyu's body.

"Since you don't know what's good for you, then I'll help you." A trace of anger could be seen in Yun Binglou's eyes as she spat out a mysterious syllable.

"AHH!" Qin Tianyu's entire body was in a tearing pain, with blood flowing out from his seven orifices, but even so, Qin Tianyu did not take a step back.

"Yu!" Altoria held his sword and rushed towards Yun Binglou, but midway, a few ice blades blocked Altoria's path.

"Bind!" Just by spitting out a single word, Altoria was locked in place by a firm ice prison. No matter how Altoria swung the sword in his hand, he wasn't able to destroy the cage.

"King Arthur!" Modelaid cried out in shock, then looked at Yun Binglou angrily, and thrusted the Emperor Sword in his hand towards Yun Binglou with astonishing power.

"Bind!" With another syllable, Modelaid immediately froze in mid air. Yun Binglou had actually frozen the space around him.

"If you take one more step, the two of them will die." Yun Binglou finally understood that no matter how much he threatened Qin Tianyu, Qin Tianyu would not stop his footsteps, because he knew that he would not kill him.

"It seems that I guessed right! Although I don't know who you are, can you return her body to her? As long as you can return her body to her, I can give you an even better body." heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Yun Binglou's words. She had obviously guessed correctly, if that was the case, as long as she exchanged the body that was identical to Yun Binglou's in the system, the matter would be resolved.

"Foolishness. If that can solve my problem, why wouldn't she do that? Other than this body, I have no other choice. Yun Binglou's eyes revealed a trace of sorrow.

"However, it's not like there's nothing we can do." Yun Binglou's mouth formed a smile, and then looked at Exterminate the Heavens who was on the other side, and walked over.

"If I can change the structure and civilization of a world, with my achievement of destroying the world, it's possible that I can make a request to the will of the world." Yun Binglou's eyes flashed with a blue light, causing the Annihilation beneath her feet to freeze into ice, and then, she stepped on Annihilation's body, unexpectedly turning her body into powder. Along with the wind, the powder scattered, revealing a small purplish black Holy Grail.

"How is that possible? Wasn't the Holy Grail destroyed?" Qin Tianyu and the others looked at the Holy Grail in Yun Binglou's hands in shock, they couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts. There was actually a Holy Grail in's body, so logically speaking, this kind of thing shouldn't happen, since the Holy Grail had already been destroyed, there shouldn't be two Holy Grail inside.

"Stop, Qin Tianjun, don't let her use that thing, or else. This world is over. " Weigong Shilang's face was filled with fear, that hell-like scene appeared once again in his mind. That scene, he did not want to see it a second time, that powerless feeling, he did not want to experience it a second time.

"Now. It's time for you to use my power. " Just then, a familiar voice sounded out in Weigong Shilang's mind, as if something had exploded in his mind.

"Scholar?" "What's wrong with you?" Yuan Banlin felt movement around him, and then he turned to look at Weigong Shilang, but in the next moment, including Altoria and the frozen Qin Tianyu, both of them revealed an expression of shock.

From the roots, Weigong Shilang's hair had gradually turned red, and his body had become more solid. The most obvious part was that there was an indistinct power in his body.

"Iamthebeoneofmysword." This is the bone of the sword)

steelismybody, andfireismyblood. Blood flowed like darksteel, and fire was blood.

Ihavecreatedoverathousandblades. The number of handmade swords has reached more than a thousand)

Unawareofloss. Norawarefgain. Do not know what I have lost)

Norawarefgain. I don't know what I got.)

Withstoodpaintocreatemann weapons, waitingforone 'salrival. (www.processtext.wistststoodpaintocreatemanyweapons, waitingforone' sarival.) Alone in this place, he had forged a sword on top of the Sword Hill.)

Ihavenoregrets, Thisistheonlypath. ( No regrets, this is the only way.)

Mywholelifewast unlimitedbladeworks. "This life shall be: Infinite Sword Creation."

Crack! A crack appeared beneath Weigong Shilang's feet, following that, the crack extended outwards like a spider web, countless of lights shot out from the crack. After the light faded, Qin Tianyu, Altoria and the rest recovered to look at what was happening.

The place where they were standing had actually turned into a pile of rubble. There were all sorts of weapons stuck in the rubble, and the huge gears in the sky were slowly spinning together.

"It's actually true. "The world." This was the first time Yun Binglou revealed a surprised expression.

"That's right. This is something I learned in order to make up for the guilt in my heart that I didn't save. It is something I specially learned to deal with you. The Infinite Sword World." It was not the Infinite Sword Art, and although it looked similar to Yuan Banlin's archer's intrinsic barrier, there was a fundamental difference.

Because this was a true world!

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